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Can you read this logo?!

[Oct 19,2006 8:29am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I got here late, my guess was "Walking Candace."
[Oct 19,2006 10:20am - yummy ""]
that tight pants comment was bittersweet
[Oct 27,2006 1:39pm - xanonymousx ""]
what about this logo?
[Oct 27,2006 1:56pm - HeavensJail ""]
I see "Ejaculating Into A Waffle Iron", but I could be wrong.
[Oct 27,2006 2:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Sewer Cross Legs? haha
[Oct 27,2006 2:22pm - pam ""]
HeavensJail said:I see "Ejaculating Into A Waffle Iron", but I could be wrong.

[Oct 27,2006 2:24pm - Lamp ""]
The first word is "Semen" and I see an S at the end and a couple C's in the middle but the middle word isn't cock.
[Oct 27,2006 2:55pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Oct 27,2006 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 27,2006 3:06pm - anonymous  ""]
Wanking The Cadaver?
[Oct 27,2006 3:32pm - xanonymousx ""]
don't eat moldey noodles or you will die from syphilis and or be'tes
[Dec 29,2006 2:00pm - anonymous  ""]
Noobs!!! Wow like that's going to get us anywhere. Waking the whatever is ALRIGHT. I found chased through the woods by a rapist catchy. The sound of the vocals is dry however. And the drummer needs practice

I'm trying to figure out what the beginning part says about murderers. <--is that even a word?
"some plan thier crimes _________ while others kill on impulse" Wtffff is that word!?
[Dec 29,2006 2:11pm - Dark_violinist ""]
anonymous said:Your All Fucking Gay If Your Hatin On Waking The Cadaver

They Will Make it Farther Than Your Band
They Are From Jersey and they Already Have A HUGE Fan Base Here[where i live] In Sactown


Is Sactown a real place or is that an inside joke?
[Dec 29,2006 2:13pm - Dwellingsickness ""]


Waking The Cadaver - Chased Through The Woods :bow:

Hilarious spoofs of their song
[Dec 29,2006 2:19pm - Dark_violinist ""]
xanonymousx said:To put an end to any confusion of our listeners, we are going to post this blog. We are a death metal band, which means our vocals consist of Guttural noise. These vocals are seeming to be confused with the term BREE. We wish for people to stop recognizing our vocals as BREE...especially those who do not know anything about death metal. (for example...BOYS that look like kelly osbourne) please stop calling our gutturals and pig squeals "bree".

-Thank you, Waking The Cadaver

All this time I thought "Bree" was a variation of the girls name Breigh.
[Dec 29,2006 2:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
anonymous said: "some plan their crimes _________ while others kill on impulse" Wtffff is that word!?

[Dec 29,2006 2:46pm - yummy ""]
the first spoof was pretty good.
[Dec 29,2006 4:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Those one handed rolls sound like complete ass.
[Dec 29,2006 4:23pm - Messerschmitt ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Those one handed rolls sound like complete ass.

holy shit, that's almost embarassing, and i don't even play drums.
[Jan 7,2007 12:03am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I take that back, I don't hear any cymbals in the background, so it's just a 2 handed god awful mess.
[Jan 7,2007 8:37pm - xanonymousx ""]

this baby knows whats up....
[Jan 7,2007 8:53pm - yummy ""]
i thought it was kinda cute
[Jan 7,2007 9:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jan 7,2007 9:20pm - yummy ""]
enjoyable, those never get old, well at least not to me
[Jan 7,2007 10:09pm - xanonymousx ""]
nothing to do with wtc but sorta odd
[Jan 7,2007 10:31pm - KeithMutiny ""]
wow that band sucks
[Feb 9,2007 9:55pm - ShelbyCannibal™  ""]
Waking The Cadaver
[Feb 9,2007 10:04pm - ClinicallyDead ""]
Holy god, this has to be the worst band i ever heard. Everyone here who has anything decent to say about them is anonymous. Thats how embarassing it is to actually like them.
[May 18,2008 12:48am - BYM Vox  ""]
all this talk about wtc makes me wonder if the logo actually says we came with broken teeth? if you havent heard them their decent experamental grindcore.-babykiller
[May 18,2008 3:22pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
We Came With Broken Teeth is on the same label as that Terminally Your Aborted Ghost band. And maaaaaaaaan do they suck. Their guitarist looks like Jim from Bridgeport.
[May 18,2008 3:23pm - blue ""]
yeah, they're horrible.
[May 19,2008 10:44am - immortal13 ""]
The Slamming Gore Groove part gives it away to me that it's Waking The Cadaver, plus I already knew the logo.
[May 19,2008 10:48am - brad weymouth  ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:We Came With Broken Teeth is on the same label as that Terminally Your Aborted Ghost band. And maaaaaaaaan do they suck. Their guitarist looks like Jim from Bridgeport.

that guy can REALLY wear a pair of slacks
[May 19,2008 10:52am - Mess ""]
everything about this screams negrotic
[May 19,2008 10:54am - brad weymouth  ""]

Mess said:everything about this screams negrotic

i think you mean niggatronic. either that or i'm baked.....so hows things Mr Mess?
[May 19,2008 11:11am - Mess ""]
shitty, i need a job!
a blow job!
[May 19,2008 11:49am - brad weymouth  ""]

Mess said:shitty, i need a job!
a blow job!

try finding a job from 1200 miles away!

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