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Nine Inch Nails

Orpheum (Boston, Ma) - [nine_inch_nails][randomshots]
[May 10,2005 1:49pm - blub  ""]
Anyone going to anyone of the many eastcoast club shows???
[May 10,2005 1:51pm - davefromthegrave ""]
No. Nobody is going at all. When you arrive it'll be just you all alone in the venue with the band playing.
[May 10,2005 1:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i wish !
[May 10,2005 1:51pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I too goth for manray.
[May 10,2005 1:53pm - todayistheday  ""]
orpheum sucks..its got seats ...dont know why they picked that place
[May 10,2005 2:00pm - ~Carina~  ""]
orpheum is a cool place
tickets are like $70 plus ticketmaster charges...ridiculous

i was suppsoed to shoot it and then i was told they removed all photo passes .... i sent an email again for an update...but doubt it...
[May 10,2005 2:20pm - blue nli  ""]
here is comes........

[May 10,2005 2:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Thank you -- someone needed to state the obvious.
[May 10,2005 9:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
With the teeth-ahhhhh
[May 11,2005 5:15pm - silky ""]
they're just a poor man's skinny puppy.
[May 11,2005 5:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I would have gone...
but no one replied to me about photopasses...
so I no go.
sucks cause I've liked them for a long time, saw them 3 (94,95,02) times.
[May 11,2005 5:18pm - succubus ""]
well i got answers but looks like there are no photo passes
[May 11,2005 5:22pm - mOe_rk ""]
i hate this damn band...and its not like an "i used to like them before i grew up/they releeased that album that sucked" hate...its a bottom of my soul hatred...this band sucks
[May 11,2005 5:22pm - Hooker nli  ""]
I hate them. Always have.
[May 11,2005 5:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i enjoy their music, i also enjoy coldplay, stevie wonder and bjork.
[May 11,2005 5:37pm - succubus ""]
to the haters to eah their own...you probably like shitty bands anyhow =)
[May 11,2005 5:38pm - Hooker nli  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i enjoy their music, i also enjoy coldplay, stevie wonder and bjork.

You.. uh... you want a medal?
[May 11,2005 5:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Hooker nli said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:i enjoy their music, i also enjoy coldplay, stevie wonder and bjork.

You.. uh... you want a medal?

yeah i fucking want one, you got one. let's go, make with the medal.
[May 11,2005 5:54pm - powerkok ""]
I must admit to liking bjork.

The nin song in nbk is cool, but I think its cuz I associate it with the movie too much.
[May 11,2005 5:57pm - Hooker nli  ""]
[May 11,2005 5:58pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
a soccer medal, come on man.....i was hoping for at least best attendance !
[May 11,2005 6:16pm - dreadkill ""]
i've never been a fan of nine inch nails, but i don't really despise them either. i do think they are one of the most overrated bands ever though.
[May 11,2005 6:20pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I liked Nine Inch Nails better when I bought Further Down the Spiral at a yard sale and found Tom Waits' "Bone Machine" in the case instead.
[May 11,2005 6:24pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I liked Nine Inch Nails better when I bought Further Down the Spiral at a yard sale and found Tom Waits' "Bone Machine" in the case instead.

score !
[May 11,2005 6:25pm - powerkok ""]
I wear my sunglasses at night, cuz im on coke, tom waits?
[May 11,2005 6:28pm - dan.  ""]
nine inch nails are NOT the poor mans skinny puppy. they sound nothing alike. nine inch nails suck. they havent been good since 1992. trent reznor IS the poor man's martin atkins, but i mean hes been sucking him off since the mid 80s.
[May 11,2005 7:41pm - Lynne too lazy  ""]
i would have liked to go to see The Dresden Dolls
[May 11,2005 8:02pm - succubus ""]

[May 11,2005 9:32pm - succubus ""]
ok so i just heard back..

