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Apr 14 (Sat) - OUT OF THE PITS CHARITY SHOW - Mortis Deveia, NeverSayNever, Sacreligion, Acariya, Thru the Walls, Hollow Image, Disorder by Design, Change of Season - 21+ - 8pm - $10 - Milly's Tavern (Manchester, New Hampshire) +[view flyer]

Saturday April 14 @ Milly's Tavern : Out of the Pits Benefit Show w/ Mortis Deveia, NeverSayNever, Sacreligion, Acariya, Thru the Walls, Hollow Image, Disorder by Design, Change of Season : 21+ : $10 : 8PM

Milly's Tavern (Manchester, NH) - [acariya][hollow_image][mortis_deveia][neversaynever][randomshots][thru_the_walls]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Apr 9,2007 11:41pm - sacreligion ""]
quality bumpage
[Apr 10,2007 9:19am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 10,2007 9:33pm - sacreligion ""]
[Apr 11,2007 10:42am - mcmahon ""]
three (3) more days!

Jenn has been doing interviews with The Hippo Press and Lowell Sun about this show, so there's a lot of publicity already.... not to mention the myspace reposting.

I'm thinking there will be people who aren't into metal, but there for the cause. Maybe alcohol will help with the conversion.
[Apr 11,2007 10:46am - Yeti ""]
people seem to like dogs and beer.
[Apr 11,2007 10:54am - mcmahon ""]
i convinced my brother to train his akita to fetch beers. so far it just chews on anything within rage.
[Apr 11,2007 11:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 11,2007 11:48am - mcmahon ""]
Myspace Event Invite for the myspacers.
[Apr 12,2007 1:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 13,2007 12:03am - urinal turd  ""]
i am going to drink to save some dogs.
[Apr 13,2007 2:01am - sacreligion ""]
makes perfect sense to me. . . . . .
[Apr 13,2007 2:26am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Do dogs get in free?... Being the doorman for this event, these are things I need to know.
[Apr 13,2007 11:59am - sacreligion ""]
one would think so...but i'm not sure
[Apr 13,2007 12:00pm - sacreligion ""]
the dogs get a deal...they have to pay 3 bones to get in
[Apr 13,2007 12:52pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
sounds good to me
[Apr 13,2007 12:53pm - Yeti ""]
i would love to see a huge mosh pit going, and someone throws in 3 pit bulls or wolves. that would be incredible.
[Apr 13,2007 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
starved and infuriated ones
[Apr 13,2007 1:00pm - sacreligion ""]
milly's doesn't even allow drunken discombobulated mosh pits that cause no harm, let alone infuriated starving pit bull mosh pits
[Apr 13,2007 1:02pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
yeah they kinda frown on moshing, Unless Peter is not there, Then it is kinda more relaxed. Last few shows I been to there he has not,So just maybe.
[Apr 14,2007 8:53am - mcmahon nli  ""]
[Apr 14,2007 12:15pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
What time is everyone arriving...I was planning on being there for 7-ish, Unless doors are earlier than 8?.
[Apr 14,2007 12:52pm - sacreligion ""]
i think bands were told to get there a little before 7...i'm not sure what i'm doing yet though as i might have to wait around for some people that are coming with us
[Apr 14,2007 1:49pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Cool, I can't wait for this ,Even though I will be working,hah
[Apr 14,2007 1:57pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you'll never guess who's pussy drummer is trying to cop out of this...

