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Wednesay April 27th FREE show

[Apr 5,2005 6:27pm - Blue ""]
so shaniqua is still playing this show, right? and hegelain dialectic is replacing pfap?
[Apr 5,2005 11:05pm - silky ""]
[Apr 7,2005 7:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free free

[Apr 8,2005 1:23pm - silky ""]
how much is it?
[Apr 8,2005 2:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ten billion dollars
[Apr 11,2005 2:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
to the top !
[Apr 12,2005 4:38pm - blue ""]
raising kubrick has been forced to cancel this show, only because of me. i kind of have to graduate, so priorities.
[Apr 12,2005 5:45pm - KeithMutiny ""]
graduating is over rated
[Apr 12,2005 5:58pm - adam_time ""]
you should put within the fray in their spot *cough cough* unbiased opinion *cough*
[Apr 12,2005 6:00pm - adam_time ""]
we'll bring...


i'd say topless girls, but my lady would probably be pissed cause i'd want to touch them all. with my mouth. and penis. and i'd probably want to poop on them, too.
[Apr 12,2005 6:05pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill get topless for free beer
[Apr 12,2005 6:10pm - adam_time ""]
i'll get topless for any reason. fuck, i'd get pantless if i was asked persuasively enough.
[Apr 12,2005 7:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so who is actually still playing this show !
[Apr 12,2005 7:18pm - Blue ""]
everybody but pray for a plague (who have been replaced by hegelian dialectic) and us.
[Apr 12,2005 8:08pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
how is playing a 20 minute set on a wednesday night stop anyone from graduating?

RK should play this show.
[Apr 12,2005 8:10pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
within the fray could jump on this show or any band for that matter by announcing it at http://wormtownwednesday.com
[Apr 12,2005 8:13pm - Blue ""]
Josh_hates_you said:how is playing a 20 minute set on a wednesday night stop anyone from graduating?

RK should play this show.

because, you see, i am in my schools contemporary music ensemble. and one of our performances happens to be on this very night. me not attending the performances means that: #1: i fail the course, #2: i dont graduate.
[Apr 13,2005 12:14am - adam_time ""]
it's a beneficial cause. that's too bad though, but hope your scholastic function goes well. we'll tear it up for you, blue.
within the fray posted as taking raising kubrick's spot on that website dealie. shit's good to go.
[Apr 13,2005 11:53am - blue nli  ""]
good to hear. flyer the hell out of this show at metalfest.
[Apr 13,2005 12:53pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
since there are almost an extra 100 copies of the comp first 30 people through the door get a free copy. put that on the flyer. plus i will hand out flyers while handing out comps at the metal fest.
[Apr 13,2005 1:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'll be making it down to Metalfest just to help flier
[Apr 15,2005 11:08am - Josh_hates_you ""]
they updated the wormtown thing to include within the fray.

$9 pitchers.
[Apr 15,2005 11:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone wanna help flier at Metalfest
[Apr 19,2005 10:59am - Josh_hates_you ""]
a week from tomorrow?

someone make an updated flyer. preferably 2 different flyers or even 4 split up on one page so we can get 2-4 flyers per sheet of paper, i hate passing out 11x8's.
[Apr 19,2005 1:40pm - adam_time ""]
i'll whip one or two out.

on your mom.
[Apr 19,2005 1:40pm - adam_time ""]
give me 2 hours
[Apr 19,2005 1:45pm - adam_time ""]
wait, what's the official lineup? is pfap playing or not?
[Apr 19,2005 1:54pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
hegelain dialectic is replacing PFAP i guess
Shaniqua ATSF
Within the Fray
Throwing Shrapnel
The midget who..........
The Heuristic

as far as i last knew
[Apr 19,2005 2:16pm - adam_time ""]
[Apr 19,2005 3:06pm - adam_time ""]
and should i do them color or b+w
[Apr 19,2005 3:14pm - MIDGETSTEALER  ""]
The midget is gonna be passing shit out on saturday hopefully at metalfest...we will be playing in CT on...we might make diff flyers though,i dont know.
[Apr 19,2005 3:15pm - MIDGETSTEALER  ""]
CT on friday**
[Apr 19,2005 9:40pm - adam_time ""]
i have 2 fliers done, but i need a site to upload them to so i can post them here. or at least someone to send them to so they can post them

i have a few other designs i can paste the info on, too.
[Apr 19,2005 9:55pm - adam_time ""]
make that 4 designs
[Apr 19,2005 10:28pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i think doors are at 8 show is at 9. that is how wednesdays usually go there.

Black and white is easy to make photo copies of. Don't know who can host it for you. maybe gayspace or something.
[Apr 19,2005 11:10pm - adam_time ""]
<img src="http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=2016565&imageID=92323757&Mytoken=20050419201659">
[Apr 19,2005 11:11pm - adam_time ""]
[Apr 19,2005 11:11pm - sever ""]
I would so fucking go to this if I was 21.

Being underaged sucks afro cock.
[Apr 19,2005 11:12pm - adam_time ""]
[Apr 19,2005 11:13pm - adam_time ""]
i hate myspace.

i have the colors up here if you want to see them.
i have grayscales, too. give me an email if you want me to send them to you.
[Apr 19,2005 11:14pm - adam_time ""]
i forgot to leave an address.


i'm fuckin terrible
[Apr 20,2005 12:13am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

that's damn fine, i like that good sir !
[Apr 20,2005 12:23am - adam_time ""]
thanks. 3 years of high school design and 4 of college art tends to help.
[Apr 20,2005 12:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
all need to hit up kinkos, anyone else coming down to flier !
[Apr 20,2005 6:30pm - adam_time ""]

i'll try to make it from RI, it's my 6 month with my gf, so i'll have to bring her and she might get antsy... but if i can i'll come help flier and pass out wicked pissed comps
[Apr 21,2005 10:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'll be there sat/sun handing out fliers !
[Apr 22,2005 1:33am - Josh_hates_you ""]
Greg from Akela just told me that the Heuristic cannot make this show.

Any band wants to take their place go to http://www.wormtownwednesday.com and tell them
[Apr 22,2005 1:40am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Josh_hates_you said:Greg from Akela just told me that the Heuristic cannot make this show.

Any band wants to take their place go to http://www.wormtownwednesday.com and tell them

i know Gut wanted to do this, but i dont have Brian's number anymore. anyone, anyone !
[Apr 25,2005 10:06pm - adam_time ""]
this show is in 2 days. come to it.
[Apr 26,2005 11:20am - silky ""]
the first 48 people through the door will receive a coupon good for one free perm and a henna tattoo!

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