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Not to be forgetting, please....

[Mar 31,2005 8:42am - norwellbob ""]

Come to Coyote tonight, and I'll even give you a copy of this on PAPER. It's too good to be true.

Also, how do you guys like the new Gunmen logo? Still getting acquainted with Photoshop, so constructive criticism is welcome.

[Apr 7,2005 12:03pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
This needs a bump
[Apr 7,2005 12:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i didnt think they were gonna let another show happen there
[Apr 7,2005 12:09pm - tbone_r ""]
one of my best friends brother is in the villains. i havent heard them though, any good?
[Apr 7,2005 12:16pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
KeithMutiny said:i didnt think they were gonna let another show happen there

Reading comprehension Keith :spineyes:
[Apr 7,2005 12:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im retarded, i say coyote ugly in the post, never looked at the flyer... ok im a moron, just did a quick breeze
[Apr 7,2005 3:37pm - SuperFly ""]
yes you are RETARDED, HA!
[Apr 7,2005 4:21pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thanks, BUDDY, if i go to this show you guys better bring gifts, my birthdays that weekend
[Apr 7,2005 4:34pm - SuperFly ""]
I got your gift right here...................................................BUDDY!
[Apr 7,2005 5:02pm - SuperFly ""]
If you show up, I'll buy you a drink.
[Apr 7,2005 5:03pm - SuperFly ""]
If you show up, I'll buy you a drink.
[Apr 7,2005 5:05pm - SuperFly ""]
I have no idea why that printed twice.
And that doesn't mean I will buy you 2 drinks either.
[Apr 8,2005 5:17pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Print this thread out and receive 2 beers courtesy of Jeff!
[Apr 8,2005 7:41pm - KeithMutiny ""]
if i print it twice do i get 4 beers courtesy of jeff?
[Apr 8,2005 7:56pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
No, then you get 2 and I get 2.
[Apr 8,2005 8:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
what if we each print 2? can we just keep multiplying? cause ill go buy some ink right now
[Apr 11,2005 8:00am - SuperFly ""]
you can both blow me!
[Apr 11,2005 8:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
SuperFly said:you can both blow me!

are you trying to get them drunk for sex?
[Apr 11,2005 8:02am - norwellbob ""]
Drinks for blowjobs? That's so 1980's.

I love it.

Sign me up... draughts at O'Brien's are only a buck for the bands... a blowjob will usually cost me a kitchen or new windows or something.

Broads only need apply.
[Apr 18,2005 7:47am - SuperFly ""]
six more days!
[Apr 18,2005 10:56am - BestialOnslaught ""]
SuperFly said:six more days!

[Apr 18,2005 11:01am - norwellbob ""]
Wow, some club is having Homo Night on a Sunday? The Catholic Church must be going nuts!

BestialOnslaught said:


[Apr 19,2005 10:23am - SuperFly ""]
[Apr 20,2005 7:53am - SuperFly ""]
[Apr 21,2005 8:00am - SuperFly ""]
[Apr 21,2005 1:04pm - norwellbob ""]
This may be our last gig for a little while, too... unless something particularly compelling comes up in the meantime.
[Apr 22,2005 7:41am - SuperFly ""]
[Apr 22,2005 7:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am off for the weekend, have fun boys and girls!
[Apr 23,2005 12:59pm - norwellbob ""]

The Old Men
The Gunmen
Red Invasion
The Villains

In this age of childhood obesity, I don't see how you can afford NOT to attend this show.

And buy us beer.
[Apr 23,2005 7:05pm - Mary ""]
Great. Another bullshit show that I have to babysit for. Gunmen= derr
[Apr 23,2005 8:11pm - norwellbob ""]
(Biting tongue until after the show....)

Mary said:Great. Another bullshit show that I have to babysit for. Gunmen= derr

[Apr 24,2005 12:18pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
fuck king diamond, this is where it's at
[Apr 24,2005 2:45pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Ben, are you going?

Bob, when do you guys and the Old Men go on?
[Apr 24,2005 3:57pm - norwellbob ""]
figure things will get rolling around 9... old men, us, red invasion, villains
[Apr 24,2005 6:54pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i'll be god damned if shit doesnt always fall through on me.

i was gonna go with johnny h. but he has no cash/gas and here i am with no ride.

not that any of you will see this, as you have probably already left
[Apr 24,2005 7:00pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
KillerKadoogan said:i'll be god damned if shit doesnt always fall through on me.

i was gonna go with johnny h. but he has no cash/gas and here i am with no ride.

not that any of you will see this, as you have probably already left

Fuck. well that sucks.

[Apr 24,2005 7:03pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
it certainly does
[Apr 25,2005 1:41pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Best times I've seen the old men and Gunmen so far. Killer.
[Apr 25,2005 1:48pm - paganmegan ""]
I suck for not making it to this show
[Apr 25,2005 1:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I wish I had known the Old Men were playing first. I missed their set.
Put the bands in the right order on the flyer next time please.
[Apr 25,2005 2:26pm - norwellbob ""]

No, really, the order kinda wasn't even set until last night, Red Invasion and the Villains were going back and forth about who was going 3rd.

Perhaps there won't BE a next time..... (key organ music).

Josh_Martin said:I wish I had known the Old Men were playing first. I missed their set.
Put the bands in the right order on the flyer next time please.

[Apr 25,2005 3:49pm - Bradness ""]
norwellbob said:
Perhaps there won't BE a next time..... (key organ music).

oh, Stop being so fucking dramatic. I need a break from your flaming gayness. We'll return when we have the cd done.

[Apr 25,2005 3:55pm - norwellbob ""]
*IF* we get the CD done....

oh, Stop being so fucking dramatic. I need a break from your flaming gayness. We'll return when we have the cd done.

[Apr 26,2005 7:56am - SuperFly ""]
despite the small turn out a good drunken time was had by the old/gunmen. sorry I couldn't get you in josh, glad to see you made it home alright. hey 'lil ben the video camera is still waiting for you to tape the show, you 'lil shit. I'm still trying to figure what I'm going to do with the two bucks I got paid for playing. haha!
[Apr 26,2005 9:06am - KillerKadoogan ""]
my sincerest apologies, jeff.

blame john.
[Apr 26,2005 9:12am - SuperFly ""]
not a problem, just busting ya chops.
[Apr 26,2005 9:25am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i figured as much, i just wouldnt want to end up in a situation like in clockwork orange with a bunch of old guys beating me up
[Apr 26,2005 9:34am - SuperFly ""]
hahaha, you just may end up there anyway.
[Apr 26,2005 9:46am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Apr 26,2005 10:22am - Josh_Martin ""]
SuperFly said:despite the small turn out a good drunken time was had by the old/gunmen. sorry I couldn't get you in josh, glad to see you made it home alright.

I got in, I was trying to get my friend in too. We just happened to be in the area so we stopped by. But we had a total of 75 cents between the two of us. He was even more out of it than I was though so it was all good. I left him passed out in the parking lot where everyone goes to smoke up. Later, I was out on the patio and I half-climbed the fence so I could look over and make sure he was still allright and that cunt bartender and some other cunt with glasses started screaming at me for climbing the fence. I think they got even madder when I didn't care.

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