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@ all the politically correct local bands

[Mar 14,2012 12:37pm - LOL  ""]
too afraid to express yourselves or too many posers?
[Mar 14,2012 12:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Mar 14,2012 12:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

LOL said:too afraid to express yourselves or too many posers?


This your first time here, sonny?

the_reverend said:so far, the top 24 searches that led people from a search site to RTTP are...
1) pussy
2) rttp
3) return to the pit
4) niggers
5) returntothepit
6) song generator
7) lfl
8) bad parenting
9) rape
11)rttp text
12)song name generator
13)icp 3
15)real snuff video
17)prepare your anus
19)jack kevorkian art
20)amanda wenk
21)pink pussy
22)huge turds
23)stupid niggers
24)enter a quick response username filter message

[Mar 14,2012 12:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 14,2012 12:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
also this forum has been up for 10 years now. everything has already been discussed a 10006546587906870 times. you missed the party. go home.
[Mar 14,2012 12:59pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I like how niggers and stupid niggers are two separate entries

[Mar 14,2012 1:13pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Josh_Martin said:I like how niggers and stupid niggers are two separate entries

This made me LOL pretty hard at work
[Mar 15,2012 2:24am - nekronautloggedin  ""]
I wore my Vaettir shirt to work today.

[Mar 15,2012 8:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 15,2012 9:12am - Josh_Martin ""]
If I dont do laundry soon (which probably aint gonna happen) Im gonna have to wear a Vaginal Jesus shirt to work tommorrow.
[Mar 15,2012 9:23am - DukeManjunk ""]


[Mar 15,2012 11:24am - the_mex ""]

nekronautloggedin said:I wore my Vaettir shirt to work today.

[Mar 18,2012 4:26pm - ben  ""]
wants to play hateful music but love niggers and muds at the same time. doesn't work fag.
[Mar 18,2012 5:10pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I will piss in a cup and throw it in your faggot nigger face.
[Mar 18,2012 8:41pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

wants to play hateful music but love niggers and muds at the same time. doesn't work fag.

Your concept of hate is delightfully simplistic.

[Mar 18,2012 8:45pm - WarlockCommando ""]
Lulz at hate only being for white people.
[Mar 18,2012 10:54pm - ben  ""]
wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.
[Mar 18,2012 11:31pm - Chernoble  ""]

ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy
[Mar 18,2012 11:38pm - ben  ""]

Chernoble said:
ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy

glad you noticed, not that it would change a thing if you didn't.
[Mar 18,2012 11:47pm - Chernoble  ""]

ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy

glad you noticed, not that it would change a thing if you didn't.

you are upset because everyone made fun of you on the board, now you are spamming the board with insults because you were not accepted or taken seriously.
[Mar 18,2012 11:52pm - ben  ""]

Chernoble said:
ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy

glad you noticed, not that it would change a thing if you didn't.

you are upset because everyone made fun of you on the board, now you are spamming the board with insults because you were not accepted or taken seriously.

no not at all, in fact i have become one of the immortal impenetrable martyrs on this board (one of few) who can not be effected in the least by your comical behavior here. why do you think i keep coming back asking for more? your hate fuels my reason for being. making stupid people hate me is a pastime i take great pride in my friend. thanks for the kick!
[Mar 18,2012 11:54pm - yummy ""]
Wow, here is an example as how hit and miss this site can be.
[Mar 18,2012 11:57pm - ben  ""]
and this is surely a good hit no doubt. glad i could assist.
[Mar 18,2012 11:58pm - Chernoble  ""]

ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy

glad you noticed, not that it would change a thing if you didn't.

you are upset because everyone made fun of you on the board, now you are spamming the board with insults because you were not accepted or taken seriously.

no not at all, in fact i have become one of the immortal impenetrable martyrs on this board (one of few) who can not be effected in the least by your comical behavior here. why do you think i keep coming back asking for more? your hate fuels my reason for being. making stupid people hate me is a pastime i take great pride in my friend. thanks for the kick!

