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Nov 6th - Bombshelter, NH - ANAL DESTRUCTION FEST

[show listing]  ______________________________________________
[Sep 20,2004 3:26pm - the taste of cigars  ""]
Saturday, November 6th
18+ - $10 - 8pm


Life At Zero
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost
Hand Choke Neck
The Taste Of Silver
Raising Kubrick

all under one roof

@ The Bombshelter.

post flyers when you make em, love, N.
[Sep 20,2004 3:27pm - blue in my pants  ""]
hahahah. i will totally promote this show under that name.
[Sep 20,2004 3:30pm - the taste of cigars  ""]
it's the only way to let people understand how MUCH THIS KICKS ASS and how YOU WILL SHIT YOUR PANTS over the lineup

ba dum dum ding!!
[Sep 20,2004 3:39pm - powerkok ""]
I have a flyer made but HCN.com is down right now due to a fire in downtown Baltimore. Should be up within an hour. Ill post it on this thread...also theres a printable version on the site too...I'll link ya'z
toc any word on the 14th pa's lounge show?
[Sep 20,2004 3:42pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 20,2004 3:46pm - powerkok ""]
[Sep 20,2004 3:47pm - succubus ""]
add a space bar some where's Hookah!


clinches butt cheeks together

[Sep 20,2004 3:48pm - Hooker ""]
Make fun of my crippling drug habit, but I'm telling you man.
[Sep 20,2004 3:53pm - powerkok ""]
I know where youre coming from, but I dont agree....weve had this conv b4 , I think?
[Sep 20,2004 3:53pm - powerkok ""]
like what about a fest? theres more than 4 bands on a fest.
[Sep 20,2004 3:54pm - Hooker ""]
I don't think it was me. I might have chimed in like the cock I am though.
[Sep 20,2004 3:54pm - powerkok ""]
LOL I like you more and more.
[Sep 20,2004 4:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
is that the order?
[Sep 20,2004 4:17pm - largefreakatzero ""]
This line-up kills. 2 bands I dig and 3 bands I've been wanting to see. Thanks to Kok & Todd for getting us on the bill.
[Sep 20,2004 4:20pm - powerkok ""]
no prob bro...
joe..no thats not the line up.
[Sep 20,2004 5:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Joe -

I almost never put the bands in order when I list shows, and usually mix up the order several times to confuse people that "only come to see their friend's bands" into just showing for the whole thing.

but no, that's not the order. It's up to Todd.
[Sep 20,2004 5:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the order should go:
Life at Zero
Hand Choke Neck
Raising Kubrick
The Taste of Silver
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost

But what do I know.
[Sep 20,2004 5:10pm - powerkok ""]
[Sep 20,2004 5:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha thats awesome.
[Sep 20,2004 5:15pm - powerkok ""]
printable. for now.
Im gonna make a better one tonight.
[Sep 20,2004 5:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
That reminds me of this thing I made once for Disengaged:

[Sep 20,2004 5:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
that guy with a sign for us kinda looks like mne.
[Sep 20,2004 5:40pm - TYAG  ""]
in what order are the bands.... please post set times.
[Sep 20,2004 5:41pm - TYAG  ""]
or email us at tyagxgrind@comcast.net
[Sep 20,2004 8:29pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This is out of my realm, so don't anyone look at me. I'm just the go-between!! I swear!!
[Sep 20,2004 8:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Charlton Heston and King Diamond are in the process of deciding the order.
[Sep 20,2004 8:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
well just to let people know ahead of time, life at zero and HCn have to go back to back because they use the same drumset.
[Sep 20,2004 9:28pm - powerkok ""]
my proposed lineup....

life at zero
hand choke neck
raising kubrick
taste of silver


hand choke neck
life at zero
raising kubrick
taste of silver

reason being, the 3 nh bands will prolly have a few peeps there, and I know its hard to get a draw out of state.
[Sep 20,2004 10:02pm - hoser ""]
Hey.....would it be fitting that I take a dump on stage for this one?
[Sep 20,2004 10:03pm - TYAG  ""]
so we are opening?!
[Sep 20,2004 10:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
I think TYAG should play before or after RK at least.
[Sep 20,2004 10:13pm - TYAG  ""]
wicked lame.
[Sep 20,2004 10:15pm - TYAG  ""]
wicked lame.
[Sep 20,2004 10:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
for the last time, I am NOT selecting the line-up or who plays when. Grow up, call Todd, and figure it out with him if you are going to write me hate mail.

