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Jude Law has a small pee pee

[Aug 17,2005 9:04pm - succubus ""]
"That was the surprise reaction of unimpressed female media types who got a sneak peek at full-frontal nude shots of Jude Law that are being shopped to the tabloids.

In snapshots that recall George Costanza's infamous "shrinkage" episode on "Seinfeld," the love-rat actor's meager manhood is on full display as he changes into a swimsuit outside his mother Maggie Law's house in Vaudelnay, France.

"He's no Tommy Lee, that's for sure," sighed one unimpressed publicist who viewed copies of the paparazzi pix obtained by PAGE SIX.

Late yesterday afternoon, e-mail images of the photos were being forwarded around the offices of Women's Wear Daily under the headline "Jude in the Nude in France," and accompanied by a not-so-subtle dig at Law's loins: "Ha!"

Law's rep, Simon Halls, declined to discuss his client's apparently puny package, telling us: "Oh, please! The guy is on vacation in France with his kids. People need to give him a little bit of a break."

When we asked Halls if Law, 32, is crying in one photo that shows him grimacing while talking on the phone outside the house — he supposedly has been begging former fiancée Sienna Miller to take him back — the rep scoffed, "Come on — he's got the sun in his eyes!"

Law has seen his A-list image take a nosedive after his kids' former nanny, 26-year-old Daisy Wright, blabbed to the London papers last month that she and Law had "mind-blowing, rampant sex" during a secret fling.

Law's ex-wife, Sadie Frost, angrily fired Wright after one of the couple's sons told her how he'd caught Daddy in the sack with the nanny. As a result, Law's actress fiancée, Miller, 23, ripped off her ring and called an end to their engagement.

A remorseful Jude, who admitted his betrayal, is reportedly desperate to win Miller back, sending her flowers and deluging her with tearful phone calls. Since the scandal, Miller has been spotted hanging out with ex-boyfriend Orlando Bloom."
[Aug 17,2005 9:17pm - succubus ""]
holy crap!
look at all the hair
[Aug 17,2005 9:20pm - succubus ""]
holy geez
and pre implants and boob job...though if you saw the movie with rob lowe you already saw them

[Aug 17,2005 9:22pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
[Aug 17,2005 9:24pm - Dissector ""]
succubus said:holy crap!
look at all the hair

That's gross.
[Aug 17,2005 9:26pm - jonny8pins  ""]
that is one lawn i wouldnt mind trimming!
[Aug 17,2005 9:30pm - succubus ""]
i figured make a thread about pee pees and then link to a female

you recognize her right?
now dating a guy half her age...someone linked me the jude law story and photo and i was more entertained by those

as for the pee pee pic..whatever
[Aug 17,2005 9:31pm - Hooker nli  ""]
[Aug 17,2005 9:31pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
wow, and people say that plastic surgery is bad. i beg to differ
[Aug 17,2005 9:34pm - Hooker nli  ""]
real tits > fake tits

[Aug 17,2005 9:35pm - succubus ""]
Hooker nli said:demi?


[Aug 17,2005 9:35pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
yes when they arent the same as a fat 12 year old boys tits
[Aug 17,2005 9:35pm - succubus ""]
fizzfizzplopplop said:yes when they arent the same as a fat 12 year old boys tits

[Aug 17,2005 9:40pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
so does this man[img]
[Aug 17,2005 9:40pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
god the female form is so much better
[Aug 17,2005 9:41pm - jonny8pins  ""]
ha ha ha you gotta give this guy credit it takes alot of balls to...well...then again i guess it doesnt.ha ha ha
[Aug 17,2005 9:42pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
[Aug 17,2005 9:43pm - succubus ""]

that guy has a tiny pee pee, i think jude law's looks normal
just a bad angle maybe?
[Aug 17,2005 9:43pm - jonny8pins  ""]
he has to be aware of that i just cant believe anyone wouldnt be a able to tell if the general was out of the bunker
[Aug 17,2005 9:44pm - succubus ""]
did you guys see the pic the rev took of another band with his wee wee sticking out?
[Aug 17,2005 9:44pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
is he circumsized? not too small. i guess
[Aug 17,2005 9:47pm - jonny8pins  ""]
succubus said:did you guys see the pic the rev took of another band with his wee wee sticking out?

unfortunately i missed that one but its kind of disturbing that has happened more than once maybe this will take the place of the horns
[Aug 17,2005 9:47pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
guten nacht...i will have pleasant dreams now of weiners dancing all through my head....arggggg.
[Aug 17,2005 9:49pm - jonny8pins  ""]
hopefully theyll be bigger than this clowns!
[Aug 17,2005 9:53pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
[Aug 17,2005 9:56pm - jonny8pins  ""]
nothing better than a big fat cock to put a smile on a girls face
[Aug 17,2005 11:48pm - pre-school race war  ""]
of course he's small he's ENGLISH
[Aug 18,2005 7:40am - dwellingsickness ""]
fizzfizzplopplop said:so does this man[img]