How would you know if I was stupid or not, your arrogance is really something. Seems a little immature for someone who is in their mid to late 30's, kind of sad.
[Mar 18,2012 11:58pm - WarlockCommando ""]
Wow, "Ben" is a sad sack of denial. HILARIOUS
[Mar 19,2012 12:00am - Chernoble  ""]
The whole idea of a person in their mid to late 30's going on a message board and "coming back for more" and posting to get fuel injected with "hate" seems incredibly immature and just generally pathetic.
[Mar 19,2012 12:01am - ben  ""]

by the way, we are far from politically correct and we dont want your love. if you are a p.c. fag, we hate you.
[Mar 19,2012 12:02am - Chernoble  ""]
[Mar 19,2012 12:04am - ben  ""]

Chernoble said:
ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy

glad you noticed, not that it would change a thing if you didn't.

you are upset because everyone made fun of you on the board, now you are spamming the board with insults because you were not accepted or taken seriously.

no not at all, in fact i have become one of the immortal impenetrable martyrs on this board (one of few) who can not be effected in the least by your comical behavior here. why do you think i keep coming back asking for more? your hate fuels my reason for being. making stupid people hate me is a pastime i take great pride in my friend. thanks for the kick!

How would you know if I was stupid or not, your arrogance is really something. Seems a little immature for someone who is in their mid to late 30's, kind of sad.

actually i am 41 and have lived a far more wild and astonishing life then you can hope to read about. why the fuck would i stop now? when i die, you will be reading about it with your jaw agape.
[Mar 19,2012 12:07am - WarlockCommando ""]
This just keeps getting sadder...
[Mar 19,2012 12:07am - ben  ""]
god i would hate to have to be reduced to having to prove anything to most the fags that swarm around my posts. i am like a piece of shit with a fly swatter when i come here. you just love the smell of my bull shit dont you?
[Mar 19,2012 12:13am - WarlockCommando ""]
Ha ha.. Ben is a piece of shit..by his own admission...ha ha
[Mar 19,2012 12:14am - ben  ""]
i would honestly be hurt and seriously disappointed if i gained approval from any one of you dweebs. to think i would need justification of my worth from a page like this when we receive it regularly from pages world wide. i just like tearing you fags a new one and you just keep buying into it every damn time without fail. really, should i stop now? i get way to big a rise out of this shit. i got my friends and my enemies here. i am not trying to make friends of my enemies. i am trying to fish them out so that i may know who to look for when i am at shows. can i make it any easier for you? if you were truly Metal , you would understand. sadly , to few have a clue.
[Mar 19,2012 12:18am - ben  ""]
oh yes, i am a real piece of shit. i admit whole heartedly. a lousy worthless and harmful piece of garbage in the big picture. but to you, i am GOD like.
[Mar 19,2012 12:19am - Chernoble  ""]

ben said:i would honestly be hurt and seriously disappointed if i gained approval from any one of you dweebs. to think i would need justification of my worth from a page like this when we receive it regularly from pages world wide. i just like tearing you fags a new one and you just keep buying into it every damn time without fail. really, should i stop now? i get way to big a rise out of this shit. i got my friends and my enemies here. i am not trying to make friends of my enemies. i am trying to fish them out so that i may know who to look for when i am at shows. can i make it any easier for you? if you were truly Metal , you would understand. sadly , to few have a clue.

