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Fall Of The Bastards/Nefarious/I,Destroyer/Ascendancy in Providence

AS220 (Providence, RI) - [abhorred][ascendancy][fall_of_the_bastard][nefarious][randomshots]
[Aug 5,2004 5:43pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 5,2004 5:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
tell that girl with the phobia shirt to go!
[Aug 5,2004 5:48pm - armageddonday ""]
are you talking about the small punky girl that was at the Dropdead show?
[Aug 5,2004 5:55pm - assuck ""]
a girl with a phobia shirt? i think i'm in love.
[Aug 5,2004 6:46pm - falsecathedrals ""]
the guitarist and drummer from nefarious were practicing yesterday (the walls in our building are paper thin, you can hear every band loud and clear form anywhere in the building). anyway my point is, those dudes are really fucking good.

p.s. oops. this is diamond dave. <3
[Aug 5,2004 8:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
assuck said:a girl with a phobia shirt? i think i'm in love.

thats what I said when I saw her.
[Aug 6,2004 3:46pm - armageddonday ""]
bump, she might be coming
[Aug 6,2004 3:52pm - christraper ""]
girls? :krusty:
[Aug 6,2004 4:35pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 6,2004 6:26pm - pessimist ""]
bump for girls
[Aug 6,2004 10:35pm - assuck ""]
girls with phobia shirts
[Aug 7,2004 12:18pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 7,2004 1:12pm - Abbath ""]
oh i'll be there tonight! \m/ my dying bride and aegathis is coming with me too, this show is gonna fucking rock
[Aug 7,2004 1:29pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah I'm getting ready to...in the charger at the store:
Bathroy, Noosebomb, Destruction, Motorhead, Agathocles, then Venom, Haemorrhage, Ghoul and some beers \m/
[Aug 7,2004 1:51pm - pessimist ""]
anne we're coming early to buy things and we're bringing that car-less bastard joe
[Aug 7,2004 3:00pm - Terence ""]
my stomach hurts
[Aug 7,2004 3:06pm - armageddonday ""]
mine too
[Aug 7,2004 3:08pm - Terence ""]
i think its cause im nervous.
[Aug 7,2004 3:21pm - Abbath ""]
drinking takes that all away my friend....
[Aug 7,2004 3:24pm - Terence ""]
[Aug 7,2004 3:41pm - the_reverend ""]
just got home, I'm driving down around 6-ish.
[Aug 7,2004 4:21pm - armageddonday ""]
Fall Of The Bastards are in town...they just left from the store, went to grab some vitals, and left a pungent stench of fartz as well...now people are going to think it's me.
[Aug 7,2004 4:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
my family is definately going to this.
[Aug 7,2004 5:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am out the door to PowerPlay and Armageddon, then to the show.

See all you white people there!
[Aug 7,2004 5:35pm - eddie ""]
oh fuck my ride just fell through
[Aug 7,2004 6:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving now... queer baits
[Aug 7,2004 6:21pm - armageddonday ""]
That's it I cant fucking work anymore, big knot in my belly I don't know why..drives me freaking nuts. Going ape shit tonight, fucked up knee or not I don't give a shit....greee 1:45 more minutes to go. Time for a beer.
[Aug 8,2004 2:26am - the_reverend ""]
I just got back. As with a typical AS220 show, I'm covered in beer.
[Aug 8,2004 2:49am - BornSoVile ""]
Fall of the Bastards was one of the best touring bands I've ever seen. Everyone needs to get that cd. AS220 is pretty cool.
[Aug 8,2004 3:06am - the_reverend ""]
I had a bunch of comments on all the bands sound, but I realized that it was where I was standing. I'm sure if I were in front of the pa, I would have heard everything.

ascendancy: excellent set cause in the end, they gave us the happy ending.. claiming to only have one song left, they played it and the busted into desensitize. what an excellent way for me to see them off to south america.

abhorred: during one of their last songs, ann-mageddon ran in and rocked out for one song. they talked a bit about the new cd that is coming out in sept. The title is something about chaos and they played the title track.

nefarious: one of the guitar players broke a string. while he was fixing it, they got shut off due to time. this cut off thier best song unfortunately.

fall of the bastards: crazy. their new cd is so good and I've been waiting for them to come here since I heard that they were coming to our area of the planet. the audience kicked up quite the ruckus while they were playing. it rocked to see all the people going crazy.
[Aug 8,2004 3:26am - Abbath ""]
i think this was the loudest show i ever went too, my ears are killing me!!!
ascendancy... what can i say?! fucking amazing, love those guys, it was great meeting ya up front terence, good luck playing in front of 700+ fans in South america!!! \m/
ok sleep time my head is killing me i can't believe i made it home!
[Aug 8,2004 4:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fun show, we need more like that.
[Aug 8,2004 5:06am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]


Ha ha!
[Aug 8,2004 10:50am - Kalopsia ""]

does josh finally have a wireless?
[Aug 8,2004 10:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
BornSoVile said:Fall of the Bastards was one of the best touring bands I've ever seen. Everyone needs to get that cd. AS220 is pretty cool.

