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ATTN: RTTPers....vote for PANZERBASTARD for a BMA!!

[Nov 29,2009 1:59pm - Trioxin245 ""]
[Nov 29,2009 2:23pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
needs more hair
[Nov 29,2009 5:56pm - lon_chaney ""]
Keith is what happened when Dennis Quaid fucked this guy

[Nov 29,2009 9:35pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
<a href="http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y162/USDXMBM/?action=view¤t=bobby.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y162/USDXMBM/bobby.jpg" border="0" alt="bobby bitch tits"></a>
[Nov 29,2009 9:35pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
[Nov 29,2009 9:41pm - Trioxin245 ""]
how could there be a god when people like us exist?
[Nov 29,2009 11:50pm - PleasureCorpse  ""]

M.F.BASTARD said:[img]

I knew when I discovered that pic it would eventually be taken to ingenious levels.
[Nov 30,2009 7:07am - NuclearWinter ""]
Now that's just fucking incredible.
[Nov 30,2009 12:30pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
I'm the best, man. I did it.
[Nov 30,2009 2:20pm - C.dEad  ""]
[Nov 30,2009 2:31pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
this thread is LoLzers
[Nov 30,2009 2:32pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Great work by Ross and Marcus but I hope you realize that if Bobby sees this, he's gonna kick you both out of his band, Blessed Offal.
[Nov 30,2009 3:58pm - KPanzer  ""]

lon_chaney said:


Knock-Knock! Dude! Let me get two more! C'mon! I get paid thursday!
[Nov 30,2009 6:53pm - Trioxin245 ""]

AndrewBastard said:Great work by Ross and Marcus but I hope you realize that if Bobby sees this, he's gonna kick you both out of his band, Blessed Offal.

thats ok im tired of playing other peoples songs anyway, let bobby do it by himself.
[Nov 30,2009 7:19pm - Trioxin245 ""]
[Nov 30,2009 7:24pm - RichHorror ""]
My god, it's full of stars.
[Dec 1,2009 12:03pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
[Dec 1,2009 12:03pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
[Dec 1,2009 11:47pm - heyo  ""]
How did you guys get voted in? (not saying that maliciously i really want to know)

"The BMA benefits The Music Drives Us Foundation — Music Education, Preservation and Awareness throughout New England, supporting those who are interested in using music as a tool for all segments of society and for all ages. "

That's so... nice!
[Dec 2,2009 2:55am - RichHorror ""]

M.F.BASTARD said:[img]

Ah memories.
[Dec 2,2009 9:34am - Gregdbass ""]
[Dec 2,2009 9:39am - ouchdrummer ""]
what a strange thread....
[Dec 2,2009 12:24pm - Trioxin245 ""]

ouchdrummer said:what a strange thread....

[Dec 2,2009 12:39pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
at first i thought, "what a strange thread",
but then i am a dog
[Dec 2,2009 1:10pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
oh and just in the interest of fairness...

[Dec 2,2009 2:18pm - Trioxin245 ""]

M.F.BASTARD said:oh and just in the interest of fairness...


[Dec 2,2009 2:25pm - sir coughsalot  ""]

M.F.BASTARD said:oh and just in the interest of fairness...


I aM IN DiSgUIsE............. as FrAnKeNSTeIN!!!!
[Dec 2,2009 2:26pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
jesus h buttfucking christ, its uncanny
[Dec 2,2009 2:27pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]

Trioxin245 said:
M.F.BASTARD said:oh and just in the interest of fairness...


i was refering to this

[Dec 2,2009 2:27pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
i dont know why the fuck it copied those pictures. i tried to put the Kurgen there instead.
[Dec 2,2009 2:32pm - Trioxin245 ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:^^^^^^^^^^^^^
i dont know why the fuck it copied those pictures. i tried to put the Kurgen there instead.

