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2008 RTTP Presidential poll

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[Jan 4,2008 2:27pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Who is or be you voting for?

this be the official RTTP poll, because my master, the last one on the poll, said so.
[Jan 4,2008 2:32pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
fuck democracy. and fuck brids.
[Jan 4,2008 2:39pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Fuck fascism, unless I'm the dictator!

I don't believe in voting either, the government is already far beyond a puppet state acting out the will of the man behind the curtain.

But I am human and still hold on to the most foolish of man's thoughts, hope.

Hopefully something can change.

CTHULHU SAYS FREE SLAVES TO ALL WHO VOTE FOR HIM (disclaimer: you will be the free slave, to Him!)
[Jan 4,2008 2:40pm - niflheim ""]
...Only when the stars are right again
[Jan 4,2008 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
don't blame me, I voted for kodos.
[Jan 4,2008 2:48pm - the_reverend ""]
also, I'm voting for the shover robot.
[Jan 4,2008 2:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Cthulhu / Hastur in '08: Why vote for the lesser evil?
[Jan 4,2008 2:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
the_reverend said:also, I'm voting for the shover robot.


[Jan 4,2008 2:53pm - dreadkill ""]
i voted cthulhu
[Jan 4,2008 3:16pm - pam nli  ""]
This will probably be the only place Ron Paul will win.
[Jan 4,2008 3:20pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Pam, why are you so opposed to Ron Paul?
[Jan 4,2008 4:30pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:Pam, why are you so opposed to Ron Paul?

cause he doesnt support the murder of babies!!!

like my slanting of language?

I think abortion should be outlawed unless it is for rape victims, or if it jeopardizes the health of the mother.

and for people who say

"what about the babies life, if he doesnt get an abortion then it will grow up in a miserable world..." well to answer that, fuck 'em, bad things happen to everyone. Growing up in a shitty home or foster home isn't the end of the world, there's always a chance things will turn out better.

or how about all those naysayers who say "if it's outlawed people will still do it anyway, in back alleys"

yeah shitty, horrible, evil people who deserve to become infected when a coat hanger gets shoved up there.

People need to take responsibility. if abortions were accepted so easily how many of us would be here? how many of our parents planned us?

But I am all for it if the situation calls for it as the only answer.
[Jan 4,2008 4:32pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
pam nli said:This will probably be the only place Ron Paul will win.

they say he might break double digits in the NH primary, at that will be embarrassing for the other front runners.

I think he will win a lot more than any other dark horse has won.

and at least he isnt a murderer like clinton or a socialist like Obama, or a evangelist like huckabee.

If I had to chose, it would be edwards with ron paul as vice.
[Jan 4,2008 4:36pm - cav nli  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:DaveFromTheGrave said:Pam, why are you so opposed to Ron Paul?

cause he doesnt support the murder of babies!!!

like my slanting of language?

I think abortion should be outlawed unless it is for rape victims, or if it jeopardizes the health of the mother.

and for people who say

"what about the babies life, if he doesnt get an abortion then it will grow up in a miserable world..." well to answer that, fuck 'em, bad things happen to everyone. Growing up in a shitty home or foster home isn't the end of the world, there's always a chance things will turn out better.

or how about all those naysayers who say "if it's outlawed people will still do it anyway, in back alleys"

yeah shitty, horrible, evil people who deserve to become infected when a coat hanger gets shoved up there.

People need to take responsibility. if abortions were accepted so easily how many of us would be here? how many of our parents planned us?

But I am all for it if the situation calls for it as the only answer.

"something is terribly amiss when the beauty and the miracle of new life
is nothing but a burden"
[Jan 4,2008 4:39pm - dreadkill ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:DaveFromTheGrave said:Pam, why are you so opposed to Ron Paul?

cause he doesnt support the murder of babies!!!

like my slanting of language?

I think abortion should be outlawed unless it is for rape victims, or if it jeopardizes the health of the mother.

and for people who say

"what about the babies life, if he doesnt get an abortion then it will grow up in a miserable world..." well to answer that, fuck 'em, bad things happen to everyone. Growing up in a shitty home or foster home isn't the end of the world, there's always a chance things will turn out better.

or how about all those naysayers who say "if it's outlawed people will still do it anyway, in back alleys"

yeah shitty, horrible, evil people who deserve to become infected when a coat hanger gets shoved up there.

