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Budweiser American Ale

[Oct 3,2008 9:42am - orgymf@work  ""]
Seth....fuck yes!! Spaten Dobule Bock is fucking phenomenally good
[Oct 3,2008 10:34am - Yeti ""]
High Life and St. Pauli Girl all the way.
[Oct 3,2008 10:35am - aril  ""]
High Life is so good when you're taking a shower.
[Oct 3,2008 10:35am - Yeti ""]

Josh_Martin said:Don't fat asses get the shits all the time?

hahahahahaha its true.
[Oct 3,2008 10:36am - Yeti ""]

aril said:High Life is so good when you're taking a shower.

hahahaha i can't believe you just said that, that is one of the best things in the world.
[Oct 3,2008 10:38am - aril  ""]
Yea, I give myself a high give in the shower when there's a beer involved.
[Oct 3,2008 10:49am - joeycobra ""]
long trail brewery ftw

well right now...I like the little VT brewery...they have some tasty beverages.

ps. Pumpkin Ale season right now...anyone else a fan of Pumpkin Ales??
[Oct 3,2008 10:50am - Yeti ""]
i'm more a fan of Blumpkin Ales.
[Oct 3,2008 10:53am - aril  ""]
shit, I meant high five but I guess you can take "high give" in that context and presume what you want.
[Oct 3,2008 11:10am - DJ DEATH  ""]
Old Rasputin Imperial Stout!
[Oct 3,2008 11:10am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Shipyard's Pumpkin ale is awesome. Brooklyn's Post Road Pumpkin ale was good this year too.
[Oct 3,2008 11:11am - Seth  ""]
*Duval* : ), Blue Moon, Lindmans(?), Sam's Oatmeal stout, Becks, Pilsner, ! Some good dark and heavy beers that you can enjoy and taste with each swill or gulp!
[Oct 3,2008 11:29am - i_am_lazy  ""]
I fucking love Shipyard's Pumpkin ale.
[Oct 3,2008 11:31am - aril  ""]
Anyone like Wytchwood stuff?
[Oct 3,2008 11:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Yeti said:High Life and St. Pauli Girl all the way.

I'm pissed at St. Pauli Girl since they changed the art.
[Oct 3,2008 11:45am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

aril said:Anyone like Wytchwood stuff?

Wytchwood is a king amongst men in the realm of craft beer

Hobgoblin and Fiddlers Elbow rr amazing

Double Abbey Ales are also great too. Grimbergen (Belgium) and The Thelonius Monk Ale will make your taste buds climax
[Oct 3,2008 1:15pm - omacster  ""]

drink real beer bastidz!
[Oct 3,2008 2:34pm - mortalis ""]

orgymf@work said:"Trappists Rochefort 12"

oh fuck yes
[Oct 3,2008 2:40pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Yeti said:
Josh_Martin said:Don't fat asses get the shits all the time?

hahahahahaha its true.

it varies from fat slob to fat slob.
very few food products give me the shits.
[Oct 3,2008 2:59pm - mOe ""]
Ayinger Brau-Weisse
[Oct 3,2008 3:04pm - aril  ""]
You guys have it all wrong.
The best beer is Natural Light or Natty Ice. Jesus..
[Oct 3,2008 3:07pm - timma ""]
Steel Reserve 40s fo lyfe.
[Oct 3,2008 3:13pm - mOe ""]
nah, the best beer on the planet without a doubt is a King Cobra 40...@ room temperature of course
[Oct 3,2008 3:31pm - timma ""]
I stand corrected.
[Oct 3,2008 3:33pm - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:You guys have it all wrong.
The best beer is Natural Light or Natty Ice. Jesus..

that hurts man....it really hurts
[Oct 3,2008 3:34pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Don't fuck with Natty Ice.
$1.50 for a 40oz. You CANNOT fuck with that.
[Oct 3,2008 3:35pm - orgymf@work  ""]
if i want 40 oz. of something that tastes like that, i'll fill a 40 bottle up 38 oz's of piss and dump a half a shot of everclear in it.

