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2008 RTTP Presidential poll

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[Jan 5,2008 10:39am - Lamp ""]
metal cvlt said:TLDR biatch

Is this what we're starting to resort to now? Fuck off and die, shitface.
[Jan 5,2008 10:49am - pam nli  ""]
metal cvlt said:TLDR biatch

to go back to the basics of this thread.. i wrote in MSD

Are you serious about being a 14 year old girl in an AOL chatroom?
[Jan 5,2008 12:08pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Wow. Hell must have frozen over...RttP, so far, is more supportive of a Republican (Ron Paul) than any other candidate. I'm def. voting for Ron Paul and if he isn't on the ballot I'm voting for my fucking cat as a write in. I would almost be willing to bet my life that a Democrat will likely take office in Jan. 2009. As that is the reality, I say, anyone but Hillary! I hate that cunt. With that said, I guess I hope Osama-bin-obam, ughh obamasama, ughhh Sen. Obama wins.
[Jan 5,2008 12:22pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
pam nli said:I don't think I ever said people shouldn't be more responsible. I'm well aware that there are pretty disgusting people out there that use a last resort as a way out of a preventable problem. HOWEVER, if we were to outlaw abortion with rape as an exception, how many of those disgusting people would get desperate and start fingering the guy they fucked to get the abortion they need. Not to mention, who is going to decide that? How can you be sure they decide without bias? It takes a year to get a court date for some punk kid breaking your car window, what do you think will happen here?

And I think it bears mentioning that Republicans vote down EVERY piece of non-abstinence only sex ed funding that comes across their face. How the fuck does it make sense to REFUSE to fund programs that teach about condoms, birth control, teen pregnancy, and STDs...vote down legislature that forces ALL pharmacies to carry the morning after pill (which has no effect on an already implanted egg, thus "aborts" nothing) but then try to blanket-ban abortion.

People are going to fuck. They're going to make bad choices. Instead of playing big brother to them and making laws that reach into a woman's fucking vagina, how about we expand efforts to teach kids not to be fucking stupid? Bring teen moms into classrooms to talk about what they went through. Make birth control available to girls without parental permission at 16 years of age or something. You can drive but you can't be on the pill? Make insurance companies cover the pill. Make it free. That's how you reduce the need for abortion, not by making laws sprung out of the "moral christian" agenda.

And Mitt Romney is a fucking moron.

Complete agreement with you there. Sex ed is no longer funded? I remember in middle school even my last year in elementary we had it, definitely a good idea.

Also, it doesnt help with pope saying condoms and any birthcontrol is akin to abortion, which is why no one in south america who is catholic uses it.
[Jan 5,2008 12:38pm - DomesticTerror ""]
abortion is the best $500 i ever spent.
[Jan 5,2008 12:58pm - metal cvlt  ""]
if a negro or woman is elected we are so fucked..

and fuck you if you think you are intelligent and still participate in this shithole.
[Jan 5,2008 10:28pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Mitt Romney is a massive business man. That's what we need in the Whitehouse!! We haven't had a true business man as President for years... Look up what Mitt has done over the years.

We don't need any shitty-ass democraps in office. All they do is talk about how they can take more of our money and give it to somebody else.
[Jan 6,2008 9:41am - cav nli  ""]
DomesticTerror said:abortion is the best $500 i ever spent.

it costs 500 bucks?
[Jan 6,2008 10:15am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY said:Mitt Romney is a massive business man. That's what we need in the Whitehouse!! We haven't had a true business man as President for years... Look up what Mitt has done over the years.

We don't need any shitty-ass democraps in office. All they do is talk about how they can take more of our money and give it to somebody else.

your values are as gay as your band.

What we don't need is a business man. This country is a democracy not a fucking company. We don't need some guy worrying about his shareholders, making profits and such. America has done terrible since Clinton implemented the idea of running the country like a business.

Not too mention he's a mormom...

oh yeah, he's outspokenly racist towards Middle Easterners, he said that if he were elected he would not allow anyone of middle eastern descent to work for him at any level.
[Jan 6,2008 12:09pm - DomesticTerror ""]
cav nli said:DomesticTerror said:abortion is the best $500 i ever spent.

it costs 500 bucks?

10 years ago it did. it's probably more now. still, i'd do it again. just don't run the vacuum cleaner around the GF for a few days...

[Jan 6,2008 12:35pm - Hoser ""]
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY said:Mitt Romney is a massive business man. That's what we need in the Whitehouse!! We haven't had a true business man as President for years... Look up what Mitt has done over the years.

We don't need any shitty-ass democraps in office. All they do is talk about how they can take more of our money and give it to somebody else.