People need to take responsibility. if abortions were accepted so easily how many of us would be here? how many of our parents planned us?

But I am all for it if the situation calls for it as the only answer.

you aren't a woman, so it's not your body in question. i don't think abortion should be an overused form of birth control, but i think it should be an option.
[Jan 4,2008 4:39pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:DaveFromTheGrave said:Pam, why are you so opposed to Ron Paul?

cause he doesnt support the murder of babies!!!

like my slanting of language?

I think abortion should be outlawed unless it is for rape victims, or if it jeopardizes the health of the mother.

and for people who say

"what about the babies life, if he doesnt get an abortion then it will grow up in a miserable world..." well to answer that, fuck 'em, bad things happen to everyone. Growing up in a shitty home or foster home isn't the end of the world, there's always a chance things will turn out better.

or how about all those naysayers who say "if it's outlawed people will still do it anyway, in back alleys"

yeah shitty, horrible, evil people who deserve to become infected when a coat hanger gets shoved up there.

People need to take responsibility. if abortions were accepted so easily how many of us would be here? how many of our parents planned us?

But I am all for it if the situation calls for it as the only answer.

Is your name Pam?
[Jan 4,2008 4:40pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
cav nli said:y_ddraig_goch said:DaveFromTheGrave said:Pam, why are you so opposed to Ron Paul?

cause he doesnt support the murder of babies!!!

like my slanting of language?

I think abortion should be outlawed unless it is for rape victims, or if it jeopardizes the health of the mother.

and for people who say

"what about the babies life, if he doesnt get an abortion then it will grow up in a miserable world..." well to answer that, fuck 'em, bad things happen to everyone. Growing up in a shitty home or foster home isn't the end of the world, there's always a chance things will turn out better.

or how about all those naysayers who say "if it's outlawed people will still do it anyway, in back alleys"

yeah shitty, horrible, evil people who deserve to become infected when a coat hanger gets shoved up there.

People need to take responsibility. if abortions were accepted so easily how many of us would be here? how many of our parents planned us?

But I am all for it if the situation calls for it as the only answer.

"something is terribly amiss when the beauty and the miracle of new life
is nothing but a burden"

"Having a baby is no more a miracle than eating food and a turd coming out of your ass."
[Jan 4,2008 4:44pm - sxealex ""]
legalizing something has never made it socially acceptable.
the whole point of legalizing it is to make the govt NOT touch that issue.
[Jan 4,2008 4:44pm - sxealex ""]
i mean its legal to drink but you are sure as hell getting fired if you come to work drunk.
[Jan 4,2008 4:48pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:y_ddraig_goch said:DaveFromTheGrave said:Pam, why are you so opposed to Ron Paul?


Is your name Pam?

no, but I've already seen her replies to why she doesn't support him in other threads. The baby issue.
[Jan 4,2008 4:53pm - sxealex ""]
a republican who wants to add govt involvement is an oxymoron.
there are a lot of oxymoron.
[Jan 4,2008 4:53pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
dreadkill said:

you aren't a woman, so it's not your body in question. i don't think abortion should be an overused form of birth control, but i think it should be an option.

Yeah but I am a citizen of the united states of America and children are the future. If our birthrate drops too low below the death rate (look at germany's) then you can say good by to social security, and all other services tax payers support. You can say good bye to all the possible jobs and thinkers that would have been born.

I think the argument of "it's not your body" is lame, because abortion does affect this country and men in general.

Whatcha ya gonna do when asian and latino baby boom runs wild on you?

[Jan 4,2008 5:08pm - dreadkill ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:dreadkill said:

you aren't a woman, so it's not your body in question. i don't think abortion should be an overused form of birth control, but i think it should be an option.

Yeah but I am a citizen of the united states of America and children are the future. If our birthrate drops too low below the death rate (look at germany's) then you can say good by to social security, and all other services tax payers support. You can say good bye to all the possible jobs and thinkers that would have been born.

I think the argument of "it's not your body" is lame, because abortion does affect this country and men in general.

Whatcha ya gonna do when asian and latino baby boom runs wild on you?

that baby boom is already running wild on this country. how is anti-abortion law going to make an impact on that? i doubt the population of aborted fetuses could compete with the breeding prowess of latinos in america.
[Jan 4,2008 5:17pm - pam nli  ""]
Wow, I'm glad you've made up my mind for me.

