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Subway ad: 40m Americans are good w/o god? Are you?

[Nov 3,2009 11:49am - MikeOv  ""]
More like seeing the crotch of god. Last name fail = LOL.
[Nov 3,2009 11:50am - MikeOv  ""]
Later you should smoke me up, get me drunk, and ask for nothing in return. That's the truth path to god.
[Nov 3,2009 11:58am - RustyPS ""]

xmikex said:[img]
[Nov 3,2009 12:07pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
Attn: Church.D

[Nov 3,2009 12:21pm - C.dEAd  ""]
Oh noooooo!!

"Huuuuhhhhh....I'M A CHURC..."

I watched it again....and again. That part still puts me in tears.
[Nov 3,2009 12:41pm - aril  ""]
Eating at subway right now ftw.
[Nov 3,2009 12:43pm - Yeti ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:I don't think it's a matter of wanting you dead, but rather death is a crucial part of the cycle of life. Death is certain, life is not, so keep your head up and you might just stay alive long enough to enjoy what you've got in front of you.

death is indeed a part of the cycle, probably the biggest part, but i still believe that deep down nature wants you dead.
[Nov 3,2009 12:43pm - Martins ""]

aril said:Eating at subway right now ftl.
[Nov 3,2009 12:45pm - Yeti ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:Dude, if hell is anything like the way it's depicted in the upcoming Dante's Inferno video game, PLEASE send me there.

well if i learned anything from the child years in church, its that God forgives all except blasphemy. so that means that heaven is full of pedophiles, murderers, and all facets of scum. Hell is full of all the cool people who blasphemed. so when you think about it, if you lived to be 100, then every single person alive right now that is older than you will be dead. that means that Hell is chock full of every band you ever loved. its one giant concert where you never get tired. its also full of drugs and booze. Hell rules!
[Nov 3,2009 12:49pm - aril  ""]

Martins said:
aril said:Eating at subway right now ftl.

fuck you. Banana peppers are awesome.
[Nov 3,2009 12:50pm - arktouros ""]
I work with a devout Christian from South America (7th day adventist? whatever it is). This morning he deleted an entire organizational unit of lab computers off of our management server by mistake. I know for a fact that he did and the logs show it. It's no huge deal, but he would NOT admit that he made the mistake.

"Christian values" have no meaning when the individual has no values. This guy is quick to point out that he will not eat pork and will give you a good allegory from the bible, but he can be the the nicest most personable guy and the lowest scum imaginable at the same time.
[Nov 3,2009 12:50pm - Martins ""]
I do love banana peppers. I just don't eat bread anymore LAWL

Where's the subsequent Martins the angry dietitian post?
[Nov 3,2009 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
man am i thankful that my metabolism can flash-digest a buffalo in 40 seconds. a world without bread is a world i want no part of.
[Nov 3,2009 12:54pm - Martins ""]
A world without bread existed for most of humanity's history.
[Nov 3,2009 12:57pm - Yeti ""]
what a sad, sad time. except now we have bleached flour. hoorah.
[Nov 3,2009 12:57pm - brian_dc ""]
Not in my America.
[Nov 3,2009 1:00pm - aril  ""]
Martins only eats almonds and flintstones vitamins.
[Nov 3,2009 1:01pm - Martins ""]
The only thing I miss about grain flours is the structure that gluten has. I tried to make pancakes the other day out of homemade almond flour, coconut flour, and hazelnut meal and it failed miserably. Ended up like scrambled pancakes.
[Nov 3,2009 1:16pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 3,2009 1:27pm - Hoser ""]
[QUOTE=God hates female orgasms

I'm pretty sure that this is not true.
[Nov 3,2009 1:36pm - aril  ""]

Martins said:The only thing I miss about grain flours is the structure that gluten has. I tried to make pancakes the other day out of homemade almond flour, coconut flour, and hazelnut meal and it failed miserably. Ended up like scrambled pancakes.

taste is more important than health.
[Nov 3,2009 1:37pm - Martins ""]
I didn't say it tasted bad.
[Nov 3,2009 1:39pm - aril  ""]
You're starting to turn into Richard Simmons. Richard Martins ftl.
[Nov 3,2009 1:39pm - brian_dc ""]

Hoser said:[QUOTE=God hates female orgasms

I'm pretty sure that this is not true.