Are you a retard? Bush is not a businessman? Tell that to the oil companies that him and his family have made millions on.

[Jan 6,2008 12:35pm - Hoser ""]
We should vote a moose into office. Nobody disagrees with a moose.
[Jan 6,2008 1:05pm - DomesticTerror ""]
but which moose? the black one or the cow?
[Jan 6,2008 1:46pm - SteveOTB ""]
Damn right I'm in the presidential poll.

However it's spelled wrong, it should say "Thompson".
[Jan 6,2008 5:00pm - Niccolai ""]
[Jan 6,2008 8:30pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Niccolai said:CHIODO FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!

His platform:

"free tacos for everybody, meng"
[Jan 6,2008 9:02pm - Lamp ""]
When the going gets rough he'll know how to disappear quick...
[Jan 6,2008 9:05pm - pam nli  ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:pam nli said:I don't think I ever said people shouldn't be more responsible. I'm well aware that there are pretty disgusting people out there that use a last resort as a way out of a preventable problem. HOWEVER, if we were to outlaw abortion with rape as an exception, how many of those disgusting people would get desperate and start fingering the guy they fucked to get the abortion they need. Not to mention, who is going to decide that? How can you be sure they decide without bias? It takes a year to get a court date for some punk kid breaking your car window, what do you think will happen here?

And I think it bears mentioning that Republicans vote down EVERY piece of non-abstinence only sex ed funding that comes across their face. How the fuck does it make sense to REFUSE to fund programs that teach about condoms, birth control, teen pregnancy, and STDs...vote down legislature that forces ALL pharmacies to carry the morning after pill (which has no effect on an already implanted egg, thus "aborts" nothing) but then try to blanket-ban abortion.

People are going to fuck. They're going to make bad choices. Instead of playing big brother to them and making laws that reach into a woman's fucking vagina, how about we expand efforts to teach kids not to be fucking stupid? Bring teen moms into classrooms to talk about what they went through. Make birth control available to girls without parental permission at 16 years of age or something. You can drive but you can't be on the pill? Make insurance companies cover the pill. Make it free. That's how you reduce the need for abortion, not by making laws sprung out of the "moral christian" agenda.

And Mitt Romney is a fucking moron.

Complete agreement with you there. Sex ed is no longer funded? I remember in middle school even my last year in elementary we had it, definitely a good idea.

Also, it doesnt help with pope saying condoms and any birthcontrol is akin to abortion, which is why no one in south america who is catholic uses it.

Sex ed is funded to a point, but it's a state-by-state, school-by-school sort of decision on what KIND of sex ed to teach. When I was perusing voting records for all the current candidates I saw 3 bills I can recall in the last 2 years that were voted down by all the Republicans and even a few Democrats that would provide a ton of funding for REAL sex ed. The abstinence only kind flies right through without anyone batting an eyelash. I just don't get it. What kind of moron thinks teaching kids properly will turn them into whores?

We had it in my middle school and I'm glad too. We even had teen moms come in once a year and talk to us. I can't say it was a fool-proof plan but it can't fucking hurt.

And the pope is an idiot...I almost swallowed my tongue when I read he said that. Just because he isn't getting any...

Condoms should be in bowls in every pharmacy and drug store for FREE. Then maybe people dumb enough to vote for Mitt Romney might not be born so often.
[Jan 7,2008 9:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
RichHorror said:Abortion should be mandatory.

DomesticTerror said:and free.

And administered at random, in public. Especially on the bus.
[Jan 7,2008 3:51pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
[Jan 7,2008 11:25pm - RonATron  ""]
In the words of Jello Biafra, 'in a real democracy NONE OF THE ABOVE would be an option and if that won they'd have to find a whole new set of canidates and start over, and if less than 50% of us voted than they would also need a new election since this is not a majority.'
[Jan 7,2008 11:27pm - RonATron  ""]
Once again I fear we will be left with DOUCHE BAG and TERD SANDWICH as final options. The civil majority are puppets.
[Jan 8,2008 1:29am - ctb0derpatrol  ""]
[Jan 8,2008 2:43am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

get out and vote, or you can't bitch if they pick someone shitty...ie mitt romney, huckabee, or clinton
[Jan 8,2008 2:53am - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
A Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich ticket would get my vote any day.