I'm no more opposed to Ron Paul as I am any other idiot religious nutbag republican. Yeah, let's leave things like abortion and K-12 school funding up to the states so that retard states like Alabama that have no money or brains can become even bigger shitholes than they already are. Good idea. There's a reason there is federal oversight, and I prefer that.

I'm not arguing abortion with this board anymore. You have no idea what it's like to be on the other end. You can take off, leave, and duck child support. It's NOT your body. It's NOT your decision. Want to end the need for abortion? Stop fucking these "whores" without condoms.

And children are our future? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted children wasting away in the system that will more than likely grow up to waste away in our prisons. Don't be retarded.

You want smaller government, but you want government to rule over what happens inside someones body? Dumb. If men could get pregnant, there wouldn't even be a discussion.
[Jan 4,2008 5:49pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
pam nli said:Wow, I'm glad you've made up my mind for me.

I'm no more opposed to Ron Paul as I am any other idiot religious nutbag republican. Yeah, let's leave things like abortion and K-12 school funding up to the states so that retard states like Alabama that have no money or brains can become even bigger shitholes than they already are. Good idea. There's a reason there is federal oversight, and I prefer that.

I'm not arguing abortion with this board anymore. You have no idea what it's like to be on the other end. You can take off, leave, and duck child support. It's NOT your body. It's NOT your decision. Want to end the need for abortion? Stop fucking these "whores" without condoms.

And children are our future? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted children wasting away in the system that will more than likely grow up to waste away in our prisons. Don't be retarded.

You want smaller government, but you want government to rule over what happens inside someones body? Dumb. If men could get pregnant, there wouldn't even be a discussion.

What are you talking about? dalllloouuuuu men can have babies...


Here's a question, why not have people be responsible...? I wear condoms, and I have only had sex with girlfriends...not random drunk women...I always make sure the woman is on birth control too.

People just need to be more responsible

if you get raped that's different... If you get knocked up from being a drunk and the man being an idiot and not wearing a condom, and the woman letting it slide... That's their fault, they should deal with it.

Let those children waste away, they are the byproduct of our ego centric culture that only cares about the individual and has no heed for consequences.

So you rather just kill the kids before they are born, even though there might be a possibility of them turning out good and finding loving homes? or do you think just killing them and not thinking about it helps?

I'm all for women's rights, but I think abortion should not be needed, I would rather have it fade away from lack of need then to be banned by government, or to be fully supported by government.

but there's always dumb sluts and stupid men who don't warp their junk who create a need for it.

[Jan 4,2008 5:50pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
We have a massive war, we're enslaved to the Federal Reserve, our cost of living rises, people starve on the streets, healthcare is non existent for many.

and on RTTP here we are arguing over the right to abortion...
[Jan 4,2008 6:07pm - DomesticTerror ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:

I think abortion should be outlawed unless it is for rape victims...

so...you're opposed to the termination of an "innocent, unborn child"...unless the father is an asshole. then it's perfectly ok. that makes zero sense.

[Jan 4,2008 6:08pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
are you calling for an abortion on the issue of abortion?

i think its debated more because you don't need to be as informed as you would on most other political hot topics to have a valid opinion.
[Jan 4,2008 6:29pm - sxealex ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:

Here's a question, why not have people be responsible...? I wear condoms, and I have only had sex with girlfriends...not random drunk women...I always make sure the woman is on birth control too.

People just need to be more responsible

if you get raped that's different... If you get knocked up from being a drunk and the man being an idiot and not wearing a condom, and the woman letting it slide... That's their fault, they should deal with it.

Let those children waste away, they are the byproduct of our ego centric culture that only cares about the individual and has no heed for consequences.

So you rather just kill the kids before they are born, even though there might be a possibility of them turning out good and finding loving homes? or do you think just killing them and not thinking about it helps?

I'm all for women's rights, but I think abortion should not be needed, I would rather have it fade away from lack of need then to be banned by government, or to be fully supported by government.

but there's always dumb sluts and stupid men who don't warp their junk who create a need for it.

Ok great so we will all be responsible and there will be no need for the government to intervien.

