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YA Making fun of a dude's GF thread

[Feb 26,2009 2:52pm - RustyPS ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:(Also dispose of condom floating in cat's water bowl 'cause you're a gentleman.)
[Feb 26,2009 3:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, kitty. TAKE THAT.
[Feb 26,2009 3:14pm - brian_dc ""]

dftg said:
brian_dc said:if that was the best I could pull I would probably just accept dying a virgin and play N64 all day.

Post a picture of a girl you've had sex with.

welp...this is my current galpal.

[Feb 26,2009 3:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 26,2009 3:18pm - Yeti ""]

SkinSandwich said:[img]

that is one of the creepiest things i've ever seen.
[Feb 26,2009 3:22pm - dftg  ""]
That bitch's forehead is big enough to land a 747 on. Also she has jowls like a bulldog and fat, flabby, hairy, sausage arms. Her eyes are so far apart you could drive a car between them, her tits hang down to her bellybutton, and she drinks shitty cheap beer. Also it looks like she couldn't decide whether to wear pants or shorts so she just wore pants with one leg on them.

Hey, you're right, it is fun to make fun of dude's girlfriends on the internet.
[Feb 26,2009 3:25pm - brian_dc ""]

dftg said:That bitch's forehead is big enough to land a 747 on. Also she has jowls like a bulldog and fat, flabby, hairy, sausage arms. Her eyes are so far apart you could drive a car between them, her tits hang down to her bellybutton, and she drinks shitty cheap beer. Also it looks like she couldn't decide whether to wear pants or shorts so she just wore pants with one leg on them.

Hey, you're right, it is fun to make fun of dude's girlfriends on the internet.

then my work here is done
[Feb 26,2009 3:28pm - W3 @ work  ""]
[Feb 26,2009 3:30pm - dftg  ""]

brian_dc said:
dftg said:That bitch's forehead is big enough to land a 747 on. Also she has jowls like a bulldog and fat, flabby, hairy, sausage arms. Her eyes are so far apart you could drive a car between them, her tits hang down to her bellybutton, and she drinks shitty cheap beer. Also it looks like she couldn't decide whether to wear pants or shorts so she just wore pants with one leg on them.

Hey, you're right, it is fun to make fun of dude's girlfriends on the internet.

then my work here is done

good for you, that means you have time to have sex with your ugly girlfriend.
[Feb 26,2009 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 26,2009 3:37pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:him looka like a man

In some shots, it kind of looks like if Tom C. had a sex change.
[Feb 26,2009 3:37pm - Murph ""]

But I second Brian's sentiment, if that was the best I could pull, I'd accept death.
[Feb 26,2009 3:47pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Are these pics work safe?
[Feb 26,2009 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
yes. from what I see.

and why bdc didn't post a picture of murph, I will never know.
[Feb 26,2009 4:10pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 26,2009 4:15pm - RustyPS ""]
NICE A/C!!!!!!!!!!!! YESH
[Feb 26,2009 5:45pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

W3%20@%20work said:WALK ON HOME BOY!

[Feb 26,2009 7:07pm - W3 nli  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
W3%20@%20work said:WALK ON HOME BOY!


[Feb 26,2009 7:14pm - RustyPS ""]
I just looked at the pics in the original post for the first time.....does that thing have a penis?

I mean, I am no looker....and I'm no ladies' man by any stretch of the imagination....but she (?) has the upper body of a high school linebacker
[Feb 26,2009 9:03pm - Hoser ""]
I see a JEW nose...I'm out. Hang the bitch.
[Feb 26,2009 11:54pm - fleshfries nli  ""]

sacreligion said:
W3%20@%20work said:[img]

are you serious


[Feb 26,2009 11:58pm - DrewBlood ""]

brian_dc said:
dftg said:
brian_dc said:if that was the best I could pull I would probably just accept dying a virgin and play N64 all day.

Post a picture of a girl you've had sex with.

welp...this is my current galpal.


oooooooooh, mr. scheffield!
[Feb 27,2009 12:17am - ...........  ""]
dftg is a total wimp. a friend of mine left a party with his "so called" girlfriend, she just ditched him cause he was a complete fucking queer.

all he had the balls to do about it was beat up my friends fridge with a mag-light before being told to leave the party.

then to top it off he even brings the girls cellphone/purse to my bros house the next morning after he banged her all night.

dftg, you're a total pussy.
[Feb 27,2009 2:06am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 27,2009 3:04am - Murph ""]

........... said:dftg is a total wimp. a friend of mine left a party with his "so called" girlfriend, she just ditched him cause he was a complete fucking queer.

all he had the balls to do about it was beat up my friends fridge with a mag-light before being told to leave the party.

then to top it off he even brings the girls cellphone/purse to my bros house the next morning after he banged her all night.

dftg, you're a total pussy.