Hey look it is Sebastian Bach with Corpse Paint:NEWHORNS:
[Aug 18,2005 7:57am - succubus ""]
pre-school race war said:of course he's small he's ENGLISH

looked normal
that corpse paint guy is small
[Aug 18,2005 10:40am - anonymous  ""]
it's not the size of the wand, it's the magic in it :tightiewhities:
[Aug 18,2005 10:41am - succubus ""]
[Aug 18,2005 10:44am - boobtoucher ""]
[Aug 18,2005 10:47am - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
i'd like to see some ethan hawke pics heh
[Aug 18,2005 10:56am - i am nli  ""]
heath ledger is supposed to be pretty small too
[Aug 18,2005 10:59am - largefreakatzero ""]
I just saw those bush pictures. That is not right. Excessive bush = not hot. Ladies, please trim regulary or shave completely (that's better).
[Aug 18,2005 11:00am - succubus ""]
even if i stopped shaving totally i would NEVER be that hairy
[Aug 18,2005 11:27am - largefreakatzero ""]
succubus said:even if i stopped shaving totally i would NEVER be that hairy

And I am sure Aaron appreciates that.
[Aug 18,2005 12:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:hahahahaha

that guy has a tiny pee pee, i think jude law's looks normal
just a bad angle maybe?

do girls realize that when a pp is soft it is usually small? a pp can grow at least 2x the size so there is no way to really know unless you see his junk boned out.
[Aug 18,2005 12:08pm - the_reverend ""]
that girl looks like a bush baby.
[Aug 18,2005 12:44pm - succubus ""]
again, that girl=demi moore pre implants
and his pee pee looked normal to me as i said above when you quoted me...the media went into a frenzy
[Aug 18,2005 12:46pm - retzam ""]
RustedAngel said:succubus said:hahahahaha

that guy has a tiny pee pee, i think jude law's looks normal
just a bad angle maybe?

do girls realize that when a pp is soft it is usually small? a pp can grow at least 2x the size so there is no way to really know unless you see his junk boned out.

This is true.
[Aug 18,2005 12:52pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This post is officially shallow, and so am I for posting in it.
[Aug 18,2005 1:41pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
no shit it gets bigger, i think the majority of women would be even bitchier if it didnt work that way...however i have seen the opposite hold true too though..big soft...doesnt get much bigger hard..poor ol chum...wonder what happened to him.
[Aug 18,2005 1:44pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
i don't know what all the fuss is about, you can't judge it when its soft. trust me i've seen my share
[Aug 18,2005 1:45pm - Joe Christianni's Girlfriend  ""]
I've seen my fair share and that's 10 times the size of my Joey's
[Aug 18,2005 1:46pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
first impressions stick..hehehehe
[Aug 18,2005 1:46pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
who is joe christiani?
[Aug 18,2005 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
don't they know about shrinkage?
[Aug 18,2005 1:50pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
yes i know about shrinkage. actually i am really intreugied by these things that male genitalia do. warm? balls drop. cold weiny shrinks and balls try and be ovaries. it is pretty cool.
[Aug 18,2005 1:54pm - succubus ""]
is this turning into let me tell you how many penises I've seen?


