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October 4th, Pophyria, Hive Smasher, Brutal No. 2, Saint Jude, +1 TBA

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Sep 28,2007 4:29pm - xanonymousx ""]
i'll have to talk to him though
this is next week right?
I'll hit you up on AIM or the space later on this week.
[Sep 29,2007 1:30pm - SinisterMinister ""]
No date rape drugs?! Count me out, I'll be freebasing roofies in the parking lot.
[Sep 29,2007 7:02pm - immortal13 ""]
[Sep 30,2007 12:12pm - aaronNLI  ""]
bump shit kid.
madness afterwards. pahty smoke beers.
[Oct 1,2007 9:39am - aaron_michael ""]
bump. thursday.
[Oct 1,2007 10:51am - immortal13 ""]
No afterparties for me...got work early friday morning. But the show is gonna be fucking great.
[Oct 1,2007 5:29pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
We just threw up a couple new tunes from whats to come on the upcoming split with Tentacles...

[Oct 2,2007 12:28am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
brrrat brrattttttttttttshiiiitttttyyyy diiiarhea of the mouth ejaculating reverse fart chunks entwined wit da menstruations of obligations spewing out the back pussy leaking to the maroon poon-----brrrrat brrrat pick yo head up white boiiii brrrrrattttt
[Oct 2,2007 12:43pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Oct 2,2007 1:05pm - immortal13 ""]
Two days.
[Oct 2,2007 4:14pm - aaron_michael ""]
I can't wait to see the Dysentery boys
[Oct 2,2007 4:38pm - BrianDBB ""]
Where's the party after this?
[Oct 2,2007 7:04pm - t2daeek ""]
6 dollar pitchers of pabst blue ribbon and pool at fury's.

drunken hilarity ensues.
[Oct 2,2007 7:25pm - xanonymousx ""]
hey was i suppose to flyer for this?
cause i don't see any flyers for this only the one for the energy show...
i'm gonna print some out and put them around here....
is that the final poster?
[Oct 2,2007 8:11pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
I guess that is the final flyer even though the time says its at 6 when it wont start till 730 at the very earliest....Im probably going to print a bunch out to hand out in and around Lowell....itd be cool if some other hands did the same thing too
[Oct 2,2007 9:00pm - xanonymousx ""]
cause alls i see around here are a million energy in remembrance harder the fight ones.
[Oct 3,2007 8:36am - aaron_michael ""]
shit yeah, get those out there! I dropped a few off at Bullmoose in Salem, but I don't know if that'll do much good.
promote on myspace and what not. that usually does the trick.
[Oct 3,2007 12:27pm - t2daeek ""]
i put up quite possibly the worst flyer ever all over UML dorms and durgin hall.
i was asked to take them all down by one of the people running the VPAC because it "promoted terrorism" and it "depicted someone shooting people" and it was "too violent".
paint is awesome. undeniably great flyer. or not
[Oct 3,2007 12:30pm - SinisterMinister ""]
More brutal than this Number 2.
[Oct 3,2007 1:14pm - aaron_michael ""]
I hope I see lots of this afterwards
[Oct 3,2007 4:44pm - jebus_crispex ""]
t2daeek said:i put up quite possibly the worst flyer ever all over UML dorms and durgin hall.
i was asked to take them all down by one of the people running the VPAC because it "promoted terrorism" and it "depicted someone shooting people" and it was "too violent".
paint is awesome. undeniably great flyer. or not

So you're the one responsible for that. I saw one of those in Durgin today and I knew that it probably wouldn't last.
[Oct 3,2007 5:19pm - t2daeek ""]
oh shit, it's dan.
yea man. i kinda knew they were doomed from the start, but it just seemed like a really good chance to do something really dumb.
[Oct 4,2007 1:09am - immortal13 ""]
Me and our drummer put some of the flyers all around the UML campus on bus stops and stuff, some at the VPAC, and even one at Rusty G's. We also put some up at Daddy's and Guitar Center.
[Oct 4,2007 1:15am - Hungtableed  ""]
Holy shit...that's tomorrow??...right down the street from my house??