anyone know a good drummer?
[Apr 14,2007 2:05pm - mcmahon nli  ""]
you guys aren't playing? Jenn's gonna be bullshit.
[Apr 14,2007 2:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
no shit right? i know i'm still going and i'm pretty sure the rest of us are gonna go as a sign of good faith but our drummer is just a pathetic fucking loser
[Apr 14,2007 2:09pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
seriously...how do you pull some bullshit like this on your first show in 5 months? "i threw out my back getting out of bed" dude's fucking 20 and in awesome shape...who the fuck does he think we are? ugh...i don't usually get angry at anything but i'm pretty fuckin fired up right now
[Apr 14,2007 2:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
do you have her number? PM me with it please
[Apr 14,2007 2:11pm - mcmahon nli  ""]
fuckkkkkk, well she'll appreciate the sign of good faith...
[Apr 14,2007 2:12pm - mcmahon nli  ""]
ill send it to your myspace
[Apr 14,2007 2:15pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
thanks dude, and sorry for all this...we really should've seen it coming

he bailed on the last 2 shows and half the practices
[Apr 14,2007 3:31pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
That's gay....
[Apr 14,2007 3:33pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
sacreligion said:8:00-8:30 Change of Season
8:40-9:10 Thru the Walls
9:20-9:50 Mortis Deveia
10:00-10:30 NeverSayNever
10:40-11:10 Acariya
11:20-11:50 Sacreligion
12:00-12:30 Hollow Image

So Does this mean everyone is bumped up 1 slot?
[Apr 14,2007 4:46pm - sacreligion ""]
Dwellingsickness said:That's gay....

you have no idea
[Apr 14,2007 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
soooooo... out of all the shows going on to night, return to the pit supposes out of the pits.

Sacreligion: pussied out. What a bunch of pussies. They also don't like puppies from what I hoid. one of their member hurt his back during their morning puppy stomp. did I mention they hated dogs.

Change of Season: missed them. Walked in during their last note.

hollow image: purposefully or not, I've never seen them before or even looked to see what they were about. When I saw all the fish nets and tiny dreds, I figured it was going to be cold chamber, but it was more like devildriver. The singer had a pretty good gurgly vox, but they did some nu-metal, echoy guitar work and singing that I didn't care for. They had a female drummer which is a rarity in this (or any) day and age.

acariya: so the new name of this band is Abeardiya. I hoid that one of their guitar players is on double secret probation for keeping only the most minimal amount of facial shrubbery (grow it in, pencil it in, or glue pubes on like in south park). I like the little jazzy part they have in one of their songs. This was the first band where to mosh was almost bought. People started to move around. Thankfully, enough people knew the words to the last mosh-song and they just yelled into the mic.
[Apr 14,2007 10:20pm - xanonymousx ""]
i really don't like these 21+ deals i want to see neversaynever.
[Apr 15,2007 2:12am - the_reverend ""]
dude, get older
[Apr 15,2007 2:12am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 15,2007 3:01am - the_reverend ""]
on the b/w images in the thru the walls and neversaynever pictures.

I wanted to shoot with my 12-24 on my SLR/n and then I decided to pull that lens off and use it on my D100 for a band. when I did that, I put the 50mm f/1.4 from my D100 on to the SLR/n... so I thought why not try ISO 800 (I can't figure out how to shoot ISO 1600) with the 50mm and shoot b/w portrait.

here is what I got. I think they are A LOT like ISO 3200 film, IMHO. I think it's pretty useable in a pinch. I shot all of these at 1/90 f/1.4 and it was all with in the DR regardless of the light on the subject. I had no digital correction on either. I did notice that the very first shot once turning the camera on was nothing but complete noise. all the shots after that were decent.
[Apr 15,2007 4:15am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
good show overall...it seemed like there were a lot more people there early on...but they might've just dispersed amongst the many crevices in that venue

one could assume that some puppies might be saved from this...but i hate them and could care less!
[Apr 15,2007 4:30am - the_reverend ""]
I saw jen (with green eyes™) leave with sac and come back with red eyes.
[Apr 15,2007 4:49am - the_reverend ""]
mortis deveia: I swear if henry didn't play a gibson, he easily get an endorsement deal. Their set rocked as usual. I take a lot of shots of the drummer. Probably cause he headbangs. I also end up taking 2828255 pictures of henry hoping to capture his essents jumping out while he shreds.

thru the walls: they got a lot better since the last time I saw them. I'm still not down with some of the vocals. But the main gutterals have significantly improved. I was really greatful that the singer had dark skin and tattoos so I could test song settings on it. I have trouble with 2 things, white tshirts and black skin. Todd made a comment about sepultura, but since I have a cold, I heard his "epultura" as "uffocation". Oh the hilarity that insued.

