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Subway ad: 40m Americans are good w/o god? Are you?

[Nov 3,2009 9:51am - aril  ""]
Anyone else see them? Best ad on the redline I've ever seen.
[Nov 3,2009 9:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
o god?
[Nov 3,2009 10:01am - aril  ""]
With out. I'm on my phone; not Posting at work anymore. Excuse the phonegrish.
[Nov 3,2009 10:04am - xmikex ""]
Biff fof fru fri?
[Nov 3,2009 10:05am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
Archetypes FTW.
[Nov 3,2009 10:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh haha i'm dumb
[Nov 3,2009 10:08am - Martins ""]
[Nov 3,2009 10:09am - aril  ""]
Any attempt to unbrainwash organized religion followers is a good attempt. You can have morals and not be religious
[Nov 3,2009 10:19am - Martins ""]

aril said:You can have morals and not be religious

This seems to be the thing that always gets the zealots. They don't understand this. I mean, if we're not with Jesus, we're with Satan.
[Nov 3,2009 10:21am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I appreciate what Norse mythology conveys to an individual. The gods were not without faults, they too were mortal, but they possessed positive qualities that human beings could aspire for. Rather than worship, one could strive to be like Odin, who, through personal sacrifice and hardships, was able to obtain absolute wisdom (like giving up his eye at Mímir's Well and hanging himself from the world tree; while staring into the abyss, to learn the secrets of the runes).
[Nov 3,2009 10:24am - arktouros ""]
Fuck, I want Subway now
[Nov 3,2009 10:25am - aril  ""]
What they don't understand is Zoroastrianism is the foundation of good vs evil and Abrahamic religions rip that off in every way shape and form.
[Nov 3,2009 10:26am - C.dEAd  ""]
I want to fuck Odin now.
[Nov 3,2009 10:29am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]

C.dEAd said:I want to fuck Odin now.

That's why Wotan/Odin usurped Tyr as the chief god. He brought sexy back.
[Nov 3,2009 10:29am - brian_dc ""]
I really wish Subway didn't taste like hot garbage
[Nov 3,2009 10:31am - C.dEAd  ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:
C.dEAd said:I want to fuck Odin now.

That's why Wotan/Odin usurped Tyr as the chief god. He brought sexy back.

Mmmmmmm mmmm, sweaty Pagans.
[Nov 3,2009 10:31am - aril  ""]
Subways got ok Italian subs. The steak and cheese at dangelos blows theirs out of the water though
[Nov 3,2009 10:33am - Yeti ""]

aril said:You can have morals and not be religious

it makes me laugh when i see those bumper stickers that say stupid shit like "my reward is in heaven". seems that those with religion do good things solely for the selfish "reward" at the end. those without religion who do good things do them because it's the right thing to do.
[Nov 3,2009 10:34am - Yeti ""]
it's only a matter of time before this ad is taken down because it's "offensive".
[Nov 3,2009 10:34am - arktouros ""]

aril said:What they don't understand is Zoroastrianism is the foundation of good vs evil and Abrahamic religions rip that off in every way shape and form.

Yep, pagan religions especially Norse do not have good vs. evil - the lines are blurred just as they are in man. Christianity may be the only religion where "god builds a bridge to man" but the individual needs no bridge to anywhere and that's why I appreciate pagan religions throughout history that do not turn men into martyrs for any cause that isn't tangible...although I am just an American that is good without god, I have the morals of a just saint. I'm a fucking saint.
[Nov 3,2009 10:35am - aril  ""]
Anyone else a fan of Greek mythology as well?
[Nov 3,2009 10:35am - brian_dc ""]

[Nov 3,2009 10:36am - arktouros ""]
The athiest bus - coming to a city near you

[Nov 3,2009 10:38am - Yeti ""]

aril said:Anyone else a fan of Greek mythology as well?