Only 1 for me and it's the only one that matters
[Aug 18,2005 1:55pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
there is a difference in how many one has seen and how many one has actually, umm.....used, i guess is the right termanology.
[Aug 18,2005 1:57pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i have had many male friends over the years who were careless when they hung out in just their undies, or who just didnt care who saw their junk. or who were too wasted to realize they werent wearing anything....yuck.
[Aug 18,2005 1:58pm - succubus ""]
no, no...i wasn't insulting you...it was the other "girl's" post..which is probably a joke anyhow...
[Aug 18,2005 1:59pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
i've seen/used a few and like i said, you can not judge until it gets
[Aug 18,2005 2:01pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
oh it is all good succubutt lady. i didnt think you were callin me a hootch, i was just sayin!
[Aug 18,2005 2:08pm - the_reverend ""]
guys need to watch what hangs out.
[Aug 18,2005 2:09pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Aug 18,2005 2:10pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
[Aug 18,2005 2:12pm - succubus ""]
eww and yuck are more suited for the guy in corpse paint above
i seriously SHUDDER when i see that
[Aug 18,2005 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, somewhere, I have a picture of my dad pushing a ewe's uterus back in after she gave birth.
talk about ew.
[Aug 18,2005 2:14pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
my friend lee grew up on a farm and used to have to do that all the time, talk all non-schalontly about it. yummy*licks chops*
[Aug 18,2005 2:17pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 18,2005 2:19pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
look at the guy above him smilin at it...perv. man i am glad to have internal genitalia for reasons like this. well boobs, that is a different story. they have a mind of their own too.
[Aug 18,2005 2:20pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
yeah the guy in the corpse paint please guys, stop posting it. and what is up with the link above? uhhhhh
[Aug 18,2005 2:21pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
i'd post some of my ex BF's pics but that would be too cruel
[Aug 18,2005 2:22pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
it is called a penis.
[Aug 18,2005 2:22pm - succubus ""]
yes they do and after wearing blouses (size L and i'm not fat) anyhow...after recently wearing them, i remembered why i don't usually wear them...esp when i'm at work and the "important" button pops off or undoes itself...
today i have a tank top and a blouse OVER it that is only buttoned on the bottom.
[Aug 18,2005 2:22pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
i know but you can barely see it!
[Aug 18,2005 2:24pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
and it was only posted twice....and my ex bf's winkie is all over the internet. i caught him "cyber-cheating" on me. i walked in our computer room one night when he thought that i was asleep and he was buck neked jerkin it with some lotion to a chick spread eagle web cammin each other. i laughed at him so hard and left him a week later. fag.
[Aug 18,2005 2:25pm - succubus ""]
wow what an asshole!
good for you for leaving him
i'm sure yer with someone better now
[Aug 18,2005 2:26pm - succubus ""]
just for you kristin since you want a better look
[Aug 18,2005 2:27pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
yes i am kyle is awesome. plus he prefers real vagina as oppossed to "cyberpussy"
[Aug 18,2005 2:27pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
Well i only caught my ex exchanging pics over the internet to some girl that cuts his hair. he also thought i was asleep but i snuck up on him. it was funny, he tried to cover the screen as fast as he could but - BUSTED! We had a talk the next day about it but i left him. found some emails as well. and guys, don't make your passwords so easy.
[Aug 18,2005 2:28pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
carina! you make me laugh! rahhhhhahahahahahaha! plus, kyle and i make cute babies, so he's a keeper.
[Aug 18,2005 2:30pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
succubus said:just for you kristin since you want a better look

ick. :pukeface:

[Aug 18,2005 2:31pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
was he totally oblivious that his love pump was singing too?
[Aug 18,2005 2:35pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
hey my old roomate use to tell me at the grocery store some kid use to do this for kicks. like have a hole there and... ugh no thank you please!
[Aug 18,2005 2:37pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
you make it sound like dicks aint fun!
[Aug 18,2005 2:40pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
of course they are but it depends on who they are attached to
[Aug 18,2005 2:41pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
as long as there as paper bags my friend!
[Aug 18,2005 2:44pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
life is good
[Aug 18,2005 2:44pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]

i just broke up with my BF two weeks ago. see story above
[Aug 18,2005 2:46pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
saw it.....do a few shots of Jack, get a paper bag, get a piece then you will feel much better in the morning!
[Aug 18,2005 2:46pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
man i am glad i do not heed my own advice
[Aug 18,2005 2:46pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
i might just do that this weekend, rebound time
[Aug 18,2005 2:48pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
use a condom
[Aug 18,2005 2:49pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
[Aug 18,2005 3:01pm - Sacreligion ""]
the last half of this thread has been nothing but females...i broke the chain

orrrr did i? :shocked:
[Aug 18,2005 3:05pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
thank you sir!
[Aug 18,2005 3:06pm - succubus ""]
i have no clue
[Aug 18,2005 3:06pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
me neither
[Aug 18,2005 3:07pm - Sacreligion ""]
a race of atomic monsters with octagonal shaped bodies that suck blood!
[Aug 18,2005 3:13pm - kRIStEn D.  ""]
[Aug 18,2005 3:25pm - Hooker nli  ""]
I have a cloaca.
[Aug 18,2005 4:06pm - hoser ""]
Kristen has seen piles and piles of cocks.......BILLIONS of cocks!!!!!!
[Aug 18,2005 4:12pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 18,2005 4:22pm - horror_tang ""]
Since Jude is often a woman's name, perhaps she is just a small breasted woman with a large clit.
[Aug 18,2005 4:27pm - succubus ""]
i'm guessing most people didn't click on the first 2 links i posted
[Aug 18,2005 5:50pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
[Aug 18,2005 5:50pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
i wonder if she ever got head?
[Aug 18,2005 5:55pm - pre-school race war  ""]
i am nli said:heath ledger is supposed to be pretty small too

of couse he is he's australian

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