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[Jan 22,2008 3:28pm - Ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

[Jan 22,2008 4:31pm - brandon nli  ""]
is that a swastka?? hahah
[Jan 22,2008 7:50pm - naziboy  ""]
[Jan 23,2008 5:10pm - brandon nli  ""]
[Jan 23,2008 5:11pm - mOe ""]
you gonna be at the waterfront on sunday?
[Jan 23,2008 5:15pm - brandon nli  ""]
mmm Im not sure. The only band on there i know or like is full blown chaos, and id like to see this guy on vocals for stf. Ive got a friends band playing so its really up in the air. Why whats up??
[Jan 23,2008 5:17pm - mOe ""]
just askin cuz I'll be there with the Mrs. most likely slammin brews with stf
[Jan 23,2008 5:18pm - mOe ""]
maybe we could meet and rub dix
[Jan 24,2008 9:21am - brandon nli  ""]
haha im always down to meet and rub dix. Ive seen you before playing for dwd and mercury switch. If i decide to go ill make sure to introduce myself.
[Jan 25,2008 12:27pm - brandon nli  ""]
Herpes bumps
[Jan 26,2008 9:25pm - brandon nli  ""]
and again
[Jan 28,2008 11:10am - brandon...nli  ""]
Still looking. We've been working with a guitarist for the last 3 weeks. Looking for somone else to help inspiration!! brandondelisio@yahoo.com
[Jan 28,2008 9:04pm - xxjoshxx  ""]
Ctb0rderpatrol said:[img]


[Jan 30,2008 11:42am - brandon nli  ""]
brandon...nli said:Still looking. We've been working with a guitarist for the last 3 weeks. Looking for somone else to help inspiration!! brandondelisio@yahoo.com

[Feb 3,2008 5:21pm - Brandon nli  ""]
still looking and still pissed off
[Feb 4,2008 5:14pm - brandon nli  ""]
brandon... said:I posted somthing similair to this a month or two ago. Switched a few things up a bit. We practice in springfield if anyone is interested in coming down to jam. Im pretty sure we allready have a bassist, but if not positive so hit me up for bass or guitar.

Forming progressive hardcore band
Guitarist (s) and bassist needed

Dedicated drummer and vocalist looking to create a band that is diverse musically and sincere lyrically. We want this project to be different, experimenting with the technical aspects of music as well as the melodic. But as much as we want to experiment musically we still want an angry, fast band.

To give you an idea of some of the bands that inspire us:
Shai Hulud, Between the Buried and Me, Converge, With Honor, Zyklon, Red Tide, Mars Volta, Isis, Decapitated, and Locked In A Vacancy.

These bands are a good example of the creativity we wish to capture not rip off.

We are very serious about this. Dedication and professional attitude is a must. If you are interested please contact
Brandon: 413-455-5135
Or email brandondelisio@yahoo.com

[Feb 7,2008 4:41pm - brandon nli  ""]
Guitar (s) and Bassist needed

Dedicated drummer and vocalist looking to create a new band. We want this project to be different. Something that is diverse and creative musically and sincere lyrically.

THE IDEA: Ideally we want to capture the energy and passion of old school hardcore, and mix that with a more musical/progressive approach. Very fast and angry at most times, but still be able to groove and experiment with the technical, epic and ambient melodic sides of music.

The music will consist of: Good lyrics, solos, delays, jam/musical parts, and a lot of emotion, passion and heart.

We are very open minded musically, being inspired by anything from jazz, punk, hardcore, to death metal. But a few of the bands that will inspire this project will be:

Shai Hulud, Isis, Bane, Outbreak, Municipal Waste, Between The Buried And Me, Converge, Ed gein, Have Heart, Zyklon, Zombie apocalypse, Remembering Never, Cipher, Blood Has Been Shed, Explosions In the Sky, With Honor, Misery signals, Decapitated, and (old) Darkest hour.

These bands are a great example of the ENERGY and CREATIVITY we wish to capture NOT rip off.