Me too, but undoubtedly for different reasons. And in the spirit of Pam's statement, I actually don't agree with the disagreement.
[Nov 3,2009 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
This thread needed some bovian experience. thanks xmikex

Yeti said:i like the idea that there is no omnipotent being, nor some force that drives everything. i like living in a world created by cosmic accidents and chemical changes. i guess i could consider "nature" a driving force, but i don't like to view it as singular. life just lives, it doesn't know why. the absence of a controlling element makes life worth living. it leaves you in the hands of nothing except your own. you can only rely on what nature has provided, and even then she wants you DEAD and will do whatever it takes to see to that.

or.. if you figure it out, some people believe that it will automatically become even more strange. some people believe this has already happened.
[Nov 3,2009 1:50pm - aril  ""]

brian_dc said:
Hoser said:[QUOTE=God hates female orgasms

I'm pretty sure that this is not true.

Me too, but undoubtedly for different reasons. And in the spirit of Pam's statement, I actually don't agree with the disagreement.

the question remains: did Mary orgasm before Jesus popped out?
[Nov 3,2009 1:52pm - Sacreligion ""]
Aliens, man.
[Nov 3,2009 2:03pm - brian_dc ""]

aril said:
brian_dc said:
Hoser said:[QUOTE=God hates female orgasms

I'm pretty sure that this is not true.

Me too, but undoubtedly for different reasons. And in the spirit of Pam's statement, I actually don't agree with the disagreement.

the question remains: did Mary orgasm before Jesus popped out?

Long way to ride a donkey and not get a little tickle.
[Nov 3,2009 2:04pm - sli sli sli  ""]

C.dEAd said:Subway also makes me question my own mortality. 5 dollar footlong FTW.

come join the church of bunz,
he will tell you the good news about salvation from the drudgery of using silverware to eat lunch, and reveal the secrets of the holy trinity of the meat, the cheese, and the holy asiago parmasan baguette upon which the godhead resides
[Nov 3,2009 2:46pm - C.dEAd  ""]
[Nov 3,2009 3:26pm - Slag NLI SLACKING  ""]
None of this is relevant. Let all humans believe in what they wish to believe in. If you want to believe in Jesus Crisps, believe in him. If I want to worship feet, let me. We are no better for mocking Christians than they are for mocking us. Humans should have the freedom to choose what we find is relevant to us.
[Nov 3,2009 3:29pm - brian_dc ""]
All humans should have the right to MAKE ME CRAB RANGOONS, WOMAN.
[Nov 3,2009 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
unless you don't worship cheese, in which case you are the scum on the bottom of my boot.
[Nov 3,2009 3:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
speaking of which you left scum from the bottom of your foot in my car the other day.
[Nov 3,2009 3:51pm - xgodzillax ""]
Nun: You don't believe in God because of Alice in Wonderland?

Loki: No, "Through the Looking Glass." That poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter," that's an indictment of organized religion. The walrus, with his girth and his good nature, he obviously represents either Buddha, or...or with his tusk, the Hindu elephant god, Lord Ganesha. That takes care of your Eastern religions. Now the carpenter, which is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ, who was raised a carpenter's son, he represents the Western religions. Now in the poem, what do they do...what do they do? They...they dupe all these oysters into following them and then proceed to shuck and devour the helpless creatures en masse. I don't know what that says to you, but to me it says that following these faiths based on mythological figures ensure the destruction of one's inner being. Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions...by inhibiting our decisions, out of...out of fear of some...some intangible parent figure who...who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says...and says, "Do it-do it and I'll fuckin' spank you!"

[Nov 3,2009 4:03pm - sli sli sli  ""]

[Nov 3,2009 4:20pm - aril  ""]

Slag%20NLI%20SLACKING said:None of this is relevant. Let all humans believe in what they wish to believe in. If you want to believe in Jesus Crisps, believe in him. If I want to worship feet, let me. We are no better for mocking Christians than they are for mocking us. Humans should have the freedom to choose what we find is relevant to us.