Like that time you told Ross you were going to shoot him with a beretta or fight him or whatever and then backed down LOL

[Mar 19,2012 12:22am - ben  ""]
thats what guns are for. wouldn't you shoot an asshole who threatened you unprovoked. no>? then you deserve all thats coming your way.
[Mar 19,2012 12:26am - Chernoble  ""]
You're an idiot!
[Mar 19,2012 12:30am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Mar 19,2012 12:32am - ben  ""]
oh man, that shoots me down. why do i come here for such abuse?! i guess i am just a glutton for punishment. i should never try and match whits with a master. when you said "your an idiot" i realized i was out gunned and out manned as far as intelligence is concerned. i will rue the day that i crossed intellectual swords with chernoble. thanks for being so easy on me, i know you could have been worse if you were feeling it.
[Mar 19,2012 12:39am - Alx_Casket ""]
Cher is a nice guy and so are you. Please stop fighting and be metal bros.
[Mar 19,2012 12:40am - ben  ""]

Alx_Casket said:[img]

yeah it takes some years of experience to realize you are born into a far superior race that has been systematically taught in zionist agenda driven schools to think we are all equal. the same babies in this picture would reach out to a penguin thinking they are of the same making. racism is not taught, it is instinct. teaching only confirms your instinct. only in recent times have zionists made great efforts in hiding this obvious truth. only when you grow up and learn your race either achieved great importance or great harm in the time they have occupied this doomed planet, you will then know who you are and what you are willing to tolerate.
[Mar 19,2012 12:41am - Alx_Casket ""]
But I don't know what race I am anymore :(
[Mar 19,2012 12:44am - ben  ""]

Alx_Casket said:Cher is a nice guy and so are you. Please stop fighting and be metal bros.

thanks for seeing past my tough exterior Alx, you always do. but if he is such a nice guy, why did he attack my comment? i am a very nice guy to those who know me and who have a greater understanding of the world around them. he may be very nice, but not my kid of nice. i dont take shit from fools.fools can be nice, dont mean i gotta like them.
[Mar 19,2012 12:48am - Chernoble  ""]
Because you threatened and started shit with my friend
[Mar 19,2012 12:49am - ben  ""]

Alx_Casket said:But I don't know what race I am anymore :(

well what are you made up of? funny thing is, anytime i have seen an educated black or known of one, he/she always resents the over all behavior of the race they are made up of. if you are black and educated, you have white men to thank for that. if we didnt permeate the deep depths of africa, they wouldnt have known of us and therefore would not have become educated. you would be a fool to argue this point. yet many try. at least i have it easy learning who the fools are.
[Mar 19,2012 12:59am - ben  ""]

Chernoble said:Because you threatened and started shit with my friend
ah yeah, i dont even no where to go with that. i am a humble guy really. though many would doubt that. can a man be humble yet proud and defensive when confronted with insult? well thats me baby. i will never threaten a soul here. i will tear your ass a verbal new one, but i will only act out in extreme anger and defense when i am first threatened in person. maybe you should get the full story first. but really is it worth it in the end? we are all just worthless pieces of shit. the only comfort we can take is being born a European and not a third world needy whiney shitbag. but who is the real shit bag? they who whine and beg? or we who bend and give into it? time to get tough people. they are stealing and destroying our civilized western culture. sorry, just getting back to proving we are not a bunch of P>C liberal faggot ass's.
[Mar 19,2012 1:03am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm 3 months old and what is this
[Mar 19,2012 1:22am - narkybark ""]
a lot of words
[Mar 19,2012 1:42am - Chernoble  ""]
Too long no read
[Mar 19,2012 2:25am - Mopar  ""]
Meow meow meow. If Raynard loves animals and all niggers are apes that makes Raynard a nigger lover.
[Mar 19,2012 2:28am - Cats live longer when fixed  ""]
Raynard is a stupid unfixed jewkat.
[Mar 19,2012 10:29am - goatcatalyst ""]

ben said:boy do I love watching my niggerpig wife choke on black cock. I wish there were more brown people on here so I could solicit more hott interracial cuckold action.
[Mar 19,2012 12:48pm - Mutis ""]
What if you have more to say than some fucktard whose only thing going for him is being not PC?
[Mar 19,2012 12:52pm - Ray's Nards  ""]

Mutis said:What if you have more to say than some fucktard whose only thing going for him is being not PC?