NeverSayNever: the reason not to put them on last is cause they get wicked drissunk and then have a bit more fun on the stage than you average band. Let's see, there was tons of foolin' around on stage. Stevus knocked mcmahon hard.. And then Mcmahon knocked over stevus... Nearly breaking his hip due to his advanced age and then stepping on his bizzalls. I hoid that steve increases the length of his eyebrown post every time he joins a band. Folks, any more bands and he won't be able to open that eye with out getting poked in it. The end of their set had a ridiculous about of people on stage and henry (MD) on geetar.

It was cool meeting fuckismysignature and mama mcmahon. It wasn't cool when anderson spilt blueberry beer on my good flash. I took a randomshot of him that I labeled "chris farley not dead" because of that.
[Apr 15,2007 10:52am - xanonymousx ""]
the_reverend said:dude, get older

we get older everyday.

i just don't want to forget all these killer guitar riffs i've been learning.
[Apr 15,2007 1:32pm - greeneyedlady  ""]
oh shit! The Red Eyed Lady!! haha!
[Apr 15,2007 1:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
what a badass time.
[Apr 15,2007 1:45pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the ebst part of the night was locking my keys in the car...thanks to jeff from NSN for the AAA hahaha
[Apr 15,2007 1:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the_reverend said:

It was cool meeting fuckismysignature and mama mcmahon. It wasn't cool when anderson spilt blueberry beer on my good flash. I took a randomshot of him that I labeled "chris farley not dead" because of that.

likewise... good to finally meet the infamous rev.
[Apr 15,2007 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
sac: memory issues? did you smoke up the driver at least?
[Apr 15,2007 3:16pm - AllLostThings ""]
the_reverend said:mortis deveia: I swear if henry didn't play a gibson, he easily get an endorsement deal. Their set rocked as usual. I take a lot of shots of the drummer. Probably cause he headbangs. I also end up taking 2828255 pictures of henry hoping to capture his essents jumping out while he shreds.

thru the walls: they got a lot better since the last time I saw them. I'm still not down with some of the vocals. But the main gutterals have significantly improved. I was really greatful that the singer had dark skin and tattoos so I could test song settings on it. I have trouble with 2 things, white tshirts and black skin. Todd made a comment about sepultura, but since I have a cold, I heard his "epultura" as "uffocation". Oh the hilarity that insued.

NeverSayNever: the reason not to put them on last is cause they get wicked drissunk and then have a bit more fun on the stage than you average band. Let's see, there was tons of foolin' around on stage. Stevus knocked mcmahon hard.. And then Mcmahon knocked over stevus... Nearly breaking his hip due to his advanced age and then stepping on his bizzalls. I hoid that steve increases the length of his eyebrown post every time he joins a band. Folks, any more bands and he won't be able to open that eye with out getting poked in it. The end of their set had a ridiculous about of people on stage and henry (MD) on geetar.

It was cool meeting fuckismysignature and mama mcmahon. It wasn't cool when anderson spilt blueberry beer on my good flash. I took a randomshot of him that I labeled "chris farley not dead" because of that.

Glad you're a little more into what we are doing in Thru The Walls. We've grown a shitload. It was good to see all the bands and people out last night for this show. Sick live photos as always..
[Apr 15,2007 4:06pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Good show....All the bands were great, Congrats to Jenn for putting on a killer benefit for your first show ever! and thanks for thinking of me to help ya out. The bullshit graffiti in the woman's room and on the hallway was uncalled for, A big FUCK YOU to whoever did that ,and way to almost ruin a chance for Jenn to book there again. That was the best attendance I have seen at Milly's in a long time. We need to have more shows in NH like this one.

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