Funny you should mention that, I now carry Fall of the Bastards in my distro.
[Aug 8,2004 11:34am - assuck ""]
our first time in rhode island was excellent. its too bad the night was ruined by the shitty staff of bickfords in braintree. never go there. ever.

[Aug 8,2004 11:48am - succubus ""]
wow..aaron's 12-24 makes the place looks bigger...
looks like an awesome night!

assuck..what happened at bickfords?
[Aug 8,2004 11:48am - armageddonday ""]
I'm still drunk.
[Aug 8,2004 12:22pm - pessimist ""]
this was a great show, hopefully we can come back to providence and do more. there were like 70-80 kids there and the guy from Nefarious apologized for the "bad turnout". HA! these kids really do make boston look like a bunch of lazy fucks. The sound system is pretty good too, this was the best sounding Ascendancy set i've seen.

So we decided to venture to Bickfords near Joe's house on the ride home. Proceeded to wait 10 minutes to get seated, which was fine. Then proceeded to wait over a fucking hour to get our food, which by that point became the most unsatisfying meal i've ever eaten. And the guy in the booth next to us shit his pants. An extremely aggravating end to what was a great show.
Oh, and any of you haven't been to Armaggedon shop should really make the trip down. Anne, if your store was closer to my house, I'd be poorer than i already am. I picked up Grief - and man will become the hunted, an old terrorizer cd with rehearsals/demos from 87, a Hirax cd, among other things. and cheap too. Ok i'm done ranting,
[Aug 8,2004 12:43pm - Bradness  ""]
i see Nick Kevorkian in the second random shot....where are Mark and Nick, i wanna practice!!!
[Aug 8,2004 1:02pm - armageddonday ""]
You guys are defenitely going to be back I can garanty that. People liked you a lot!
The turnout wasn't that bad, 88 people paid, plus all the guest list, bands, and volonteers so there was probably around 120 people there. I just wish more people would come from Providence, I mean the crusties were there but that's it. Sometimes I think I'm expecting too much from people.
Thank you for the nice words about the store.
[Aug 8,2004 1:07pm - Abbath ""]
you guys must have made a killing on drinks, more than half the people there were wasted haahahha
[Aug 8,2004 1:15pm - pessimist ""]
Bradness said:i see Nick Kevorkian in the second random shot....where are Mark and Nick, i wanna practice!!!

probably still recovering from what was probably the drunkest i've ever seen mark...
[Aug 8,2004 1:48pm - Dissector ""]
So pissed I missed this
[Aug 8,2004 1:59pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
This was a good show, my first Providence experience as well. next time i go i gotta bring some pepper spray\m/, hobos anger me.
[Aug 8,2004 2:02pm - armageddonday ""]
I think they did really good at the bar. It's a weird set up it's like the bar and the show space are two different entities...
Mark, Nick, and I were really fucking drunk. We got more beers for the after party too, so you can imagine what state we were in when we left.
There was some serious whisky drinking last night, thank Satan I didn't any.
[Aug 8,2004 4:24pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Most clubs operate the door and the bar as seperate entities, it makes more sense to me.
[Aug 8,2004 4:32pm - christraper ""]
i had me some whiskey last night...and a little more. not sure how many beers i had though. i started drinking at about 2 yesterday afternoon so by the time i got to AS220 i was already wasted and it only got worse. people have been calling me all day today telling me the stupid shit i did! i had an awsome time last night! all the bands kicked ass. i was up in the sound booth with Lapke all night and everyone sounded great. that was the first time i had heard or seen Ascendancy and The Abhorred and i was definitely impressed. good job guys!

[Aug 8,2004 4:35pm - armageddonday ""]
Where you at Mike's after the show? I don't remember, I hang out in the corner of the kitchen where it smells like cat piss...great
[Aug 8,2004 4:39pm - christraper ""]
yea i was in the living room. you dont remember me trying to get into the house without a key?

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