Inverticrux lyrics come written in crayon.
[Mar 19,2012 1:41pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
Raynard is an honest , stand-up guy that will not sugar coat or say behind your back what he hasn't already said to your face . I'm proud to have been able cross paths and be friend with someone who has as much depth in music as he does life . I also like him because having him on the boards takes some hate off me.
[Mar 19,2012 1:45pm - Makes Sense  ""]

STLUCIFUREVA said:Raynard is an honest , stand-up guy that will not sugar coat or say behind your back what he hasn't already said to your face . I'm proud to have been able cross paths and be friend with someone who has as much depth in music as he does life . I also like him because having him on the boards takes some hate off me.

[Mar 19,2012 1:54pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]

Makes%20Sense said:
STLUCIFUREVA said:Raynard is an honest , stand-up guy that will not sugar coat or say behind your back what he hasn't already said to your face . I'm proud to have been able cross paths and be friend with someone who has as much depth in music as he does life . I also like him because having him on the boards takes some hate off me.


This movie was very entertaining , i don't mine being compared to 2 masters of comedy what so ever . thank you for the compliment I appreciate the fact you find Raynard and I so entertaining, enthralling, and just worth the time to search endless on the internet for just the right picture to describe your admiration for us.
[Mar 19,2012 1:55pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Wow. GSS just gets more retarded by the minute
[Mar 19,2012 2:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
u speld retarted correctedly. this thread is disapoint
[Mar 19,2012 2:10pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Epic thread.
[Mar 19,2012 2:30pm - trioxin_245 ""]

wants to play hateful music but love niggers and muds at the same time. doesn't work fag.

[Mar 19,2012 2:33pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy

glad you noticed, not that it would change a thing if you didn't.

you are upset because everyone made fun of you on the board, now you are spamming the board with insults because you were not accepted or taken seriously.

no not at all, in fact i have become one of the immortal impenetrable martyrs on this board (one of few)

lol. bravo. you are the absolute DEFINITION of a douche bag.
[Mar 19,2012 6:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I want to piss in his mouth SO BAD!!!
[Mar 19,2012 7:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
To be fair, we can't really understand his POV because our moms didn't bring home gangs of blackamoors to be 3P'd on the regular. Try to have some understanding.
[Mar 19,2012 7:43pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Of course this douche HAS to be from NH. Haven't we spawned enough shit bands and morons up here already?
[Mar 19,2012 8:27pm - ben  ""]

largefreakatzero said:Of course this douche HAS to be from NH. Haven't we spawned enough shit bands and morons up here already?

actually i am proudly born and raised in the lovely filth pit of NewJersey! maybe thats why i am fond of your sorry attempts at degrading me. cant touch this! lol! the best you have is far from good enough. but i do love your poor attempts. can i get some more photoshops of myself and my lovely Fiancee? we really get a kick out of them. maybe get some ugly niggers in the pic with us.i know its hard for you to get creative. small minds would think alike, if they had a thought between them. you warm my truly wicked heart.
[Mar 19,2012 8:37pm - Ben(d)Over  ""]

ben said:small minds would think alike, if they had a thought between them. you warm my truly wicked heart.

You talk like a gay villian from some campy comicbook.

[Mar 19,2012 9:43pm - ben  ""]
gotta be remembered somehow. how will you be remembered? you wont be.
[Mar 20,2012 1:01am - Lamp nli  ""]
I think my brain just exploded.
[Mar 20,2012 1:50am - slar you morbid?  ""]

ben said:when i die, you will be reading about it with your jaw agape.