I'm soooooooo fuckin' there. Dolphin tuna!!!
[Oct 4,2007 1:17am - immortal13 ""]
Awesome man, I'll definitely see you there.
[Oct 4,2007 7:39am - SteveOTB ""]
[Oct 4,2007 8:02am - xanonymousx ""]
some dude handed me one yesterday said i looked like i'd enjoy the show with the shirt i was wearing, but i didn't see anyof those flyers running around.
[Oct 4,2007 8:22am - aaron_michael ""]
Lowell roll call: Who's going?
[Oct 4,2007 8:45am - xanonymousx ""]
not me.......
[Oct 4,2007 9:09am -  ""]
I certainly won't be there.........
[Oct 4,2007 10:17am - immortal13 ""]
xanonymousx said:some dude handed me one yesterday said i looked like i'd enjoy the show with the shirt i was wearing, but i didn't see anyof those flyers running around.

I'm pretty sure that was me.
[Oct 4,2007 10:18am - BrianDBB ""]
[Oct 4,2007 10:19am - aaron_michael ""]
BrianDBB said:THERE!

yell at Aubrey for me. Why haven't we played together yet?
[Oct 4,2007 10:27am - BrianDBB ""]
I'll give him a backhand chop for ya! It's a damn shame we haven't played together yet. We're working on a new album now, but when that's done let's get some shows together. See you guys tonight!
[Oct 4,2007 10:37am - immortal13 ""]
The world needs more DBB shows.
[Oct 4,2007 11:24am - immortal13 ""]
Bump da bump.
[Oct 4,2007 12:25pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Oct 4,2007 10:49pm - xanonymousx ""]
the rev was missing in action tonight.
i didn't see of the betrayed but all the other bands slayed.
aaron good to see you dooder goodtimes.
good to meet tim too.
sucks that porphyria is on "hiatus"
[Oct 4,2007 11:28pm - t2daeek ""]
xanonymousx said:the rev was missing in action tonight.
i didn't see of the betrayed but all the other bands slayed.
aaron good to see you dooder goodtimes.
good to meet tim too.
sucks that porphyria is on "hiatus"

yea man. all the bands that played tonight were really good. of the betrayed was great too btw. i wanna thank those guys specifically for putting up with my unorganized horse shit and closing out a pretty kick ass show. 90 heads at the vpac isn't bad. especially for a metal show. capacity's only 110.
[Oct 5,2007 12:42am - blue ""]
wow, sounds like it did really well.
[Oct 5,2007 2:16am - SteveOTB ""]
90 heads? Damn that is good.
[Oct 5,2007 8:53am - aaron_michael ""]
boo for puking bile halfways through Brutal No.2's set.
We were on our best behavior.
Dysentery fucking killed everyone.
St. Jude rocked(and I owe them a good show and/or money haha)
Brutal No. 2 was the heaviest on the bill.
and puking off the railing onto bros was priceless.
I'll check out OTB soon.

Anyone have pictures of the night? I saw cameras going off like crazy while people were being dropped, haha
[Oct 5,2007 9:06am - JoeyCobra ""]
great show and great bands all around.

I knew nothing about Saint Jude and they were a totally plesant surprise.
[Oct 5,2007 9:31am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
What a great show! Awesome turn out, and all the bands were on their top form. Saint Jude (the patron saint of technical difficulties) was suprisingly good. Hivesmasher wrecked the place, Dysentery sounded really good even without the bass, Brutal No. 2 played the tightest set I've ever heard by those guys (seriously dudes, good job!), and OTB killed.

Another plus about that venue: UMASS co-eds. Holy shit.
[Oct 5,2007 9:39am - aaron_michael ""]
drew is a fucking elevator playa
[Oct 5,2007 9:45am - BrianDBB ""]
Really fun show! Props to Hivesmasher for setting the mood for the night, awesome set. Definitely lookin forward to playing shows with them. Dysentery DESTROYED, slams on top of slams. Saint Jude and Brutal No 2 were great as well. OTB was defintely great minus the serious mic problems. If more shows are booked here we'd definitely be interested.
[Oct 5,2007 10:18am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
aaron_michael said:drew is a fucking elevator playa

haha, especially considering i looked like hot mess and smelled like the collective BO of five sweaty crust kids, i did alright.

[Oct 5,2007 10:45am - the_reverend ""]
I would have been there but I broke 4 teeth earlier in the day while doing some EXTREME eating.
[Oct 5,2007 10:58am - aaron_michael ""]
do tell
[Oct 5,2007 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
I was chewing on an springroll left over from grasshoppers, then I had a mouthful of teeth pieces.

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