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Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy dead at 77

[Aug 26,2009 1:36am - W3 nli  ""]

(CNN) -- Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, the patriarch of the first family of Democratic politics, died Wednesday at his home in Hyannisport, Massachusetts, after a lengthy battle with brain cancer. He was 77.

"We've lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever," a family statement said. "We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice."

[Aug 26,2009 1:52am - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 26,2009 1:54am - W3 nli  ""]
TOO BIG FOR THE RIDE...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 26,2009 3:51am - PatMeebles ""]
good fucking riddance

and as I said on the lemmingtrail board...

"... I assume now the MA congress will make it so that senator replacements will happen through the govenor's office just like Teddy wanted, as opposed to by way of popular vote... like Teddy wanted in 2004 in case Kerry won."
[Aug 26,2009 6:44am - reimroc ""]
^what he said

Ted was nothing more than a super-liberal douche.
[Aug 26,2009 7:04am - the_reverend ""]
you both are wrong, but whatever. have funny with no one caring about mass in the congress anymore. hope you didn't like the tax money (that the fed will take from you anyhow) that kennedy brought back to your state.
[Aug 26,2009 7:28am - Dankill  ""]

the_reverend said:you both are wrong, but whatever. have funny with no one caring about mass in the congress anymore. hope you didn't like the tax money (that the fed will take from you anyhow) that kennedy brought back to your state.

Then maybe it might teach our state gov not to spend it like a drunken sailor, half the time on horrible shit that doesn't work until the Feds don't wanna give us anymore money (i.e. Big Dig)

Otherwise, yay, now I get to hear about this shit ALLL DAY at my barbershop.
[Aug 26,2009 7:37am - thuringwethil ""]
I'll bet the Bushies and dittoheads will be beside themselves with grief.
[Aug 26,2009 8:28am - xmikex ""]

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

PatMeebles said:good fucking riddance

[Aug 26,2009 8:33am - SkinSandwich ""]
Teddy is Deady.
[Aug 26,2009 8:47am - brian_dc ""]
oh, internet.
[Aug 26,2009 9:16am - the_reverend ""]

Dankill said:
the_reverend said:you both are wrong, but whatever. have funny with no one caring about mass in the congress anymore. hope you didn't like the tax money (that the fed will take from you anyhow) that kennedy brought back to your state.

Then maybe it might teach our state gov not to spend it like a drunken sailor, half the time on horrible shit that doesn't work until the Feds don't wanna give us anymore money (i.e. Big Dig)

Otherwise, yay, now I get to hear about this shit ALLL DAY at my barbershop.

Right... the Big Dig sucks. You know what would really suck, having 2x worse traffic getting into/through Boston and having the shitty corridor which is now becoming green space. If they hadn't done the big dig, Boston would suck more shit then it already does. (I'm not saying it was done right, but it was needed to be done 15 years earlier).
[Aug 26,2009 9:18am - brian_dc ""]
You can always count on this place to piss on the corpse of someone who achieved more than any of us combined will ever achieve in our collective lifetime.
[Aug 26,2009 9:21am - dreadkill ""]

[Aug 26,2009 10:03am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

the_reverend said:Right... the Big Dig sucks. You know what would really suck, having 2x worse traffic getting into/through Boston and having the shitty corridor which is now becoming green space. If they hadn't done the big dig, Boston would suck more shit then it already does. (I'm not saying it was done right, but it was needed to be done 15 years earlier).

Troof. I think they projected that Boston would be in 22 hours of gridlock by now when they started planning the big dig. Needed to be done.



[Aug 26,2009 10:04am - martinswork  ""]
Why would you do that? Hilarity would have ensued.
[Aug 26,2009 10:12am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
cant wait to here about this for the next 2-3 weeks
[Aug 26,2009 10:14am - arilliusbm ""]
they barely tell you about how he murdered someone before
[Aug 26,2009 10:18am - the_reverend ""]
aril, I usually agree with you on 50% of things. but this time you are wrong. The first news story I heard I thought that same thing. In the shower and on the way to the office, I heard 6-ish stories on NHPR and every single one of them mentioned it. 3 of which talked at more length about it then they did about Robert Kennedy's death. Only one of them failed to mention the name of the lady that died. So there you are wrong. One of the stories was all about how kennedy failed.
[Aug 26,2009 10:20am - crickets  ""]
^ LOL @ revisionist history
[Aug 26,2009 10:21am - arktouros ""]

brian_dc said:You can always count on this place to piss on the corpse of someone who achieved more than any of us combined will ever achieve in our collective lifetime.

