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Experienced bassist seeing what's out there!

[May 23,2011 10:29pm - old el paso slarsa  ""]

nekronaut said:Haha slarcus and I made reference to the Old El Paso commercials a few days ago at work.

Only making jokes about old salsa commercials is real.

only using salsa for anal lube is real
[May 23,2011 11:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
best thread is besterest
[May 24,2011 3:35am - poopshit  ""]
weymouth and heroin.... now there's an unlikely combo LOL.
[Mar 7,2014 4:53pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Mar 7,2014 5:01pm - Yeti ""]
ITT: RTTP exiles
[Mar 7,2014 8:53pm - DYA is O, SURLY TOADY TOE  ""]
I tried to register for that board to read the thread, but apparently registration requires admin approval. What do you think the odds are that username "nathan_gale" will get approved?
[Mar 8,2014 9:48am - massive mocha  ""]

DYA%20is%20O,%20SURLY%20TOADY%20TOE said:What do you think the odds are that username "nathan_gale" will get approved?


[Jun 12,2014 10:44am - anymonsterous  ""]
Leukorrhea from the cape is looking for a bass pkayer, but it's brutal death metal.

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