We have a FREE practice spot in Springfield Mass

We are very serious about this. Dedication and professional attitude is a must. Donot contact unless you are a hardworking musician interested in playing shows, recording and touring. If you are interested please contact
Brandon: 413-455-5135
Or email brandondelisio@yahoo.com

Please leave a number to reach you!!
[Feb 7,2008 4:43pm - mOe ""]
heh, Cipher as an influence, eh?
my cousin was in that band for like 2 years
[Feb 7,2008 5:22pm - brandon nli  ""]
No shit?? Whats his name?? I let those dudes crash at my house a few years back after our show got cancelled. Without a doubt some of the smartest lyrics in hardcore. Nice dudes too
[Feb 7,2008 5:29pm - mOe ""]
i dont know if Mark was in the band then, but thats his name
tall dude, looks like me but darker skinned
[Feb 8,2008 11:33am - brandon...nli  ""]
Yea i dont think he was in the band then. What did he play??
[Feb 8,2008 4:34pm - mOe ""]
bass first, then guitar
[Feb 8,2008 10:49pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

brandon%20nli said:
THE IDEA: Ideally we want to capture the energy and passion of old school hardcore, and mix that with a more musical/progressive approach. Very fast and angry at most times, but still be able to groove and experiment with the technical, epic and ambient melodic sides of music.

The music will consist of: Good lyrics, solos, delays, jam/musical parts, and a lot of emotion, passion and heart.


That would be nice.
[Feb 10,2008 2:19pm - brandon nli  ""]
Still looking!!
[Feb 11,2008 4:08pm - Brandon nli  ""]

brandon%20nli said:Still looking!!
[Feb 12,2008 6:10pm - xxjoshxx  ""]

Guitar (s) and Bassist needed

Dedicated drummer and vocalist looking to create a new band. We want this project to be different. Something that is diverse and creative musically and sincere lyrically.

THE IDEA: Ideally we want to capture the energy and passion of old school hardcore, and mix that with a more musical/progressive approach. Very fast and angry at most times, but still be able to groove and experiment with the technical, epic and ambient melodic sides of music.

The music will consist of: Good lyrics, solos, delays, jam/musical parts, and a lot of emotion, passion and heart.

We are very open minded musically, being inspired by anything from jazz, punk, hardcore, to death metal. But a few of the bands that will inspire this project will be:

Shai Hulud, Isis, Bane, Outbreak, Municipal Waste, Between The Buried And Me, Converge, Ed gein, Have Heart, Zyklon, Zombie apocalypse, Remembering Never, Cipher, Blood Has Been Shed, Explosions In the Sky, With Honor, Misery signals, Decapitated, and (old) Darkest hour.

These bands are a great example of the ENERGY and CREATIVITY we wish to capture NOT rip off.

We have a FREE practice spot in Springfield Mass

We are very serious about this. Dedication and professional attitude is a must. Donot contact unless you are a hardworking musician interested in playing shows, recording and touring. If you are interested please contact
Brandon: 413-455-5135
Or email brandondelisio@yahoo.com

Please leave a number to reach you!!