[Jan 4,2008 6:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Abortion should be mandatory.
[Jan 4,2008 6:43pm - DomesticTerror ""]
and free.
[Jan 4,2008 6:45pm - mortalis ""]
sxealex said:y_ddraig_goch said:

Here's a question, why not have people be responsible...? I wear condoms, and I have only had sex with girlfriends...not random drunk women...I always make sure the woman is on birth control too.

People just need to be more responsible

if you get raped that's different... If you get knocked up from being a drunk and the man being an idiot and not wearing a condom, and the woman letting it slide... That's their fault, they should deal with it.

Let those children waste away, they are the byproduct of our ego centric culture that only cares about the individual and has no heed for consequences.

So you rather just kill the kids before they are born, even though there might be a possibility of them turning out good and finding loving homes? or do you think just killing them and not thinking about it helps?

I'm all for women's rights, but I think abortion should not be needed, I would rather have it fade away from lack of need then to be banned by government, or to be fully supported by government.

but there's always dumb sluts and stupid men who don't warp their junk who create a need for it.

Ok great so we will all be responsible and there will be no need for the government to intervien.

think of the ramifications. ron paul becomes president, tells people to be more responsible, and BOOM, problem solved. hell, we might not even need law enforcement anymore!
[Jan 4,2008 7:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I heard Ron Paul climbed Everest with both his hands tied behind his back, and only scaled it with a hook coming out of his penis.
[Jan 4,2008 7:09pm - RichHorror ""]
A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Bill Brasky.
[Jan 4,2008 7:12pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
A vote for cthulhu brings you closer to being eaten
[Jan 4,2008 7:31pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:A vote for cthulhu brings you closer to being eaten

I can think of worst fates. I could have be aborted.
[Jan 4,2008 8:08pm - shannon ""]
"You have no idea what it's like to be on the other end. You can take off, leave, and duck child support. It's NOT your body. It's NOT your decision. Want to end the need for abortion? Stop fucking these "whores" without condoms.

And children are our future? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted children wasting away in the system that will more than likely grow up to waste away in our prisons. Don't be retarded.

You want smaller government, but you want government to rule over what happens inside someones body? Dumb. If men could get pregnant, there wouldn't even be a discussion. "

Can I get an amen-
[Jan 4,2008 9:28pm - Lamp ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:You can say good bye to all the possible jobs and thinkers that would have been born.

Yeah dude, it's really a shame that one scientist and one hundred thousand Taco Bell managers will never be born.
[Jan 4,2008 9:33pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
shannon said:"You have no idea what it's like to be on the other end. You can take off, leave, and duck child support. It's NOT your body. It's NOT your decision. Want to end the need for abortion? Stop fucking these "whores" without condoms.

And children are our future? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted children wasting away in the system that will more than likely grow up to waste away in our prisons. Don't be retarded.

You want smaller government, but you want government to rule over what happens inside someones body? Dumb. If men could get pregnant, there wouldn't even be a discussion. "

Can I get an amen-

i'll give you an amen; in hope of agreeing with you will get me laid.
[Jan 4,2008 10:37pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Lamp said:y_ddraig_goch said:You can say good bye to all the possible jobs and thinkers that would have been born.

Yeah dude, it's really a shame that one scientist and one hundred thousand Taco Bell managers will never be born.

there's got to be someone to get your tacos, right?
[Jan 4,2008 10:38pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
P.S I fully support the right to abortion, but I really think that it should be a last call, far too many people rely on it as birth control or overuse it
[Jan 4,2008 10:43pm - CNV  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:pam nli said:Wow, I'm glad you've made up my mind for me.

I'm no more opposed to Ron Paul as I am any other idiot religious nutbag republican. Yeah, let's leave things like abortion and K-12 school funding up to the states so that retard states like Alabama that have no money or brains can become even bigger shitholes than they already are. Good idea. There's a reason there is federal oversight, and I prefer that.

I'm not arguing abortion with this board anymore. You have no idea what it's like to be on the other end. You can take off, leave, and duck child support. It's NOT your body. It's NOT your decision. Want to end the need for abortion? Stop fucking these "whores" without condoms.

And children are our future? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted children wasting away in the system that will more than likely grow up to waste away in our prisons. Don't be retarded.

You want smaller government, but you want government to rule over what happens inside someones body? Dumb. If men could get pregnant, there wouldn't even be a discussion.

What are you talking about? dalllloouuuuu men can have babies...