Dude, Fucked the Girlfiend.
[Feb 27,2009 6:59am - brian_dc ""]
"Murph," he said, "post a picture of your girlfriend," he asked with absolutely not foreknowledge of what hilarity might ensue afterward.
[Feb 27,2009 7:16am - Hater  ""]

dftg said:That bitch's forehead is big enough to land a 747 on. Also she has jowls like a bulldog and fat, flabby, hairy, sausage arms. Her eyes are so far apart you could drive a car between them, her tits hang down to her bellybutton, and she drinks shitty cheap beer. Also it looks like she couldn't decide whether to wear pants or shorts so she just wore pants with one leg on them.

Hey, you're right, it is fun to make fun of dude's girlfriends on the internet.

For that fat pile, this girl is a goddess.
You should see him!!
[Feb 27,2009 11:51am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

........... said:dftg is a total wimp. a friend of mine left a party with his "so called" girlfriend, she just ditched him cause he was a complete fucking queer.

all he had the balls to do about it was beat up my friends fridge with a mag-light before being told to leave the party.

then to top it off he even brings the girls cellphone/purse to my bros house the next morning after he banged her all night.

dftg, you're a total pussy.

says the person who won't divulge their identity
[Feb 27,2009 11:53am - W3 @ work  ""]
Wargooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!
[Feb 27,2009 12:06pm - largefreakatzero ""]

ctb0rderpatrol said:
........... said:dftg is a total wimp. a friend of mine left a party with his "so called" girlfriend, she just ditched him cause he was a complete fucking queer.

all he had the balls to do about it was beat up my friends fridge with a mag-light before being told to leave the party.

then to top it off he even brings the girls cellphone/purse to my bros house the next morning after he banged her all night.

dftg, you're a total pussy.

says the person who won't divulge their identity

Exactly, if Dave's such a pussy, why did you post anonymously?
[Feb 27,2009 12:08pm - SkinSandwich ""]

DrewBlood said:
brian_dc said:
dftg said:
brian_dc said:if that was the best I could pull I would probably just accept dying a virgin and play N64 all day.

Post a picture of a girl you've had sex with.

welp...this is my current galpal.


oooooooooh, mr. scheffield!

Why are you dating a beer can?
[Feb 27,2009 12:09pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 27,2009 12:11pm - W3 @ work  ""]
I'm gonna drink your date Bee-Rye
[Feb 27,2009 12:54pm - joeycobra ""]
omg I'm terrible but i JUST HAD TO

[Feb 27,2009 1:08pm - Yeti ""]
she looks like a cross between Harry Potter, Jamie Presley, and Salacious Crumb.
[Feb 27,2009 2:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I would've bet 20 bucks I was gonna come in here and see a Star Wars reference, Yeti. Thanks for making me 20 hypothetical dollars. (AND ANSWER YOUR TEXTZ GRAMPA)
[Feb 27,2009 2:20pm - RustyPS ""]

[Feb 27,2009 2:26pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
:tmnt3::tmnt4::tmnt2::tmnt1: Vs. :stupidflanders: & :cd:
[Feb 27,2009 2:27pm - sacreligion ""]
teenage mutant flanders albums?
[Feb 27,2009 2:31pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
fight the CD or you're a pussy
[Feb 27,2009 2:33pm - sacreligion ""]
i dunno dude. it sounds promising. i'll let it flower and if it sucks then i'll fight it.
[Feb 27,2009 2:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Fight Dave. You won't. (Anono)Pussy.
[Feb 27,2009 2:51pm - orgymf@work  ""]

........... said:dftg is a total wimp.
dftg, you're a total pussy.

now granted, i am not a big fan of dftg after he whined like a little girl about my opinions on some of the mediocre bands scheduled for NEDF.

that being said, i find it funny that you call him a pussy without having the balls to attach a name.

why don't ya step out of the glass house before ya chuck another rock at him?

[Feb 27,2009 3:15pm - CassieLynn ""]
She has potential
[Feb 27,2009 3:27pm - brian_dc ""]
to play Medusa in the classic Greek Drama without any makeup
[Feb 27,2009 3:28pm - sacreligion ""]
thanks for making me spit orange juice all over the desk, brian.
[Feb 27,2009 3:30pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Dammit - that's way funnier than my WWF joke.
[Feb 27,2009 3:32pm - sacreligion ""]
go on...
[Feb 27,2009 4:45pm - ...........  ""]
ya ya i'm a big pussy cause I didn't put my name up here. i enjoy the fact i can post without telling you all who i am and talk shit. it's more fun cause you don't have shit on me, and you never will.

who fucking cares really? there's very few people here who know me personally in the first place.

even if i did say who i was you're all a bunch of wimps who wouldn't do anything about it.

"fight me or your a pussy" is about all that would happen.

[Feb 27,2009 5:12pm - sacreligion ""]
yet you still don't.

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