New flyer looks better dude!!
[Feb 13,2008 6:06pm - Brandon.. nli  ""]
Yea man, just wanted to make this shit as clear as possible cause i keep getting people who have no idea what dedication is, or they dont get the idea, No i dont like killswitch what the fuck!!!
[Feb 14,2008 5:16pm - XXjoshXX  ""]
Yea man i hear ya
[Feb 16,2008 6:32pm - Brandon nli  ""]
STILL LOOKING, im sick of masturbating on the weekends get on this~!!!!!
[Feb 16,2008 6:34pm - ancient master  ""]
haha have heart, i was in a band with pat flynn once
[Feb 18,2008 3:13pm - brandon nli  ""]
yea?? What band was that?? what do you play??
[Feb 19,2008 6:19pm - Brandon nli  ""]
[Feb 19,2008 7:22pm - ancient master  ""]
the band was called danger field, we played at reflections in NB like every weekend circa 2000, and I play guitar, however, I live in PA
[Feb 20,2008 5:12pm - brandon...nli  ""]
yea dont think i remember that name. But 8 years is a long enough to forget.
[Feb 20,2008 5:18pm - ancient master  ""]
yeah unless you went to reflections around that time, you wouldnt have heard of the band, since we never played anywhere much else except house parties
[Feb 20,2008 8:16pm - Brandon nli  ""]
Makes sense, what kind of stuff was it??
[Feb 20,2008 10:30pm - ancient master  ""]
well, it was a hardcore punk band, which usually played with bands that no one remembers like beyond authority frequently, as well as disaster strikes, fallen short, toxic narcotic, and once, Ratos De Porao, whcih was fucking awesome!
[Feb 23,2008 2:03pm - brandon nli  ""]
[Feb 25,2008 5:05pm - brandon nli  ""]
still looking,
[Feb 25,2008 6:18pm - yummy ""]
props for trying to get something goin Brandon.
[Feb 26,2008 9:39am - brandon...nli  ""]
lol thanks dudes, Im fucking stressing over here. Ive got adds up on myspace classifieds, craigslist, here, Guitar center, music outlet, and a few falcettis. Anyone have any other ideas ????
[Feb 26,2008 10:24am - joey umbrella  ""]
move closer to boston
[Feb 26,2008 11:23am - immortal13 ""]
I thought you were trying to say you're idea of progressive hardcore would be off time breakdowns. Then I saw the BTBAM, Mars Volta, and Decapitated influence (though Decapitated isn't exactly progressive) and was immediately wrong.
[Feb 26,2008 5:42pm - brandon nli  ""]
Didnt see the part in bold where we put no overdone breakdowns??
Hahah.... Na man, we want to try to stay away from breakdowns. Or at least the traditional chug breakdowns. There needs to be groove for sure, but cool rockin heavy riffs.

Thats what i think the problem is. People think bands like it dies today, are fucking hardcore. I dont want to sound anything like that or any other trendy sorry excuse for hardcore band out now.

Even with saying that, we really dont want to be a hardcore band, Just want that feel. But get really muscial/experimental.

Decapiated is great, But they have breakdowns for sure. There just metal breakdowns. And the awsome drumming makes up for it.

[Feb 26,2008 6:16pm - mOe ""]
hey brandonn
my band's playin a show in Springfield Saturday night you should come if you have shit else to do
[Feb 26,2008 6:36pm - brandon nli  ""]
Saturdays the night we get together and wish we had more people to write with. If things get gay early i will totally come down there. Ive been meaning to check out that place anyways.
[Feb 26,2008 6:56pm - mOe ""]
you should, and bring some friends...you know how much i like friends
[Feb 26,2008 8:52pm - brandon nli  ""]
Noone likes me, i dont have friends. But if i make friends by then ill bring them dude lol
[Feb 28,2008 11:19am - brandon...nli  ""]
still lookinggggggggggg
[Feb 29,2008 11:33am - brandon...nli  ""]
Guitar (s) and Bassist needed

Dedicated drummer and vocalist looking to create a new band. We want this project to be different. Something that is diverse and creative musically and sincere lyrically.

THE IDEA: Ideally we want to capture the energy and passion of old school hardcore, and mix that with a more musical/progressive approach. Very fast and angry at most times, but still be able to groove and experiment with the technical, epic and ambient melodic sides of music.

The music will consist of: Good lyrics, solos, delays, jam/musical parts, and a lot of emotion, passion and heart.

We are very open minded musically, being inspired by anything from jazz, punk, hardcore, to death metal. But a few of the bands that will inspire this project will be:

Shai Hulud, Isis, Bane, Outbreak, Municipal Waste, Between The Buried And Me, Converge, Ed gein, Have Heart, Zyklon, Zombie apocalypse, Remembering Never, Cipher, Blood Has Been Shed, Explosions In the Sky, With Honor, Misery signals, Decapitated, and (old) Darkest hour.

These bands are a great example of the ENERGY and CREATIVITY we wish to capture NOT rip off.

We have a FREE practice spot in Springfield Mass

We are very serious about this. Dedication and professional attitude is a must. Donot contact unless you are a hardworking musician interested in playing shows, recording and touring. If you are interested please contact
Brandon: 413-455-5135
Or email brandondelisio@yahoo.com

Please leave a number to reach you!!

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