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Experienced bassist seeing what's out there!

[Dec 20,2010 2:01am - FOUR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH  ""]
What's up, I'm a bass player looking to join or start a thrash band. I have pro gear and a pro attitude, I'm a finger style bassist (which means I don't use picksDUUUHHH) and play a four string only. I don't particularly like to tune down past Eb, gotta keep it traditional. My influences are all over the place, Vio-Lence, Wehrmacht, Sodom, Coroner, Kreator, Razormaze, The Crown, Atheist, Watchtower, Sepultura, Atheist...shit like that.

I'd like to join or start a TECHNICAL BLACKENED THRASH band. Yeah, sounds totally fucking awesome right? I have a decent amount of material already written and am hoping to find someone with the same musical goal, or somewhere along the lines. I'm sick of all the death metal bands around and as much as I love death metal, it's the last thing I want to play.

I live in the south shore, Weymouth to be exact. I don't have a car at the moment, but if anyone is interested in getting something going, let me know how to get in touch with you.

I also plan on doing lead vocals if people plan on STARTING the band, and would like to keep it to three members, just to keep the writing process easier, and just get down and dirty like back in the day.

Hope to hear from some people.

[Dec 20,2010 2:05am - swampthing  ""]
way to go with the no contact info. between that and the no car i predict success
[Dec 20,2010 2:08am - Randy_Marsh ""]
sounds like a rockstar
[Dec 20,2010 2:30am - FOUR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH  ""]
Oh shoot, I got so carried away I forgot. I just figured if anyone was serious they'd leave an email, but I'm honestly not expecting much. I've been looking for people who want to jam but all anyone wants to play is brutal death metal in some god awful caveman tuning. What happened to tight old school thrash? BRING IT BACK.

[Dec 20,2010 8:33am - Seanblitzkrieg ""]
hey best of luck finding something. the Crown is one of my favorite bands. Sodom, Kreator, old sepultura, good influences. I'd like to hear what you have so far.
[Dec 20,2010 8:41am - Uhm  ""]
Anyone want to start a brutal caveman death metal band?
[Dec 20,2010 8:42am - timma ""]
When I read this, all I could think of is Wylde Stallyns.
[Dec 20,2010 9:06am - Alx_Casket ""]

Randy_Marsh said:sounds like a decrepit
[Dec 20,2010 9:51am - aril  ""]

Uhm said:Anyone want to start a brutal caveman death metal band?

Too late. Already started one called Neanderkill
[Dec 20,2010 10:11am - SkinSandwich ""]
Get Raped.
[Dec 20,2010 11:19am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Unreliable texas fagget.. wtf pat.. go fuck urself. Looks like u ain't got gear.since u owe us dough..
[Dec 20,2010 11:32am - DRAMARAMA  ""]
[Dec 20,2010 11:34am - Slag NLI  ""]
[Dec 20,2010 11:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh man.
[Dec 20,2010 11:43am - timma ""]
Ruh roh.
[Dec 20,2010 11:45am - RichHorror ""]
hahahaha @ Best Dramatic Lead In A Forum Setting
[Dec 20,2010 11:48am - timma ""]

FOUR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH said: all anyone wants to play is brutal death metal in some god awful caveman tuning.

I, for one, am offended.
[Dec 20,2010 11:52am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Id like too thank all my fans.. esp God.
For some reason I feel like Kayne is going to make an appearance.

Slag%20NLI said:[img]
[Dec 20,2010 12:33pm - FOUR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH  ""]

sixstringcarnage said:Unreliable texas fagget.. wtf pat.. go fuck urself. Looks like u ain't got gear.since u owe us dough..
[Dec 20,2010 12:51pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
U just sound like someone who was in my band.. that's duckin us out.
[Dec 20,2010 12:52pm - timma ""]
You should probably hunt him. Rambo style.
[Dec 20,2010 12:54pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Yo wolf-face. I'm your worst nightmare..
[Dec 20,2010 1:03pm - Alexecutioner ""]

sixstringcarnage said:Unreliable texas fagget.. wtf pat.. go fuck urself. Looks like u ain't got gear.since u owe us dough..

You just so happen to have all of the same exact influences and meet all the same criteria as our old bassist, who lives in the same area as you. While I will give you the benefit of the doubt, at first glance it looked like you were him pretty much.
[Dec 20,2010 1:16pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

FOUR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH said:but all anyone wants to play is brutal death metal in some god awful caveman tuning. What happened to tight old school thrash?

Everybody who plays that is too busy affording cars.
[Dec 20,2010 1:18pm - timma ""]
[Dec 20,2010 1:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Alexecutioner said:
sixstringcarnage said:Unreliable texas fagget.. wtf pat.. go fuck urself. Looks like u ain't got gear.since u owe us dough..

