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ATTN: RTTPers....vote for PANZERBASTARD for a BMA!!

[Dec 4,2009 2:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
and the peasants rejoice
[Dec 4,2009 2:33pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]

RichHorror said:Too bad Marcus got not credit for it, though--

The only rowdy moment? A jean-jacket kid who tried to pull a KANYE WEST and bum-rush the mic while Newbury Comics honcho MIKE DREESE attempted to present BMA bankroller ERNIE BOCH JR. with the "Humanitarian of the Year" award. Dreese pushed the young punk in the chest, spouted a few choice profanities, and warned that he was "about to get an assault charge" before order was quickly and quietly restored.

good thing im humble

lol, jean jacket kid
[Dec 4,2009 2:35pm - pam ""]
I love the "young punk" part.
[Dec 4,2009 2:40pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
i would have also accepted, "young whelp", "neer do well" etc.
[Dec 4,2009 2:42pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Dec 4,2009 2:44pm - RichHorror ""]
Skater said you should have pounded him, and I agree.
[Dec 4,2009 2:47pm - pam ""]
he looks like michael moore.
[Dec 4,2009 2:49pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
hahaha i wish, all i remember after the beer incident is me shoving him and then getting dragged out of there in a hurry
[Dec 4,2009 2:51pm - RichHorror ""]
We're just pissed that you've ruined our shot at a Best Female nomination next year.

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