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Feb. 8th, at Fat Cat's in Springfield

Fat Cat's (Springfield, MA) - [6_bullets_for_your_crew][angela_rose][burn_in_silence][days_will_die][in_dire_need][killreign][moshy_mosh][randomshots][scars_of_tomorrow]
[Jan 28,2004 12:36pm - joostin ""]
In Dire Need, killreign, fight for your life, hollywood, moshy mosh, and more tba

this show is going to be HUGE and is going to be a deciding factor on weather or not we get on Metalfest this year. so, i ask of you,
who's going?
[Jan 28,2004 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going
[Jan 28,2004 5:47pm - stainless ""]
Hey Joostin can the_network get on this HoTTNESS.
[Jan 29,2004 2:28am - joostin ""]
stainless said:Hey Joostin can the_network get on this HoTTNESS.

unfortunately, i have no control over the bill, but if you'd like, you could contact Scott Lee(aka. ogre) at massconcerts and see if you can sway him since he's putting on the show.
[Jan 29,2004 2:32am - George ""]
i still need to see this band moshy mosh. im positive i'll hate them, but with a name like that how can you go wrong. i wish i had thought of it first.

and no i wont be there. i dont like metalcore.
[Jan 29,2004 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
they will only play 1 song, 5 minute set, tops.
[Feb 1,2004 3:13pm - joostin ""]
[Feb 1,2004 3:23pm - the_reverend ""]
who is the and more?
[Feb 1,2004 7:14pm - joostin outside  ""]
the_reverend said:who is the and more?

no idea, but most of these bands play short sets, so i'm assuming a few other bands are on this show.
[Feb 1,2004 9:23pm - anonymous  ""]
Burn in Silence is also on that show.. features Max (ex. Goratory & Trauma Concept), Mike (ex. Vile Embrace), Chris (ex. Dogfight & Changing Skin), Jon (ex. Carv, also temp touring fill-in drummer for Unearth)... and some more guys from bands I forget.. www.burninsilence.com for info on them. Even though they "stole" our bass player, I still love the guys lol
[Feb 1,2004 10:48pm - Terence ""]
how many ex's can one band have. lets make a game out of it!
[Feb 1,2004 11:16pm - succubus ""]
saw 2 tonight..oh you mean bands...nevermind
[Feb 1,2004 11:17pm - the_reverend ""]
someone, give me a full list of bands on my events post.
and then someone give me a guest list
rev aaron
[Feb 2,2004 8:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha george, you are a king among men.
[Feb 4,2004 11:59am - joostin ""]
oh, and i don't think Bury Your Dead is a "secret headliner"
[Feb 7,2004 11:40pm - joostin not at home  ""]
scars of tomorrow has just been added

it's going
Angela Rose
Moshy Mosh
Fight for Your Life
In Dire Need
Scars of Tomorrow
then Killreign
[Feb 7,2004 11:47pm - succubus ""]
oh man...my friend from high school's name was Angela Rose (her first and last name)
[Feb 8,2004 1:05am - jake  ""]
this show is going to be retardedly awesome. yes, retardedly awesome.

$10 to get in?
[Feb 8,2004 5:28am - the_reverend ""]
Fight for Your Life is like STF
[Feb 8,2004 3:50pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
dave maggot, christina, erika and I shall be there worshipping the devil like good little children. i better not get hit in the face with a fish. heh heh
[Feb 8,2004 6:52pm - theundergroundscene ""]
I was going to go but I fucking slipped on ice last night and fucked up my leg real good. :*-(
[Feb 8,2004 8:03pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I did that last year. Dumbest idea in the world.
[Feb 8,2004 8:06pm - succubus ""]
id that 10 yrs ago...sucks..and while walking from the icc church last night...but i caught myself just as my knee hit the ground si it was fine and i couldn't stop laughing actually.

i was going to go with aaron but i took a bunch of advil and my head was still pounding...poor aaron had to drive me back here =(

