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October 4th, Pophyria, Hive Smasher, Brutal No. 2, Saint Jude, +1 TBA

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Oct 5,2007 12:54pm - t2daeek ""]
the_reverend said:I was chewing on an springroll left over from grasshoppers, then I had a mouthful of teeth pieces.

mouthful of teeth pieces
aaron... next song name?

[Oct 5,2007 1:23pm - aaron_michael ""]
anyone have pictures from the night?
[Oct 5,2007 3:21pm - t2daeek ""]
aaron_michael said:anyone have pictures from the night?

my brother took some pictures of hive smasher but ran out of batteries before the set was over. a couple good shots. there was someone taking pictures during of the betrayed's set too.

[Oct 5,2007 4:52pm - aaron_michael ""]
tell him to send those to me!
[Oct 5,2007 5:32pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
Despite frustrations in the beginning with us getting there in time, this show was fucking fun as shit!! Much better turnout than i ever anticipated, and every band owned. Good to finally see dysentery (their crew definetly brought the hurt!), and hivesmasher with Aaron on vocals is INTENSE (last time I saw yous guys was with some other random dude on vox). All in all, kick ass show!!
[Oct 5,2007 6:31pm - SteveOTB ""]
the_reverend said:I was chewing on an springroll left over from grasshoppers, then I had a mouthful of teeth pieces.

Danny Bonadouce broke them didn't he?

[Oct 5,2007 7:51pm - brendannli  ""]
i'm psyched we didn't go over like a bag of wet dicks. good to see aaron again, awesome to play with him again, even if i did miss their set (sorry dude, super bummed).

oh, if anyone is interested :
[Oct 6,2007 12:36pm - nick // dys  ""]
Great times..the sound was excellent at the VPAC. Way more heads there than I excpected..Good to see some old friends. First time seeing Hivesmasher and they were great. Awesome to share the stage with Tim/Porphyria on the dual vocal assault with Will. Plenty of young freshmen cheeks to check out on campus as well...
[Oct 7,2007 9:00am - immortal13 ""]
t2daeek said:aaron_michael said:anyone have pictures from the night?

my brother took some pictures of hive smasher but ran out of batteries before the set was over. a couple good shots. there was someone taking pictures during of the betrayed's set too.

That was Mark from Supplication. I give him and his brother Erik (singer of Supplication) a lot of props for coming all the way down from Laconia to see that show. It was definitely awesome and we'll definitely play there again.
[Oct 8,2007 9:28am - aaron_michael ""]
wish I had known they were there, we're playing with them on the 28th

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