except when certain beliefs impede on the progress in human civilization; which in this case abrahamic religions have destroyed western civ for over 2000 years. We need to think about the future of our species rather than what's in store after we die.
[Nov 3,2009 4:37pm - arktouros ""]
i don't mock christians, i mock indoctrination, hypocrisy, ignorance, fully knowing that i'm only human, hating other humans that hold our species back, O Slag the Optimist. humans should have the freedom to choose, and when a human actually does have that freedom, that choice can be to the detriment of others. there is still a "right" and a "wrong" choice and that is the human's infernal struggle with itself. does the human make the right choice for the benefit of others or for himself, or does he "believe" that he has? as the great sci-fi writer arthur c. clarke said: "information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, and wisdom is not foresight...but information is the first step to all three." (thanks bathroom reader)

Clarke also said "the greatest potential error of mankind is the hijacking of morality by religion" and that is fully relevant to this thread. i'm glad that atheism (which is not a theism, i hate this word) is on the rise in this country while religion on the whole is on a downturn. it's about time we caught up to other 1st world nations in that regard.
[Nov 3,2009 5:02pm - SLAG ""]
did i forget to add that no one should be allowed to impose the will of thine religion upon another?
[Nov 3,2009 6:46pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Humans have the freedom to choose exactly what they want to believe in, you're 100% right on that. But humanity does not need an organized religion to have morals and values.
From an historical standpoint, it is quite noticeable that Judeo-Christianity has molded modern society into what we are today. It is quite interesting reading the history behind religions, myths, and ancient belief systems, as they define cultural values of a society.
Had the Roman Empire never adopted Christianity as their main belief system, it would have completely died out along with the other numerous other Middle-Eastern religions. Had the Roman Empire never adopted Christianity, some other religion or belief system would define our society today.
I could rant on and on about my disposition towards any organized religion (I hold more respect for Eastern philosophies and religions, as well as pre-Christian pagan beliefs in Europe), but to me it is quite obvious the religion is the monkey on the back of society, so to say.
It is a hindrance to the progress of the human species. It divides us, makes us fight each other, and will ultimately lead to our demise. We need to wake up as a species, stop squabbling over petty differences in beliefs, and work as one towards the betterment of humanity.
But alas, this is not the case. We need to question what we want to do, not what we've done. There shouldn't be a fear of what happens when we die, or a fear of anything for that matter, other than ourselves.

Embrace destruction, for it is our destiny. With it, new life will emerge and the process will repeat itself.
[Nov 3,2009 7:10pm - Martins ""]

Any religion is a bad religion. Believe in yourself and the fact that you will, in fact, one day die.
[Nov 3,2009 7:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
All I know is that God has like a shitload of hit points.
[Nov 3,2009 7:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:I appreciate what Norse mythology conveys to an individual. The gods were not without faults, they too were mortal, but they possessed positive qualities that human beings could aspire for. Rather than worship, one could strive to be like Odin, who, through personal sacrifice and hardships, was able to obtain absolute wisdom (like giving up his eye at Mímir's Well and hanging himself from the world tree; while staring into the abyss, to learn the secrets of the runes).

I'm not talking smack about the old nordic religions, but the whole valhalla things was abused and well as christianity was. It's very similar as dying for allah (with out blowing yourself up) but then bombs were rarely used by Europeans back then. WHo knows how far they would have gone. It was used to encourage the uneducated, even the relatively educated into going to war for a king and his wealth. No religion is perfect considering they are all lies quickly used by benefit the higher ups.
[Nov 5,2009 8:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]

brian_dc said:

No shit. I just saw this tonight on the train on my way home. I'm very happy about it.
[Nov 5,2009 8:10pm - sli sli sli  ""]

swamplorddvm said:
I'm not talking smack about the old nordic religions, but the whole valhalla things was abused and well as christianity was. It's very similar as dying for allah (with out blowing yourself up) but then bombs were rarely used by Europeans back then. WHo knows how far they would have gone. It was used to encourage the uneducated, even the relatively educated into going to war for a king and his wealth. No religion is perfect considering they are all lies quickly used by benefit the higher ups.

[Nov 5,2009 8:22pm - aril  ""]
man, i can't believe i type that much on this forum. sad
[Nov 25,2009 4:28pm - aril  ""]
Lol. Just saw one of these crossed out with what looked like failed attempts to pry it off the wall
[Nov 25,2009 4:55pm - xmikex ""]
"Big Apple Coalition of Reason"?! It should clearly be called the New York Association of Empiricism!

And so it begins...
[Nov 25,2009 5:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Gah? No gah.
[Nov 25,2009 6:16pm - thuringwethil ""]


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