[Feb 9,2004 12:48am - the_reverend ""]
I'm back.
working on pictures.
[Feb 9,2004 12:51am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading now.
[Feb 9,2004 1:46am - jake  ""]
amazing. im convinced there's no such thing as a bad performance from IDN.

any idea on what those metalfest "scouts" thought?

oh yeah, what in god's name was that horrible smell that filled the place during the last (2nd to last?) song?
[Feb 9,2004 2:11am - joostin ""]
oh there have been plenty of bad ID sets.
that's why we took the entire month of january off to get shit straight.
we're going to find out what the scouts thought tomorrow when we call mr.scott lee.
and that smell was fart spray.
[Feb 9,2004 2:12am - George ""]
paul looks so pleased with crapping his pants.
[Feb 9,2004 10:24am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I guess I don't have to worry about guestlists at fat cat's. thank you aaron (aka joostin) IDN and scott lee. The attendance for this show was awesome for a show with no headlining band. Also, for a night slated as "In Dire Need plus some nu-metal bands" the show was actually a lot better than I thought.

moshy mosh: they started while I was still in the back, but I got up and snapped a few shots. basically the same drums and equipment and most people stayed up there for the first 3 bands.

angela rose: this was as she dies with george (holywood). They sounded just like as she dies from what I remember.

days will die: I was so let down. these guy sounded great at the northamton show, but here, the guitars go together at all. on a good note, the singer still has an awesome voice. like a hardcore version of anoxia's vocals.

6 bullets for your crew: they were 2-steppy hardcore. it was funny cuase they called everyone pussies. I guess this was mostly (if not all) the band formally known as auraphase.

burn in silence: they were a metal band with a synth, featuring max (the bassist that left trauma concept). I wasn't quite feeling it. they sort of sounded like inflames meets diecast. At the end of their set, someone came over the house speakers and said "some people just shouldn't be in the pit".

scars of tomorrow: another excellent set by them. they were added late so their wasn't enough of their fans there to have more people singing alot to visions.

in dire need: damn, this band always delivers. such a killer set. People danced a little "too hard" and certain nameless people got pulled outside.

killreign: they were a nu-metal band. I left after 1 or 2 songs. not my thing. I had confused them with killgrip. my bad.
[Feb 9,2004 10:43am - joostin ""]
George said:
paul looks so pleased with crapping his pants.

was that REALLY meant to be funny? if so, boo-urns.
[Feb 9,2004 11:24am - HiImPaul ""]
lol george I was crapping my pants too that shitty band we were pretending to sing along too. I was making the stupidest faces possible just for the relapse board haha. Anyways the turn out was decent for the show that had no headliner, but I got kicked out during the second song of IDN because I was "dancing to hard." Apparently all boston kids get kicked out of fat cats. Whatever I still had fun for a little bit.
[Feb 9,2004 11:47am - jeffie_k ""]
next to last pic on the angela rose set is the best one, i'm all like hey rev, I SEE YOU!! haha
[Feb 9,2004 1:29pm - George ""]
it was ment to be a joke. im sorry i'll think of something more clever next time.

not personal, i just laughed out loud when i saw that picture.
[Feb 9,2004 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
me too.
and that wasn't paul that crapped his pants, it was fart spray.
[Feb 9,2004 3:14pm - anonymous  ""]
eh. 6 bullets for your crew is fucking terrible..must they play at every fat cat show? does that bassist have any other hoodies besides that unearth one? fucking scrub..ok im done
[Feb 9,2004 3:50pm - anonymous  ""]
that kid with the fart spray was banned for life what a champ he is. it stunk but sure was funny
[Feb 9,2004 8:25pm - wekillyou ""]
in dire need was the best band at the show. my friend was the one with the fart spray, yea he got banned for life. haha it was great seeing every one pitting with there face covered. i was the one with the black zoo york shirt. -=-=wekillyou=-=-
[Feb 9,2004 11:05pm - 6bulletts  ""]
:gun:Whoever wrote this probably isn't even in a band first of all. second PLEASE say that to us personally and see how dead you will be. you are just a one week hero. If any of you said the thing about Doug's hoodie to his face you would probably be just a smear on the ground. Anyway, whoever wrote this is a p*$$y, obviously. So if anyone really wants to talk crap, PLEASE, I urge you to tell us straight up. ANYWAY I THOUGHT HARDCORE WAS ABOUT UNITY. OBVIOUSLY YOU WANABEE FASHION CORE FAGS DON'T KNOW S**T. SO TAKE YOUR GAY HAIRDO'S AND YOUR TIGHT PANTS AND BRING IT!!!!!!.