Greek does more for me than Roman, despite the similarities.
[Nov 3,2009 10:41am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
That's because the Romans blatantly ripped off their mythology. Greek mythology is greatly appreesh'd.
[Nov 3,2009 10:42am - arktouros ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:That's because the Romans blatantly ripped off their mythology. Greek mythology is greatly appreesh'd.
[Nov 3,2009 10:44am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I personally don't believe in some anthropomorphic deity sitting on a cloud, waiting to greet me at the golden gates. However, I do harbor a belief in universal forces or currents, throughout the cosmos.
[Nov 3,2009 10:45am - aril  ""]
The life force.
[Nov 3,2009 10:46am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
or death.
[Nov 3,2009 10:47am - Yeti ""]
i like the idea that there is no omnipotent being, nor some force that drives everything. i like living in a world created by cosmic accidents and chemical changes. i guess i could consider "nature" a driving force, but i don't like to view it as singular. life just lives, it doesn't know why. the absence of a controlling element makes life worth living. it leaves you in the hands of nothing except your own. you can only rely on what nature has provided, and even then she wants you DEAD and will do whatever it takes to see to that.
[Nov 3,2009 10:49am - aril  ""]
Death is but a part of life. Destruction is creation.
[Nov 3,2009 10:49am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I don't think it's a matter of wanting you dead, but rather death is a crucial part of the cycle of life. Death is certain, life is not, so keep your head up and you might just stay alive long enough to enjoy what you've got in front of you.
[Nov 3,2009 10:55am - pam ""]
I think it's pretty pathetic that humanity needs the threat of eternal hellfire in order to act like a decent person.
[Nov 3,2009 10:56am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
Haha, and that threat doesn't seem to be working well, either.
[Nov 3,2009 10:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
if anything hellfire threats would make me want to act like more of a douchebag
[Nov 3,2009 10:58am - aril  ""]

pam said:I think it's pretty pathetic that humanity read too much dantes inferno, the divine comedy.

[Nov 3,2009 11:00am - brian_dc ""]

aril said:
pam said:I think it's pretty pathetic that humanity read too much dantes inferno, the divine comedy.


Thank you.

Dude wrote a political polemic novel and now that is what people think happens when we die.
[Nov 3,2009 11:01am - pam ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:Haha, and that threat doesn't seem to be working well, either.

Nope! Because all you have to do is say you're doing what God wants and you're in the clear!

God hates fags! Grab that one and drag him from a truck!!
God hates abortion (thou shalt not kill!! Quick!! KILL THAT DOCTOR!! We'll kill him to show that killing is wrong!)
God hates female orgasms, sex outside of marriage, questions, certain meats, all other beliefs, non beliefs, science and happiness.

Or there's always wasting your life worrying and feeling guilty. Yay!
[Nov 3,2009 11:04am - aril  ""]
Yep. I had to study Dantes works in my medieval literature classes in college; makes me sick how it's been interpreted in under 1000 years.
[Nov 3,2009 11:06am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
Dude, if hell is anything like the way it's depicted in the upcoming Dante's Inferno video game, PLEASE send me there.
[Nov 3,2009 11:11am - pam ""]
...I've always wanted a fireplace.
[Nov 3,2009 11:13am - xmikex ""]
[Nov 3,2009 11:16am - pam ""]
[Nov 3,2009 11:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thats the best one yet.
[Nov 3,2009 11:26am - narkybark ""]
ok, that made me LOL
[Nov 3,2009 11:26am - aril  ""]
[Nov 3,2009 11:38am - C.dEAd  ""]
Subway also makes me question my own mortality. 5 dollar footlong FTW.
[Nov 3,2009 11:43am - MikeOv  ""]
That sounds like a questionable innuendo to me.
[Nov 3,2009 11:44am - dreadkill ""]
Bova lulz!
[Nov 3,2009 11:47am - C.dEAd  ""]

MikeOv said:That sounds like a questionable innuendo to me.

I guess I just see the face of god everytime I take a mean bite of a meatball sub w/extra cheese. Take it how you will Schumacher.

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