[Sep 20,2004 10:54pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Just leave a post for Todd, call the bombshelter, or be mature enough to ask me or Powerkok to ask Todd for you if we can get in touch with him. If you write angry letters you just look like a tool.
[Sep 20,2004 10:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Just leave a post for Todd, call the bombshelter, or be mature enough to ask me or Powerkok to ask Todd for you if we can get in touch with him. If you write angry letters you just look like a tool.

[Sep 20,2004 10:58pm - powerkok ""]
like I said...it was my proposed lineup...its not in stone or anything.
besides my nh band reason, you and RK got on the bill last, so I figured it was only the right thing to do. lmk if Im wrong. Would you rather headline? up to you.
[Sep 21,2004 9:50am - TYAG  ""]
i explained the situation to him because i cant ever get ahold of todd or the bombshelter.
my guitarist has to work that day, and he always has trouble getting out early. we just dont want to play first or second so we dont have to rush up there like 2 hrs+ to play when we get there. does that make any sense to anyone? posting on a message board about getting details of a show set is lame. esp when you all get upset when we have a valid reason.
[Sep 21,2004 9:57am - RustedAngel ""]
2 hours? it's an hour from boston.
[Sep 21,2004 9:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Raising Kubrick is the most popular band on the entire planet.
[Sep 21,2004 10:32am - TYAG  ""]
we live a forty five mins south of boston tom, thanks.
[Sep 21,2004 10:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Sep 21,2004 10:44am - Christraper ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:That reminds me of this thing I made once for Disengaged:


[Sep 21,2004 10:45am - Christraper ""]
I think the king and Charleton Heston should do a movie together!
[Sep 21,2004 10:45am - RustedAngel ""]
TYAG said:we live a forty five mins south of boston tom, thanks.

oh, i thought you all relocated to the boston area.
[Sep 21,2004 10:49am - TYAG  ""]
nah nick still lives in Raynham which is 20mins to RI
[Sep 21,2004 10:50am - RustedAngel ""]
right, well i'm sure everything will work out guys don't worry.
[Sep 21,2004 10:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Christraper said:I think the king and Charleton Heston should do a movie together!

They should do a remake of Escape from NY.

I've been trying to sell everyone on my movie idea for years now, Rodney Dangerfield and Mortiis in Back to School 2
[Sep 21,2004 1:39pm - powerkok ""]
TYAG said: posting on a message board about getting details of a show set is lame. esp when you all get upset when we have a valid reason.

finding out set times on a messageboard is lame? How the fuck do you think we put this show together? Thru this messageboard.
And who 'all' is upset? It sounds like youre upset more than anyone else.
RK isnt bitching about their slot. Taste of Silver isnt bitching, and he helped put the show together.
I've opened shows in CT at 8pm on a workday, and managed to get everyone there, and thats a 2 +hr ride from here.
I am curious, did bitching and whining ever get you a better set time? If so I think maybe we all could try it and get better slot times.
You guys said you wanted to play, so we got you on the bill, now that youre on, your complaining?
[Sep 21,2004 2:27pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
ok listen up everyone,

I am the world's greatest guitarist Yngwie Malmestein called me today and said that he only wishes he could play the shit I play.

Also, we spent 900 dollars just to get this show cause we paid for all of it to happen, and I worked for a month in Madigascar to get the flyers on silken paper.

That said, WE SHOULD NOT play first. We are gods amongst men, and anyone who thinks otherwise can lick my pearly white nutsack. If we open, we will burn down the bombshelter and shit on the mouths of everyone in Manchester Town Hall. I will personally fuck everyone that tries to make us play anything but Headliner with a knife in the ass.

Also, we want one hundred million dollars to play this show in quarters. If it is in dollars we will not only not play, we will shoot everyone in the eyes so they will be blind because they don't deserve to every see a bill this good again.

You'd be shocked how many times bands have said something similar to this to me. I guess we seem like pussies when we say, "Oh yeah! We don't care when we play, we're just happy to have another chance to do so!". Niceness has no place in music, right?

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