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post the first image that pops up when you google image your rttp user name

[Sep 7,2011 8:11am - AndrewBastard ""]
its a live picture of me that the rev took....no fun
[Sep 7,2011 8:23am - Alx_Casket ""]

douchebag_patrol said:just turned off google safe search

^post of the week right thurr
[Sep 7,2011 9:38am - ValkyrieScreams ""]

Did anyone ever actually decide if condiments are superior to food?
[Sep 7,2011 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]
they are. i eat continents all of the time.
[Sep 7,2011 9:43am - arilliusbm ""]
fuck you autocorrect
[Sep 7,2011 9:46am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 7,2011 9:48am - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Number 2....

.....And skipping down the list a little ways we have
[Sep 7,2011 9:50am - arilliusbm ""]
hahaha my photoshop of ghost Wren and riverlips
[Sep 7,2011 10:44am - Yeti ""]
[Sep 7,2011 11:44am - Lamp nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:they are. i eat continents all of the time.

Eat Pangea or un-American skinny ass
[Sep 7,2011 1:12pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
first non-blessed offal pic

[Sep 7,2011 1:31pm - karl krawford  ""]
Black metal is not about a fun time with friends. Stop having it.
[Sep 7,2011 2:23pm - PTF ""]
[Sep 7,2011 2:23pm - KILLER KADOOGAMANTIUM  ""]
makes sense (Killer Kadoogan):


I also really want this t-shirt that I didn't know existed:


and I guess there's a band:

[Sep 7,2011 2:26pm - KILLER KADOOGAMANTIUM  ""]

[Sep 7,2011 2:27pm - Nostromo ""]
[Sep 7,2011 2:29pm - KILLER KADOOGAMANTIUM  ""]


[Sep 7,2011 2:47pm - pam ""]
Pretty much the whole first page:

[Sep 7,2011 2:54pm - eyeroller  ""]
^ LOL at the "oo" of Google
[Sep 7,2011 3:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said: i eat continents all of the time.

[Sep 7,2011 3:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Nostromo said:[img]

haha, awesome.
[Sep 7,2011 4:12pm - zurdo  ""]
[Sep 7,2011 4:24pm - Wolfy  ""]

[Sep 7,2011 5:53pm - Samantha ""]
I have no idea who this lady is, but she is wearing a Borat style bathing suit made of plants.

[Apr 4,2012 7:51am - arillius_the_white ""]
hahahaha, just did this again to see if it changed and the first "arilliusbm" picture is the duck duck goose picture.
[Apr 4,2012 9:05am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 4,2012 9:40am - Hoser ""]
[Apr 4,2012 10:43am - AndrewBastard ""]
this is the first pic but it auto corrects it to "andrew bastard" with a space between it...


first image with NO space, "andrewbastard":

[Apr 4,2012 10:45am - AndrewBastard ""]
me, KPanzer, Slar and Hollywood. WORST BAND EVER.
[Apr 4,2012 11:27am - trioxin_245 ""]
[Apr 4,2012 11:28am - arillius_the_white ""]
[Apr 4,2012 11:31am - trioxin_245 ""]

trioxin_245 said:[img]

try calling the number
[Apr 4,2012 11:38am - trioxin_245 ""]
first RTTP-related pic (since trioxin 245 is from a movie most of the pics are just related to that):

[Apr 4,2012 11:48am - AndrewBastard ""]
wait what?

Only getting your hair braided by Sasha and he gay friend is real.
[Apr 4,2012 11:49am - AndrewBastard ""]
"first RTTP-related pic (since trioxin 245 is from a movie most of the pics are just related to that): "

i dont understand what this means ^^
[Apr 4,2012 12:00pm - trioxin_245 ""]

AndrewBastard said:"first RTTP-related pic (since trioxin 245 is from a movie most of the pics are just related to that): "

i dont understand what this means ^^

I meant that when you type trioxin 245, the first like 30 pics are just pics of zombies and shit from the movie Return of the Living Dead.
[Apr 4,2012 12:08pm - AndrewBastard ""]
but eventually this pic of me pops up?
[Apr 4,2012 12:10pm - trioxin_245 ""]

AndrewBastard said:but eventually this pic of me pops up?

yea if you scroll down... is google images different on a mac or something?
[Apr 4,2012 12:14pm - AndrewBastard ""]
im not on a mac...but yeah I didnt actually do it...just weird that it would pop up on a trioxin search
[Apr 4,2012 12:15pm - Fake ARIL  ""]

[Apr 4,2012 12:18pm - timma ""]
Wow. Not at ALL what I was expecting...

[Apr 4,2012 12:18pm - RAY_INVERTICRUX ""]
just a shirt design from the most evil and twisted band on the planet
[Apr 4,2012 12:20pm - sigh  ""]
[Apr 4,2012 12:22pm - The_Rooster ""]
[Apr 4,2012 12:48pm - DukeManjunk ""]
[Apr 4,2012 1:16pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
[Apr 4,2012 2:02pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I did it for nekronautshaver and this was it: ??

[Apr 4,2012 2:07pm - AndrewBastard ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:[img]

ha haaa! we have pics of us with that guy, remember?
[Apr 4,2012 2:08pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

AndrewBastard said:
slar%20you%20morbid? said:[img]

ha haaa! we have pics of us with that guy, remember?

like it was yesterday
[Apr 4,2012 6:25pm - Fuck_Logging_In  ""]

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