Radicals (on both sides) all the fuckin' way. At least they have the balls to convey to the people what they really feel about all the issues at hand rather than dodging and running onto their bus *cough*cough* Hillary ughhh gughhh Clinton...
[Jan 8,2008 3:20pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

this message not brought to you by NIGGER.
[Jan 8,2008 3:26pm - pam nli  ""]
Come on, Obama!
[Jan 8,2008 3:34pm - dreadkill ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:get out and vote, or you can't bitch if they pick someone shitty...ie mitt romney, huckabee, or clinton

that's how i look at it too. if you don't vote, you can't complain. if the person you voted for wins and does a suck job, you can complain that the person isn't living up to your vote. if the person you voted for loses and the winner does a shitty job, you can complain about the idiots who voted the person in.
[Jan 8,2008 3:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
dreadkill said:Y_Ddraig_Goch said:get out and vote, or you can't bitch if they pick someone shitty...ie mitt romney, huckabee, or clinton

that's how i look at it too. if you don't vote, you can't complain. if the person you voted for wins and does a suck job, you can complain that the person isn't living up to your vote. if the person you voted for loses and the winner does a shitty job, you can complain about the idiots who voted the person in.

Does that mean if you vote for the winner, and they end up being an asshole, we get to blame it on you?
[Jan 8,2008 3:41pm - Final solution  ""]
Barack Obama is genetically inferior to Ron Paul...
[Jan 8,2008 3:41pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 8,2008 3:41pm - dreadkill ""]
yes was to destroyyoualot's post.
[Jan 8,2008 3:51pm - CNV  ""]
Some fat dike jus came to my door with a Hillary shirt... I waved my ron Paul sign at her .... Hahaha
[Jan 8,2008 3:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
dreadkill said:yes


dreadkill said:yes was to destroyyoualot's post.

Yaaay again!

See, I'm in the other camp - until a candidate presents themselves that I wouldn't feel like a liar voting for, I'm out.

Things being as they are, I'm not seeing this happening anytime soon.
[Jan 8,2008 4:32pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Jan 8,2008 4:39pm - dreadkill ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:dreadkill said:yes


dreadkill said:yes was to destroyyoualot's post.

Yaaay again!

See, I'm in the other camp - until a candidate presents themselves that I wouldn't feel like a liar voting for, I'm out.

Things being as they are, I'm not seeing this happening anytime soon.

i see that side of the coin as well. i can see how someone would rather not vote than vote for a candidate they view as shitty but not as shitty as the rest.
[Jan 8,2008 5:30pm - CNV  ""]
Just cast my vote for Dr. Paul in good ol' Seabrook... Bill Clinton was down the rec center tryin to drum up support for that wench he has for a wife... My sister even got a picture with the ol womanizer...

According to the straw poles Ron Paul is going to win in New Hampshire...

Looks like it's between Israeli lapdog Clinton and Israeli lapdog Osama "african bam bada" Obama for the democrap spot...
[Jan 8,2008 5:53pm - the_reverend ""]
weird, the poll that I saw had ron paul at 11% in NH.
[Jan 8,2008 6:28pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Voted in Rochester today for Ron Paul. Feels good to finally have a voice.
[Jan 8,2008 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
this is the first primary i didnt vote for in a long time. the numbers right now are mccain 37 and romney 35. no mention of ron paul at all.
[Jan 8,2008 9:51pm - Dankill  ""]
Barak Odrama is losin' OH SNAP.
[Jan 8,2008 9:59pm - Hoser ""]
Clinton is an ugly fucking HAG.
[Jan 8,2008 10:23pm - DrewBlood ""]
Ron Paul is a poor excuse for a congressman who could've only been elected in a state like Texas and is an awful candidate for president. I do like the fact that he speaks his mind and he says what he believes is true, but the man is completely out of touch with reality. Almost as out of touch as all of you guys who take him seriously.
[Jan 8,2008 11:51pm - DomesticTerror ""]
iron my shirt!
[Jan 9,2008 12:25am - Lamp ""]
pam nli said:Come on, Obama!
[Jan 9,2008 12:43am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
DrewBlood said:Ron Paul is a poor excuse for a congressman who could've only been elected in a state like Texas and is an awful candidate for president. I do like the fact that he speaks his mind and he says what he believes is true, but the man is completely out of touch with reality. Almost as out of touch as all of you guys who take him seriously.

a state like texas? how insightful of you to point something like that out. Well, at least you don't stereotype people, like all those texans do.
[Jan 9,2008 12:45am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Hoser said:Clinton is an ugly fucking HAG.

[Jan 9,2008 3:03am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

who won republican, McCain? not toooooo bad.
[Jan 9,2008 7:33am - Dankill  ""]
DomesticTerror said:iron my shirt!

God bless the Toucher and Rich Show.
[Jan 9,2008 8:45am - the_reverend ""]
McCain 37%
Romney 32%
Huckabee 11%
Giuliani 9%
Paul 8%
Thompson 1%
Hunter 0%

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