Here's a question, why not have people be responsible...? I wear condoms, and I have only had sex with girlfriends...not random drunk women...I always make sure the woman is on birth control too.

People just need to be more responsible

if you get raped that's different... If you get knocked up from being a drunk and the man being an idiot and not wearing a condom, and the woman letting it slide... That's their fault, they should deal with it.

Let those children waste away, they are the byproduct of our ego centric culture that only cares about the individual and has no heed for consequences.

So you rather just kill the kids before they are born, even though there might be a possibility of them turning out good and finding loving homes? or do you think just killing them and not thinking about it helps?

I'm all for women's rights, but I think abortion should not be needed, I would rather have it fade away from lack of need then to be banned by government, or to be fully supported by government.

but there's always dumb sluts and stupid men who don't warp their junk who create a need for it.

Your a dope... Clearly you have no concept of too many humans not enough resources. Life is not precious... Life is a darwinist struggle for survival and the idiots breed like rabbits. I am all for dead babies... Kill, kill, kill... Population control dumb dumb... 40 percent of our rivers and streams are too polluted to fish because of humans. People ruin everything... PRO DEATH

Abortion is the only issue I disagree with Ron Paul on... I do feel the other issues he is talking about are dead on and are more pressing.
Luckily it will be a state issue when it comes to abortion. And if your not gonna vote your opinion means shit... Fuckin kids today...
[Jan 4,2008 11:00pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Voting isnt real

and it's you're not your.

and the resources are there. Our greedy corporations just don't know how to manage them, or waste too much, or purposely mismanage them.

the reason the earth is strained is because we don't bother to regulate our waster, or properly manage our resource usage.

And idiots are idiots because they let themselves get that way.

here's an idea, let's reinstate eugenics, just because Hitler used it doesn't make it a bad idea. I think it's one of the greatest ideas of humanity, as long as it isn't controlled by the wrong people for the wrong means.

[Jan 4,2008 11:04pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Ron Paul has some sweet ideas when it comes to illegal immigration and education reform. I'm leaning his way right way.
[Jan 5,2008 1:30am - dreadkill ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:P.S I fully support the right to abortion, but I really think that it should be a last call, far too many people rely on it as birth control or overuse it

i'm with you there. it should not be overused as a form of birth control. i just don't agree with the government making a blanket call on it and taking away the right to choose if it is best. every situation is different.
[Jan 5,2008 1:58am - SW  ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Ron Paul has some sweet ideas when it comes to illegal immigration and education reform. I'm leaning his way right way.

Revelation 18
[Jan 5,2008 2:44am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
I like Mitt Romney.
[Jan 5,2008 6:27am - anonymous  ""]
Ron Paul is against abortion. All of you idiots voting for him should know that you're supporting bullshit christian values.
[Jan 5,2008 10:24am - pam nli  ""]
I don't think I ever said people shouldn't be more responsible. I'm well aware that there are pretty disgusting people out there that use a last resort as a way out of a preventable problem. HOWEVER, if we were to outlaw abortion with rape as an exception, how many of those disgusting people would get desperate and start fingering the guy they fucked to get the abortion they need. Not to mention, who is going to decide that? How can you be sure they decide without bias? It takes a year to get a court date for some punk kid breaking your car window, what do you think will happen here?

And I think it bears mentioning that Republicans vote down EVERY piece of non-abstinence only sex ed funding that comes across their face. How the fuck does it make sense to REFUSE to fund programs that teach about condoms, birth control, teen pregnancy, and STDs...vote down legislature that forces ALL pharmacies to carry the morning after pill (which has no effect on an already implanted egg, thus "aborts" nothing) but then try to blanket-ban abortion.

People are going to fuck. They're going to make bad choices. Instead of playing big brother to them and making laws that reach into a woman's fucking vagina, how about we expand efforts to teach kids not to be fucking stupid? Bring teen moms into classrooms to talk about what they went through. Make birth control available to girls without parental permission at 16 years of age or something. You can drive but you can't be on the pill? Make insurance companies cover the pill. Make it free. That's how you reduce the need for abortion, not by making laws sprung out of the "moral christian" agenda.

And Mitt Romney is a fucking moron.
[Jan 5,2008 10:28am - metal cvlt  ""]
TLDR biatch

to go back to the basics of this thread.. i wrote in MSD

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