hmmm, "local successful tattoo artist shot dead by harlem man in deadly multi racial love triangle. police say victims inexperience in proper beretta operation likely a factor."
ehhh that shit wouldn't even make the front page down hereabouts.
[Mar 20,2012 2:00am - goatcatalyst ""]
He will die when his white faggot honky windpipe swells shut because of his secret jew shellfish allergy on account of all the lobster bisque in my hot n' steamy pisssssssssssssssssssss
[Mar 20,2012 3:14am - xgodzillax ""]

ben said:cant touch this

[Mar 20,2012 2:40pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Mar 20,2012 2:42pm - trioxin_245 ""]
anyone who is so afraid of an ass kicking from someone half his age that he has to threaten with a gun is a sorry excuse for a man.
[Mar 20,2012 4:07pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]

ben said:gotta be remembered somehow. how will you be remembered? you wont be.
hopefully I will be remembered as the guy who beat the hell out of you right before being shot in the head with a beretta.
[Mar 20,2012 4:08pm - RustyPS ""]

Sacreligion said:

Fats Lirange FTW
[Mar 20,2012 4:17pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
also I just farted and it smells really bad
[Mar 21,2012 9:07am - Beleth ""]
Man-baby attention gluttons. I'm shocked this thread hasn't been spammed with bad live performances yet.

[Mar 21,2012 9:22am - largefreakatzero ""]

ben said:
largefreakatzero said:Of course this douche HAS to be from NH. Haven't we spawned enough shit bands and morons up here already?

actually i am proudly born and raised in the lovely filth pit of NewJersey! maybe thats why i am fond of your sorry attempts at degrading me. cant touch this! lol! the best you have is far from good enough. but i do love your poor attempts. can i get some more photoshops of myself and my lovely Fiancee? we really get a kick out of them. maybe get some ugly niggers in the pic with us.i know its hard for you to get creative. small minds would think alike, if they had a thought between them. you warm my truly wicked heart.

I don't have Photoshop, and even if I did, I wouldn't waste my time making anything involving you. Go back to NJ. We don't need you here.
[Mar 21,2012 9:41am - ben  ""]
oh yeah, thats it, i am sending for the rest of my dysfunctional Jersey metal friends. then when they are all here, i will have them form tons of Jersey metal bands for you to hate and loath. we will soon flood the scene and wipe out all local bands who do not where our t-shirts when they go live. all those who were haters will only receive our autograph in bloody piss on their chest. we are Jersey Legion.
[Mar 21,2012 9:59am - Alx_Casket ""]
I grew up in NJ and I have to disagree with you, ben. We have a better scene around here. And we both know that NJ bands don't want to bother going up to New England lol
[Mar 21,2012 10:06am - ben  ""]

Alx_Casket said:I grew up in NJ and I have to disagree with you, ben. We have a better scene around here. And we both know that NJ bands don't want to bother going up to New England lol

oh i dont know about that. we have a shit ton more bands that actually made it to legendary status in N.J.. do i really need to name them all? maybe you are suggesting NewEngland has a better underground metal scene? i might agree there. but you and I are probably way to out of touch with the Jersey scene to say for sure. Jersey is a more sceevy miserable place and we know misery breeds good Metal!
[Mar 21,2012 10:24am - Alx_Casket ""]
True, but it also breeds pizza stain humpty dumpty sweatpants mom's basement dwellers more than the New England atmosphere. Legendary shmegendary, I'll take the woods and being able to see the fucking sky clearly over the meadowlands and 8 legged frogs any day.
[Mar 21,2012 10:43am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ben said:oh yeah, thats it, i am sending for the rest of my dysfunctional Jersey metal friends. then when they are all here, i will have them form tons of Jersey metal bands for you to hate and loath. we will soon flood the scene and wipe out all local bands who do not where our t-shirts when they go live. all those who were haters will only receive our autograph in bloody piss on their chest. we are Jersey Legion.