[Aug 26,2009 10:30am - Aril mobile  ""]

the_reverend said:aril, I usually agree with you on 50% of things. but this time you are wrong.

well I'm never serious on this site so I don't know what to tell you haha
[Aug 26,2009 10:36am - martinswork  ""]
I wonder if Ted Kennedy only played old school video games?
[Aug 26,2009 10:38am - brian_dc ""]
he was half drunk through the 80s

I imagine he was tempted by their gentle caress.
[Aug 26,2009 10:44am - arilliusbm ""]
regardless of political affiliation, this man was a true american who had a strong will and stood by his belief.
he was a good man, a caring family man, a loud voice in the senate, and a murderer. he fought for education rights and healthcare to no end and if anyone fails to acknowledge his efforts than you absolutely fail. even if you don't agree with his viewpoints, one should at least acknowledge the fact that he was both a loud voice in american politics, and a murderer who drank himself to sleep every night.
live long an prosper our dear teddy, see you in hell
[Aug 26,2009 10:47am - brian_dc ""]
look, if we had to hate everyone who has killed someone...
[Aug 26,2009 10:51am - Aril mobile  ""]
Who hates him?
[Aug 26,2009 10:53am - brian_dc ""]
the Jews
[Aug 26,2009 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
the only bad thing a kennedy ever did was kill that fatty actress monroe.
[Aug 26,2009 10:56am - crickets  ""]

the_reverend said:the only bad thing a kennedy ever did was kill that fatty actress monroe.

and a failed run for the presidency.
[Aug 26,2009 10:59am - brian_dc ""]
But hey, that worked...I mean...we got Reagan...oh...
[Aug 26,2009 11:00am - crickets  ""]
and who ended the cold war?
[Aug 26,2009 11:03am - brian_dc ""]
weird, I'm still able to post

[Aug 26,2009 11:04am - Aril mobile  ""]
[Aug 26,2009 11:05am - crickets  ""]
liberal rigging, what else? just like acorn's electronic voting fraud.
[Aug 26,2009 11:05am - crickets  ""]
lol, silly liberal
[Aug 26,2009 11:06am - brian_dc ""]
well, since I can magically still post here, I'll just add my opinion.

I don't think Reagan's actions worked. The increased armament only made matters worse. I think Gorbachev and like-minded politicians did a lot more to bring an end.

Reagan just played politics with it. As would any politician, to his credit.
[Aug 26,2009 11:09am - brian_dc ""]
oh, and don't call me a liberal.

If people piss on Orin Hatch when he dies...if he ever dies...I'll defend him the same way.

Politicians are shit, but at least some of them get some good stuff done from time to time.
[Aug 26,2009 11:11am - crickets  ""]
[Aug 26,2009 11:11am - brian_dc ""]
what am I looking at here?
[Aug 26,2009 11:12am - arilliusbm ""]
the only politician that matters is yourself.

people in offices and chambers shouldn't dictate what YOU do.

come now, join my country, we can all be a free people once and for all. join us. we will ride the next comet to ascension and experience true freedom.
[Aug 26,2009 11:13am - brian_dc ""]
MMMM....comet ride. I'll drink the Kool-Aid in a second...no really...go 'head. Right behind ya.
[Aug 26,2009 11:17am - Ted Kennedy  ""]
We'll Brian, judging by the succession of posts leading up to the fish, it looked to be a hook, line and sinker. Years of deep political wisdom tells me you're the fish who took the bait. John Kerry 2012!
[Aug 26,2009 11:17am - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:the only politician that matters is yourself.

people in offices and chambers shouldn't dictate what YOU do.

come now, join my country, we can all be a free people once and for all. join us. we will ride the next comet to ascension and experience true freedom.

right, anyone want to get a partial birth abortion.. ooh wait..

anyone want to smoke dust.. oh wait...
[Aug 26,2009 11:18am - Aril mobile  ""]
Sorry. Was reading about heavens gate lastnight haha
[Aug 26,2009 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 26,2009 11:25am - reimroc ""]

brian_dc said:You can always count on this place to piss on the corpse of someone who achieved more than any of us combined will ever achieve in our collective lifetime.

Got drunk and killed someone with his car? Rich Horror does that on a daily.
[Aug 26,2009 11:27am - brian_dc ""]

Ted%20Kennedy said:We'll Brian, judging by the succession of posts leading up to the fish, it looked to be a hook, line and sinker. Years of deep political wisdom tells me you're the fish who took the bait. John Kerry 2012!

Every four years I write in King Diamond for President.
[Aug 26,2009 11:30am - reimroc ""]
King Diamond would make an excellent president.
[Aug 26,2009 11:39am - the_reverend ""]
he did it in 1998, 2002, and 2006

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