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2008 RTTP Presidential poll

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[Jan 9,2008 9:05am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
Looks like the Tastycrat and Fingerlican turnout was higher than expected.
[Jan 9,2008 10:12am - Lamp ""]
Fuck Hillary Clinton, what the fuck were these people thinking?
[Jan 9,2008 3:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
less than half of the registered NH public actually voted, meaning only about 16% actually voted for clinton and something like 12% voted for mccain.

no candidates are worthwhile, and many people are starting to make connections between ron paul and zionist economical figures
[Jan 9,2008 4:08pm - ZJD ""]
So who are the 6 people that voted for Romney (in this poll)?
[Jan 9,2008 4:37pm - dreadkill ""]
i tell my friends i'm voting for romney and sing his praises just to piss them off. in truth, i'd never vote for romney for president. he sucks. i voted cthulhu in this poll.
[Jan 9,2008 8:14pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
Dankill said:DomesticTerror said:iron my shirt!

God bless the Toucher and Rich Show.

did they really set that up?
I heard Rush Limbaugh talking about this today.

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