LOL @ you having friends
[Mar 21,2012 11:23am - Alx_Casket ""]
ITT: all of my friends
[Mar 21,2012 11:35am - aaron_michael ""]
This looks like a popular thread. I'll just leave this here.
[Mar 21,2012 12:54pm - ben ""]
whaaaa, i have friends, really i do, you gotta believe me! will you be my friend?
[Mar 21,2012 2:20pm - RAY_INVERTICRUX ""]
You trolls really have no effect on me. All the real old schoolers who matter know that I wouldn't waste my time (my time is worth $80 an hour after all) posting things about pc bands that I have absolutely no connection. THIS IS THE ONLY ACCOUNT THAT IS ME.
[Mar 21,2012 2:50pm - ben ""]
[Mar 27,2012 12:30pm - Dan the Bad Guy  ""]

ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:
Chernoble said:
ben said:wow you guys do a great job at proving how queer you are. never ceases to amaze the fuck out of me. keep it coming , i remain pleasantly amused.

You seem like a really intelligent guy

glad you noticed, not that it would change a thing if you didn't.

you are upset because everyone made fun of you on the board, now you are spamming the board with insults because you were not accepted or taken seriously.

no not at all, in fact i have become one of the immortal impenetrable martyrs on this board (one of few) who can not be effected in the least by your comical behavior here. why do you think i keep coming back asking for more? your hate fuels my reason for being. making stupid people hate me is a pastime i take great pride in my friend. thanks for the kick!

How would you know if I was stupid or not, your arrogance is really something. Seems a little immature for someone who is in their mid to late 30's, kind of sad.

actually i am 41 and have lived a far more wild and astonishing life then you can hope to read about. why the fuck would i stop now? when i die, you will be reading about it with your jaw agape.

Can't wait to read it! Hurry up and die, could use something good to read on the shitter.
[May 15,2012 10:00am - ben  ""]
If i could i most surely would. death doesnt frighten me in the least. though the means by which it occurs can be a bit unsettling. alas, it seems the Evil ones still have need of my talents. until i am spent i am afraid i am forced to share the dwindling space on Earth here with fucktards like you.
[May 15,2012 10:05am - seventh gate of hell  ""]
I just typed in beelze on yahoo and rttp came up
[May 15,2012 10:14am - Burnsy ""]
That's shocking.
[May 15,2012 10:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
I don't remember typing any of my posts ITT. But I guess the same could be said for most of my posts on here. Not surprised they use yahoo in hell.
[May 15,2012 10:21am - seventh gate of hell  ""]
Beelze is my idol I once sucked his dingaling for sum pcp
[May 15,2012 12:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

seventh%20gate%20of%20hell said:Beelze is my idol I once sucked his dingaling for sum pcp

thread redeemed, B-
[May 15,2012 6:59pm - NO_LIMIT_NILLA ""]

ben said:
yeah it takes some years of experience to realize you are born into a far superior race that has been systematically taught in zionist agenda driven schools to think we are all equal. the same babies in this picture would reach out to a penguin thinking they are of the same making. racism is not taught, it is instinct. teaching only confirms your instinct. only in recent times have zionists made great efforts in hiding this obvious truth. only when you grow up and learn your race either achieved great importance or great harm in the time they have occupied this doomed planet, you will then know who you are and what you are willing to tolerate.

University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers placed sensors on the heads of 9-month -old babies (this already sounds like a dystopian nightmare) and measured brain activity when infants were shown pictures of white and black faces expressing emotion. Five-month-old babies could differentiate between happy or sad faces in both races equally. Nine-month-old babies related better to their own race. Also, the 5-month-olds' brain activity happened in the front of the brain; the older, more racist babies experienced activity in the back.

[May 15,2012 8:31pm - ben ""]
[May 15,2012 8:31pm - ben ""]
[May 15,2012 8:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

NO_LIMIT_NILLA said:the older, more racist babies

why is this making me laugh so hard
[May 15,2012 8:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 16,2012 10:39am - ben  ""]
ha ha!
[May 16,2012 12:39pm - Dead_Ass_Bee ""]
youre all a bunch of racist drama faggots. go get your cocks pierced together so you can feel it tug whenever you try shove it inside the others gaping metal asshole

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