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Experienced bassist seeing what's out there!

[Dec 29,2010 5:46pm - RichHorror ""]
Unscarred By Trials But Not By Needles
[Dec 29,2010 5:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh shit.
[Dec 29,2010 5:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
so i can haz his bass amps now?
[Dec 29,2010 6:40pm - Psycrotes  ""]
Well I guess that's a 1,2,3 for the High Priest of Hardcore!
[Dec 29,2010 9:24pm - 2+2=5  ""]
hahahaha pat is such a fucking faggot. and his music did/ does suck. big dip in the credibility of anyone who would even think of jamming with that douche.

hey, alex, what ever happened to that old man you all assault with that baseball bat???
[Dec 29,2010 9:26pm - 2+2=5  ""]
the one you all nearly killed...
[Dec 29,2010 9:29pm - alfie  ""]
This is my board now... Fags
[Dec 29,2010 9:30pm - alfie  ""]
This is my board now... Fags
[Dec 29,2010 9:35pm - chadster  ""]
Fuck am i stupid
[Dec 29,2010 9:41pm - monotheist  ""]
getcha pull
[Dec 29,2010 10:07pm - Alexecutioner ""]

2%202=5 said:hahahaha pat is such a fucking faggot. and his music did/ does suck. big dip in the credibility of anyone who would even think of jamming with that douche.

hey, alex, what ever happened to that old man you all assault with that baseball bat???

hahaha, oh how misinformed you are.
[Dec 29,2010 10:18pm - nekronaut ""]
This thread is [img]
[Dec 29,2010 10:50pm - Alexecutioner ""]
[Dec 30,2010 12:26am - Beavis  ""]
hey uhh hehheh ...uhhh. does this thread have any nachos?
[Dec 30,2010 12:28am - Butthead  ""]
No dumbass those are nuggets uhhh spaghetti nuggets or something.

[Dec 30,2010 12:29am - Beavis  ""]
do they have nachos in them?
[Dec 30,2010 12:29am - Butthead  ""]
[Dec 30,2010 12:31am - Butthead  ""]
i'm gonna kick your ass
[Dec 30,2010 12:33am - Beavis  ""]
ehhh he heh
[Dec 30,2010 12:34am - Beavis  ""]
this thread is stupid theres no nachos or naked chicks or acdc or anything.
[Dec 30,2010 12:38am - Butthead  ""]
uhhh hey dumbass didnt i tell you shut up? i'm gonna uhh like uhh tryout for this band. i hear there bassist is like on drugs and then they uhh kicked him out or som ething.
[Dec 30,2010 12:39am - Butthead  ""]
they we can totally score with uhh groupies i think. like anthrax they score all the time
[Dec 30,2010 12:40am - Beavis  ""]
yah yah! that would be cool.


what can i play then?
[Dec 30,2010 12:43am - Butthead  ""]
uhh heh uhh you can play the bunghole..bunghole.
[Dec 30,2010 12:45am - Beavis  ""]
no way! i wanna play drums. so i can hit stuff alot
[Dec 30,2010 12:46am - Beavis  ""]
uhhh huh huh. no
[Dec 30,2010 12:48am - Beavis  ""]
nevermind this sucks ehh.
[Dec 30,2010 12:49am - Butthead  ""]
[Dec 30,2010 9:44am - josh_hates_you ""]
[Dec 30,2010 10:01am - josh_hates_you ""]
i am currently amazed at this pantera chat site. this pat character has 29,500 posts on that board. do you really want to be in a band with someone that has posted almost 30,000 times on a pantera message board?
[Dec 30,2010 10:21am - nekronaut ""]
Rich Horror has made 34,344 posts on this message board.. I don't know what's worse
[Dec 30,2010 10:29am - RichHorror ""]
I'm the worst.
[Dec 30,2010 11:13am - Alexecutioner ""]
A+ to this thread for the Beavis and Butthead banter ahahaha.

But yea, Pat is done in our band for good this time. we've been trying to help him out and try to be a friend to him while he goes through rough times but i guess according to him we are fags.
[Dec 30,2010 11:29am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
tis a real shame... despite this stupidity i still respect is playing. maybe someday he'll grow up and get his shit together.
[Dec 30,2010 2:01pm - JEbodiahh DA BullFR0G  ""]
this board sucks, pat is a faggot, chad is stupid, B&B rules
[Dec 30,2010 3:28pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Texas fuckin faggets.
[Dec 30,2010 3:34pm - sixstringcarnage ""]

F0UR-STRINGS-OF-THRASH said: and you will case on me with pure respect.
[Dec 30,2010 3:43pm - sixstringcarnage ""]

immortal13 said:All I'm getting outta this thread is that Green Jelly still rules.
[Dec 30,2010 3:43pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
dungeons and dragons
[Dec 30,2010 6:02pm - LOL  ""]
Professional attitude
[Dec 30,2010 6:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 30,2010 6:11pm - Alexecutioner ""]

sixstringcarnage said:Texas fuckin faggets.

Fucking texas toast faggets
[Dec 30,2010 6:18pm - Alexecutioner ""]

JEbodiahh%20DA%20BullFR0G said:this board sucks, B&B rules

HAHAHAHA, coming from a faggot who primarily posts on a message board that is comprised entirely of Pantera and Pantera related topics

Panterrible said:This is my first time to this message board. Really? A whole message board dedicated to Pantera? and you people have 20,000+ posts. Holy fucking gay. I feel bad for everyone on this site. No, seriously. Enough bashing you faggots and this board......

[Dec 30,2010 6:19pm - nekronaut ""]
Thanks a lot jerk off now I'm hungry and crave Texas toast
[Dec 30,2010 6:21pm - Alexecutioner ""]
[Dec 30,2010 6:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this stuff's made in... NEW YORK CITY??!
[Dec 30,2010 6:29pm - nekronaut ""]
Haha slarcus and I made reference to the Old El Paso commercials a few days ago at work.

Only making jokes about old salsa commercials is real.
[Jan 1,2011 7:14pm - nekronaut ""]
Bump for mcdonald s
[Jan 2,2011 2:47pm - Alexecutioner ""]

nekronaut said:Bump for mcdonald s

[Jan 2,2011 3:16pm - i_am_not_me ""]

nekronaut said:Haha slarcus and I made reference to the Old El Paso commercials a few days ago at work.

Only making jokes about old salsa commercials is real.

If you mean the "NEW YORK CITY" ones, those were for Pace Picante sauce.

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