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Worlds (Gainesville, FL grind, ex-Assuck, current Asshole Parade)

[May 18,2009 7:32pm - Lamp ""]
So I saw this band last night in Raleigh and their set was a volcanic eruption of pure grinding noise. Check it out.

[May 18,2009 7:53pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
listen to more grateful dead
[May 18,2009 7:57pm - reimroc ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:listen to more grateful dead

everyone should do this.
[May 18,2009 7:57pm - reimroc ""]
ps: thanks for the heads up lamp
[May 18,2009 7:57pm - RustyPS ""]
fucking hippies
[May 18,2009 8:05pm - reimroc ""]
fucking rustys

[May 18,2009 8:12pm - RustyPS ""]
i'rm soooooo ronery

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