SIX BULLETS FOR YOUR CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 9,2004 11:08pm - anonymous  ""]
wow....your a tough guy arent ya.?
[Feb 9,2004 11:09pm - todayistheday  ""]
i just laughed my ass off...........
[Feb 9,2004 11:34pm - stevie knuckles  ""]
6 bullets for your crew, when i find you faggots i'm gonna pucnh your gay faces in and make you eat shit out of my ass. then i'n gonna fuck you in the ass.
[Feb 9,2004 11:52pm - indianYEA ""]
i got drunk in holyoak, guess you had to be there
[Feb 10,2004 12:38am - joostin ""]
to mr.6 bullets: everyone is always going to have theiro wn opinions about people's bands weather they're positive or not. my band has gotten shit for years, so i know what it's like. also, bringing words like those to a messageboard of all places isn't really the best thing to do either except get you worked up, and make you look foolish(and i know that's not what you want).

to whoever posted without a name: c'mon, grow a pair.

to Jay with the Spray: i love you.

with that, i take my hair-do and my tight pants and leave you for the evening.
also, check us out March 5th at the Green Room in Providence RI with
A Life Once Lost
Blood Has Been Shed
Burnt By The Sun
and Diecast
[Feb 10,2004 8:29am - gohomejer ""]
6 bullets use to be called Arch Fiend, then Auraphase, and covered a Hatebreed song at their high school battle of the bands, when the bassist use to rock the Slipknot hoody. real tough, fags.
[Feb 10,2004 11:33am - 6 bullets for u  ""]
die you fucking faget ill find you and youll cry for me not to brake every fashion core bone in your body what? we have to sound like bury your dead or acacia gay in order to get fans. fuck off and go hide at your house till the next show when mommy lets you go out again.
[Feb 10,2004 11:44am - anonymous(haha)  ""]
you are exactly right joostin. but these arent just saying they dont like our music they are pretty much saying they dont like us. the funny thing is there is only about three people that go to shows that no who we really are. so to the people talking shit whatever call us scrubs talk shit cause our bassist had a slipknot hoodie you all act like you were born with a fucking seven inch in your hand i see a lot of the kids at the shows and i can tell half of them still have their blink 182 collection.
[Feb 10,2004 11:46am - a friend  ""]
you certainly think about eating and fucking ass a lot
[Feb 10,2004 12:59pm - George ""]
went from listening to slipknot to unearth....thats not that big of a step
unearth is fucking terrible.
and your hats all look really stupid.
and i didnt go to the show, cause metalcore is dumb as hell.
[Feb 10,2004 1:22pm - tbone_r ""]
u guys are missing the point....in dire need, blood has been shed, and diecast all in one show? im creaming my pants just thinking about it
[Feb 10,2004 2:15pm - XmikeX ""]
my review:

moshy mosh: 1 song set with nothing but breakdowns. thats some brilliant shit right here.

angela rose: dumb name for an altogether adequate band. they remind me of Fight Night sort of, in that they're just a fun band to see.

days will die: this band has the potential, now they just need to figure out what it is they're trying to do. the singer has a decent voice. i just feel like they don't really have a plan, and it comes across as just sloppy music.

burned in silence: some blatant slayer ripoffage...tahts a compliment.

6 Bullets for your Crew: Watched 1 song, then went to eat chicken.

IDN: Bring back Ross.

Springfeild is a dump, I love it.

A lesson for everyone:
Hardcore is NOT about scarves and army hats, just as it is NOT about unity.

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