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New USBM band: Nightbringer (FMP)

[Mar 28,2005 2:45pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
USBM has really come out with some quality stuff lately. Nightbringer from Colorado is a band that caught my attention off of their mp3. Really sinister and original Occult black metal. SUPPORT TRUE USBM, SUPPORT THE WAR AGAINST MIDDLE EASTERN RELIGIONS!!!! Sample mp3
[Mar 28,2005 3:03pm - gorgish  ""]
no thanks dude
[Mar 28,2005 3:13pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]

Nightbringer at The Gathering of Shadows Fest
[Mar 28,2005 3:26pm - Abbath ""]
that song is great, website?
[Mar 28,2005 3:29pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
http://fmp666.com is their record label. Not sure if they have a band site. I am trying to book them at the Bombshelter but no one gets back to me.
[Mar 28,2005 3:31pm - litacore ""]
that is a big cudgel
[Mar 28,2005 3:33pm - DreamingInExile ""]
litacore said:that is a big cudgel

looks like he's ready to pwn Jesus with it too...
[Mar 28,2005 4:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Is that show out in the woods? Hahaha that fucking rules
[Mar 28,2005 4:12pm - DreamingInExile ""]
if that's the case, then that's very grim and nekro :satancross:
[Mar 28,2005 5:23pm - Todd_Bombshelter NLI  ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:http://fmp666.com is their record label. Not sure if they have a band site. I am trying to book them at the Bombshelter but no one gets back to me.

I am working on it dude,You should come down some night and talk to Serge in person,Otherwise it is second person and he gets the info from me and forgets about it or don't remember it til weeks later,He is on vacation now for a couple weeks , If I cant get him to act on it when he returns, Is there a # where he or myself can reach you do discuss it?? that would be alot easier i would think.
[Mar 28,2005 5:33pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Todd_Bombshelter NLI said:coldnorthernvengeance said:http://fmp666.com is their record label. Not sure if they have a band site. I am trying to book them at the Bombshelter but no one gets back to me.

I am working on it dude,You should come down some night and talk to Serge in person,Otherwise it is second person and he gets the info from me and forgets about it or don't remember it til weeks later,He is on vacation now for a couple weeks , If I cant get him to act on it when he returns, Is there a # where he or myself can reach you do discuss it?? that would be alot easier i would think.

Sounds good to me man. I'll send you an email with the phone number.
[Apr 5,2005 12:38am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[Apr 5,2005 10:31pm - kyledoes ""]
this band is fucking awesome!!
[Apr 5,2005 10:38pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
i love the corpse paint
now i want to drink lambs blood
[Apr 5,2005 10:39pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]

this makes me want to kill you
[Apr 5,2005 11:20pm - metalmatt666 ""]
i liked it tell me when they got a website up and going
[Apr 6,2005 12:00am - hoser ""]
Hahahaha......I'd like to see you try that Slow flesh dude. It would be interesting to see CNV eat your head. Stop being such a whiny liberal pussy.
[Apr 6,2005 12:10am - hoser ""]
Paul......have you heard this yet??? Because if you haven't, I strongly suggest that you give this tune a listen. These guys fucking rule.


They are definitely minimalist, but pretty amazing nonetheless.
[Apr 6,2005 12:13am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I played them tonight, Velvet Cacoon are incredible.

I'm still obsessed with Eikenskaden's latest, 665.999. Samples here
[Apr 6,2005 12:50am - Aegathis ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:USBM has really come out with some quality stuff lately. Nightbringer from Colorado is a band that caught my attention off of their mp3. Really sinister and original Occult black metal. SUPPORT TRUE USBM, SUPPORT THE WAR AGAINST MIDDLE EASTERN RELIGIONS!!!! Sample mp3

Think i heard the gravity blast in there
[Apr 6,2005 12:51am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:coldnorthernvengeance said:SUPPORT TRUE USBM, SUPPORT THE WAR AGAINST MIDDLE EASTERN RELIGIONS!!!!

this makes me want to kill you

I am trembling with fear... Come and get me queer bait.

[Apr 6,2005 12:52am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
hoser said:Paul......have you heard this yet??? Because if you haven't, I strongly suggest that you give this tune a listen. These guys fucking rule.


They are definitely minimalist, but pretty amazing nonetheless.

Definately awesome.

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