looks like i'm on the guest list with 2 tickets and a photo pass!
so aaron and i are gonna go..friday night!
[May 11,2005 9:45pm - THE_REVEREND ""]
[May 11,2005 9:47pm - succubus ""]
i'm gonna get to use the D2X!
[May 11,2005 9:59pm - Lynne too lazy  ""]
if aaron gets sick or something and u need someone to go with ;)
[May 11,2005 10:12pm - succubus ""]
it's funny soo many people IM'ed and emailed me to see if i had extra tix
and i kept saying if i get tickets..it will probably be 1...but i doubted getting anything because they were not doing photo passes then they let me know a little while ago...not that i'm complaining
[May 12,2005 1:53am - poopsmcgee ""]
im going to the hammerstein show on sunday
[May 12,2005 8:23am - ~Carina~  ""]
i'm faxing over my signed photo release now!
[May 12,2005 2:32pm - blub  ""]
the show should be good. cant usually see them any where except for arenas.
[May 12,2005 4:15pm - moran ""]
They were better when their name was Ministry.
[May 12,2005 4:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
moran said:They were better when their name was Ministry.

don't you mean 10,000 homo dj's or revolting cocks !
[May 12,2005 4:22pm - moran ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:moran said:They were better when their name was Ministry.

don't you mean 10,000 homo dj's or revolting cocks !

No, I mean Ministry.
[May 12,2005 4:23pm - dan.  ""]
ha, true
[May 12,2005 4:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
moran said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:moran said:They were better when their name was Ministry.

don't you mean 10,000 homo dj's or revolting cocks !

No, I mean Ministry.

so you weren't referring to those other bands.
[May 12,2005 4:27pm - dan.  ""]
pretty hate machine is the biggest twitch rip in the history of industrial music, which says ALOT
[May 12,2005 4:34pm - moran ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:moran said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:moran said:They were better when their name was Ministry.

don't you mean 10,000 homo dj's or revolting cocks !

No, I mean Ministry.

so you weren't referring to those other bands.

No, I was not. I was definately referring to Al Jorgensen's Ministry.
[May 12,2005 4:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
moran said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:moran said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:moran said:They were better when their name was Ministry.

don't you mean 10,000 homo dj's or revolting cocks !

No, I mean Ministry.

so you weren't referring to those other bands.

No, I was not. I was definately referring to Al Jorgensen's Ministry.

not Al Jorgensen's 10,000 homo dj's w/trent reznor or Al Jorgensen's Revolting Cocks w/trent reznor

you know what i really miss, is Lard. now that was a good band
[May 12,2005 4:38pm - dan.  ""]
1. trent reznor was never actually in revco
2. thats not trents voice in 1000 homo djs
[May 12,2005 4:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dan. said:1. trent reznor was never actually in revco
2. thats not trents voice in 1000 homo djs

check your liner notes, they did different version of 10,000 homo dj's one w/ Al singing and the other w/ Reznor.

and he still played live with the Revolting Cocks so i count him as part of the band. unless you're saying people who don't play on a record but live aren't part of a band.
[May 12,2005 4:43pm - dan.  ""]
uhh he toured with them in 1991 for like 10 shows, i guess if anyone who plays shows with a band is in the band, that changes alot of things.

trent reznor didnt sing any of the 1000 homo dj songs. there are 4, 2 were written by al and were going to be a part of land of rape and honey but never made the cut.
the other song is a spoken word which is read by a cop.
the song you are referring to is supernaut and the version with trents vocals were never released.
[May 12,2005 4:45pm - dan.  ""]
actually, thats a lie. it was released on a wax trax box set which i dont own so i cant confirm.
[May 12,2005 4:46pm - dan.  ""]
pop quiz: who was the cop who read the spoken word part?

martin atkins

i win industrial trivia for today!
[May 12,2005 4:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dan. said:uhh he toured with them in 1991 for like 10 shows, i guess if anyone who plays shows with a band is in the band, that changes alot of things.

trent reznor didnt sing any of the 1000 homo dj songs. there are 4, 2 were written by al and were going to be a part of land of rape and honey but never made the cut.
the other song is a spoken word which is read by a cop.
the song you are referring to is supernaut and the version with trents vocals were never released.

nope supernaut is only one of the songs on there, and he's def singing on more then one track. i still refer to him as being in revolting cocks.

but i've moved on to Lard now

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