that's cheaper.
[Oct 3,2008 3:36pm - timma ""]
I was at some stupid party a couple years ago, and I just drank directly out of a heineken mini-keg. That was kind of amusing...gets kind of heavy after awhile.
[Oct 3,2008 3:39pm - Murph ""]

[Oct 3,2008 3:40pm - orgymf@work  ""]
that is some tasty shit!!
[Oct 3,2008 3:45pm - Josh_Martin ""]

orgymf@work said:if i want 40 oz. of something that tastes like that, i'll fill a 40 bottle up 38 oz's of piss and dump a half a shot of everclear in it.

that's cheaper.

I'm not saying Natty Ice is the nectar of the gods like Budweiser is, but its not THAT fucking bad. Its totally drinkable.
But like I said above, I dont even bother with beer anymore. For another $1.50 I can get a fifth of Cisco. Two of those and suddenly, going on a coke binge becomes a great goddamn idea.
[Oct 3,2008 3:55pm - orgymf@work  ""]
eh, i don't even find bud drinkable, so to me natty is awful.

i like beers that taste good and are high in alcohol. (i have six different beers in my apartment that are way stronger than cisco, and taste wayyyyyyy better)
[Oct 3,2008 4:01pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Only Keystone Light is real.
[Oct 3,2008 6:18pm - timma ""]
Don't know how many of yooz gaiz are in the Boston area, but Cambridge Brewing Company has some of the tastiest beers I have ever had in my entire life. Season brews a amazing, and the food is deeeeeeeerishious.
[Oct 3,2008 7:24pm - Mess ""]
i'm only 4 beers deep now for some strange reason. time for a shot of absoroooooooot!
[Oct 3,2008 7:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

NuclearWinter said:Only Keystone Light is real.

i'd rather drink urine over Keystone Light.
[Oct 3,2008 10:46pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Josh_Martin said:
orgymf@work said:if i want 40 oz. of something that tastes like that, i'll fill a 40 bottle up 38 oz's of piss and dump a half a shot of everclear in it.

that's cheaper.

I'm not saying Natty Ice is the nectar of the gods like Budweiser is, but its not THAT fucking bad. Its totally drinkable.
But like I said above, I dont even bother with beer anymore. For another $1.50 I can get a fifth of Cisco. Two of those and suddenly, going on a coke binge becomes a great goddamn idea.

fucking Cisco. i was 15 and me and my friends all had a bottle of that shit. we got caught by one kids mom, she called it "the black man's wine"...shit was potent. the rumour back then was they make it with formaldhyde
[Oct 4,2008 12:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

brian_dc said:find me a beer that I'll like better than Unibroue Trois Pistoles and I'll breed a Pegasus for you or your spouse.

For me, La Fin Du Monde edges it out.

Had the Bud Ale tonight. Highly Passable. Not Exactly Terrible. Sam Adams Light.
[Oct 4,2008 1:33am - BSV  ""]
Hey Brad, drinking any Old Style in Illinois?
[Oct 4,2008 9:13am - tylor  ""]
had the bud ale last night, it is good
[Oct 4,2008 9:15am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Oct 4,2008 2:38pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

BSV said:Hey Brad, drinking any Old Style in Illinois?

gillis asks me that all the time, haven't found it yet
[Oct 4,2008 2:51pm - BSV  ""]
Brad are you near Chicago? will be there on tour with Neuraxis on the 23rd of October.
[Oct 5,2008 12:45pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
6 hours south of Chicago. Are you going to St Louis or KC?
[Oct 5,2008 12:47pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
The Faceless
Abigail Williams
Decrepit Birth
Veil Of Maya

which band are you in?
[Oct 5,2008 1:20pm - Mess ""]
i just went to the packy and got me some beers and scored me some "footballs" this a.m.
everythings alright.
[Oct 5,2008 1:45pm - orgymfnotatworknotloggedin  ""]
tried the american ale.
it's not awful
but not worth spending money on

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