You just so happen to have all of the same exact influences and meet all the same criteria as our old bassist, who lives in the same area as you. While I will give you the benefit of the doubt, at first glance it looked like you were him pretty much.

haha i thought the same even before brian's comment.
[Dec 20,2010 3:17pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
I might be interested in a bass player, unfortunately I tune to E-DOUBLE-flat, so it probably won't work out.
[Dec 20,2010 6:06pm - blue ""]

sixstringcarnage said:Yo wolf-face. I'm your worst nightmare..

i <3 green jelly
[Dec 20,2010 6:45pm - Lol  ""]

Alexecutioner said:
sixstringcarnage said:Unreliable texas fagget.. wtf pat.. go fuck urself. Looks like u ain't got gear.since u owe us dough..

You just so happen to have all of the same exact influences and meet all the same criteria as our old bassist, who lives in the same area as you. While I will give you the benefit of the doubt, at first glance it looked like you were him pretty much.

definitely him, note the double Atheist influence
[Dec 21,2010 4:28am - sixstringcarnage ""]

blue said:
sixstringcarnage said:Yo wolf-face. I'm your worst nightmare..

i <3 green jelly

[Dec 21,2010 4:29am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Double atheist is what triggered my attack. Cumin' like a spider monkey
[Dec 21,2010 8:42pm - immortal13 ""]
All I'm getting outta this thread is that Green Jelly still rules.
[Dec 28,2010 12:22pm - 2+2=5  ""]
hahahah "Hektik"/ Pat is such a fucking loser. This is totally his thread.
[Dec 28,2010 5:57pm - steve coffey  ""]
apparently he forgot to mention he is a herion addict living with his parents.

however, he is certainly a virtuoso! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeEaCiuS89M
[Dec 28,2010 6:00pm - F0UR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH  ""]
Shut the fuck up losah.

And to you guys that say I owe you money, I think it's the other way around so don't be playing games with my pro equipment that I begged my dad to buy for me. I have a pro attitude as well, and you will case on me with pure respect.
[Dec 28,2010 6:06pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Nice try, troll
[Dec 28,2010 6:12pm - F0UR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH  ""]
Additionally, I can provide groupies and all the drugs and drink a prospective band might require. I don't have a job or a car so I can focus all my energy on furthering the band. I once even had a 4'6" tall chick with a giant cyst on her chest living with me in my bedroom at my parents' house and I talked her into having sex with me on webcam in a chatroom in front of over TEN people! We were even going to move to California and I was going to work at the Whiskey a Go-Go but my music has always kept me grounded in reality.
[Dec 28,2010 6:12pm - RichHorror ""]

F0UR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH said:so don't be playing games with my pro equipment that I begged my dad to buy for me.

[Dec 28,2010 6:18pm - F0UR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH  ""]

Alexecutioner said:Nice try, troll
That's what anyone who hears your "blast beats" says.

I posted several of the videos from a Forced Assphyxiation show at Panterachat.com and everyone said we (meaning you) sucked.
[Dec 28,2010 6:24pm - Alexecutioner ""]
It's ok, I know its not actually pat and just some faggot who can't log in to talk shit, so I don't care about your opinion
[Dec 28,2010 6:27pm - Trisha Farley  ""]
How dare you insult Pat like that!? He practically founded your crappy band and gave his blood, sweat and tears to get you to where you are. What an ungrateful fucking bastard.
[Dec 28,2010 6:31pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Haha, Forced Asphyxiation was founded long before we ever met Pat
[Dec 28,2010 6:38pm - Trisha Farley  ""]
Bullshit. It was not that long ago he came home to our shared bedroom in his parents' house and told me all about how he started this band. We were even smoking a joint and started messing around and I had just taken a hit and he tried to get me to suck his dick, and he laughed because I was almost choking, and that's how he came up with the name,
[Dec 28,2010 6:46pm - nekronaut ""]
[Dec 28,2010 7:01pm - steve coffey  ""]
pat and i have had our differences, but deep down we're friends, and i issue this warning to anyone here who continues to hate on him: we will come to the next show you play at whatever diner, comic book store, pizzeria, or birthday party, join hands and proceed to decapitate you with a ferocious double-clothesline that will leave your family mourning over a closed casket.
[Dec 29,2010 5:21pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Pat Kalinowski is a fucking lying pitty party dipshit faggot, the thread I found below says it all. Enjoy...

[Dec 29,2010 5:23pm - RichHorror ""]
WOW. PanteraChat.Com is a real thing.
[Dec 29,2010 5:33pm - nekronaut ""]
You have to be a member to see the thread.. I will pass.
[Dec 29,2010 5:36pm - RichHorror ""]
c/p or terrorist
[Dec 29,2010 5:45pm - Alexecutioner ""]

nekronaut said:You have to be a member to see the thread.. I will pass.

Yea, I agree I didn't want to make an account either, turns out he's been talking shit about us on there and been lying about not doing heroin for the past four months so it made for an interesting read that's for sure

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