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Rttp...did you notice?

[Mar 27,2008 7:29am - sxealex ""]
right this is understandable... ur saying charge whatever you want to the paypal address with a note or something? yea I guess thats doable....
[Mar 27,2008 10:23am - the_reverend ""]
looking at the first day of clicks and stuff would make me totally want to keep them. I doubt that that day would be indicative of what otherdays would be like.
[Mar 27,2008 3:27pm - succubus ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
1) I have Google Ad Block as a firefox plug in, so I couldn't see these even if I wanted to

2) I totally agree to sell merch or accept donation

3) I still think a LIVE FROM RTTP disc set would be sick merch, I'd buy it.
[Mar 27,2008 3:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
What if you sold your own brand of soda or something?
[Mar 27,2008 3:54pm - PiresNLI  ""]
if i click these more than once do you still get moneyz? or does it remember your IP address or something? i'm down for sitting here for 20 mins or so at work and just clicking the shit out of these things...

p.s. how much do you get per click? is it like $.10 or something?
[Mar 27,2008 3:54pm - Niccolai ""]
If you ever got around to making more RTTP shirts and hoodies people would buy them.
[Mar 27,2008 3:56pm - PiresNLI  ""]

Niccolai said:If you ever got around to making more RTTP shirts and hoodies people would buy them.

agreed...my ample and "full" body won't fit in a large...
[Mar 27,2008 6:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to get on my friend about getting a design... I just keep pulling it off.
[Mar 27,2008 6:16pm - succubus ""]
every day counts...
[Mar 27,2008 6:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I just saw an ad for this band: http://www.myspace.com/dissociation
they are pretty decent!
[Mar 28,2008 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 28,2008 4:40pm - Seth  ""]
Think of the mileage, photos, time, radio and exposure this man puts for all kinds of bands for FREEEEEE. This man should be the sexiest, richiest and most popular man on earth. He should be on the time, peopel, cosmopolitan magazines. All of this for what...no money in return!! He just gives and gives.. All should hail him and bow to him.... My hats off to you Rev for all you do and have done for my bands and times. Very much appreciated and wish you only good things!! Later...
[Mar 28,2008 4:43pm - the_reverend ""]
awe.. thnx.
I hope that you still post/keep in touch from aussie.
And collaborate online with people here.

that is before you join psychrist, but they have to get back together. damn it.
[Mar 29,2008 10:05am - the_reverend ""]
if yesterday is how most normal days are.. I don't think it's worth it.
we'll see.
[Mar 29,2008 11:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hey Rev, you should try this:

Google Ads
Maximize revenue with targeted ads. Try Google advertising programs.

I just saw that on a really cool website.
[Mar 31,2008 8:53am - succubus ""]
UP...do it every day people EVERY DAY
if you really care and want to help
[Mar 31,2008 10:10am - sinistas ""]
Apparently I have the google stuff adblocked. IE for me, I guess.
[Mar 31,2008 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
it's funny that with just a couple clicks from people how much it really helps... just for a click.
sometimes just for one click, I get $.03 and other times $.38. not sure why/what is the difference. but I appreciate people who can click@!
[Mar 31,2008 10:40am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i've been clicking a lot. there's one down there right now that is a "work at home" scheme that warns you to avoid "work at home" schemes
[Mar 31,2008 11:02am - ellesarusrex ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:
the_reverend said:MSD: you do use text? good. I was wondering if you did from your phone.

yupyup. Fuck browsing full websites with mobile IE. Plus full sites are slow as hell.

text.returntothepit.com = win.

i mostly use text version on my blackberry as well. i can probably click google adds for days during my sleep deprivation and help you out a bit.
[Mar 31,2008 8:21pm - succubus ""]
click click click
[Mar 31,2008 8:36pm - succubus ""]
post if you click..c'mon
[Mar 31,2008 8:56pm - succubus ""]
click if you care
[Mar 31,2008 9:42pm - succubus ""]

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