[Dec 2,2009 2:35pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
kiss my shakey nutsack frankenstein
[Dec 2,2009 2:37pm - RustyPS ""]

C.dEad said:[img]
[Dec 2,2009 2:41pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:kiss my shakey nutsack frankenstein

your nutsack shakes too? weird.
[Dec 2,2009 2:43pm - C.DeaD  ""]
One day, I am going to get that shirt. Cafepress has one in yellow with my name on it.
[Dec 2,2009 3:35pm - sir coughsalot  ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:kiss my shakey nutsack frankenstein

your nutsack shakes too? weird.

yea dude remember when you tried sucking on it? You haven't been able to stop stuttering since then.
[Dec 2,2009 3:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 3,2009 6:02am - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
tonight could not have possibly unfolded better.
no, we didn't win. converge did. not the point.
not to downplay of our love for our loyal rttp'ers who voted for us, often multiple times, but that shit only happens in perverse bulgarian bootleg disney movies.
whats important here is that four assholes waltzed into the liberty hotel in filthy patch encrusted denim and had the fucking credentials to hang out there the remainder of the evening.
testimonial to this pt. one.
upon arriving i was approached by every person of even modest authority and informed that this was a "private occasion" or some shit and forcing me to whip out my ticket. My boss who came in a fancy suit was at the top of the escalators when he called me to get him a spare ticket, i was like, dude, your already in.
testimonial pt. 2.
upon learning we didnt win i went up to the guy with the mic and announced that "beyonce had the best video of all time." im dead serious.
a bit later i run into this dude that i think is the guy i "kanye'd" due to his emo haircut/glasses and akwardly old age for sporting said items.
i proceeded to apologize to him when the ACTUAL guy i interrupted comes up, grabs me by the collar, and with his other hand begins to attempt to tilt the beer im holding in such a way as to pour it down my shirt. I instinctively shoved him away and that is when some big dude dragged me away talking very calmly about how he had "heard our music" and "knew what we were about" I drunkenly tried to explain to him that i was attempting to apologize for my dumbass stunt and the other dude had put his hands on me first but when he clearly was not listening and told me he wasnt gonna kick me out i shut up and lost myself in the crowd. this is all fact
[Dec 3,2009 3:17pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i took a piss in the elevator...
[Dec 3,2009 4:17pm - Trioxin245 ""]

M.F.BASTARD said:tonight could not have possibly unfolded better.
no, we didn't win. converge did. not the point.
not to downplay of our love for our loyal rttp'ers who voted for us, often multiple times, but that shit only happens in perverse bulgarian bootleg disney movies.
whats important here is that four assholes waltzed into the liberty hotel in filthy patch encrusted denim and had the fucking credentials to hang out there the remainder of the evening.
testimonial to this pt. one.
upon arriving i was approached by every person of even modest authority and informed that this was a "private occasion" or some shit and forcing me to whip out my ticket. My boss who came in a fancy suit was at the top of the escalators when he called me to get him a spare ticket, i was like, dude, your already in.
testimonial pt. 2.
upon learning we didnt win i went up to the guy with the mic and announced that "beyonce had the best video of all time." im dead serious.
a bit later i run into this dude that i think is the guy i "kanye'd" due to his emo haircut/glasses and akwardly old age for sporting said items.
i proceeded to apologize to him when the ACTUAL guy i interrupted comes up, grabs me by the collar, and with his other hand begins to attempt to tilt the beer im holding in such a way as to pour it down my shirt. I instinctively shoved him away and that is when some big dude dragged me away talking very calmly about how he had "heard our music" and "knew what we were about" I drunkenly tried to explain to him that i was attempting to apologize for my dumbass stunt and the other dude had put his hands on me first but when he clearly was not listening and told me he wasnt gonna kick me out i shut up and lost myself in the crowd. this is all fact

6am. wow.
[Dec 3,2009 4:24pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
you know how we do
[Dec 3,2009 7:05pm - KPanzer  ""]
You are on video! go to the Examiner and fast forward to the end of the BMA video blog.You can see me & Hollywood on the PHOENIX BMA video blog.
[Dec 3,2009 8:04pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
they had puff pastries?
[Dec 3,2009 8:07pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
hahahah schadenfreude indeed
[Dec 3,2009 8:08pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
hats off to you guys, you did a service to US ALL!!!
[Dec 3,2009 8:27pm - pam ""]
Good work!
[Dec 4,2009 11:31am - AndrewBastard  ""]
more metal than mothers kettle?
[Dec 4,2009 1:48pm - RichHorror ""]
That is so much better than actually winning an award.
[Dec 4,2009 1:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

RichHorror said:That is so much better than actually winning an award.

[Dec 4,2009 2:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Too bad Marcus got not credit for it, though--

The only rowdy moment? A jean-jacket kid who tried to pull a KANYE WEST and bum-rush the mic while Newbury Comics honcho MIKE DREESE attempted to present BMA bankroller ERNIE BOCH JR. with the "Humanitarian of the Year" award. Dreese pushed the young punk in the chest, spouted a few choice profanities, and warned that he was "about to get an assault charge" before order was quickly and quietly restored.

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