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Black Pyramid is dead, long live Black Pyramid

[Sep 9,2011 3:41pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Still can't quite figure out what Mike's problem is with the whole thing, but popcorn.gif
[Sep 9,2011 3:42pm - Garth Algar  ""]
ITT: descent into madness
[Sep 9,2011 3:42pm - xmikex ""]

eyehatehippies said:
I have never had to draw the sword against another animal, man and woman included, but I have used it to trim trees. I had the chance to draw it once against a man, and I considered it, but I chose instead to sit and laugh at him while he punched me, for he was weaker than I, and it was more fitting to laugh than to fight. He was not a threat to me, just a joke to himself...

Love is the law, do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Do as thou wilt, under love.

This is The Left Hand Path. Walk it in your mind, body, and heart, and you will always find your true self and true will.

What the hell is this guy talking about?
[Sep 9,2011 3:46pm - Yeti ""]
that he is better than you because he can "flame" on a message board.
[Sep 9,2011 4:07pm - eyehatehippies ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I don't see the problem.

1. get in
2. have your say
3b. inconvenience a has-been "major minor" label
4. ????
5. profit!

That's how to fucking do it. More bands need to follow this model. Too many motherfuckers sticking around after it's all been said and done.

Exactly. I am out of the game, I have nothing to lose, and I can tell anyone I want to eat a bag of dicks.

So eat a bag of dicks, that's just one of my emails today. Like I said earlier, I have decided that on Fridays, I will pay no attention to any social order or religious taboos, so I will fuck with anyone I want unmercifully, just for the fuck of it. Tomorrow, I will be gone, because it is Saturday.

Other emails have been to labels, promoters, etc, have also gotten similar fodder, and I do think that the interview I sent that poor guy in Russia is a masterpiece of esoteric nonsense that you all claim to have in your music, but are obviously posers for not recognizing in even its most obvious form.

Not knowing what the Left Hand Path is = not knowing anything about METAL. That whole interview, I laced it with quotes from LaVey, Ragnar Redbeard, Aleister Crowley, Saint Augustine (just for ha-has, wanted to have a Christian represented), Luciferianism, the Church Of Satan, all that esoteric crap all the wannabe black, death, and "extreme" metal bands claim authority on.

I decided I'll live it here, every Friday, just for ha-has. I will act exactly in accord with all the Left Hand philosophies that you fags claim to adhere to. Then I will go away for a week. This will bring some fun back to my life, because playing in a generic doom bands is NOT fun.

But knowing that you are all posers and jock meat heads here, you obviously would not know anything about any of this stuff. That's okay, I think it's all bullshit anyways, I just collect and read the books. Sometimes I shoot at them.

Don't forget that this goon from Relapse approached me asking a $500 guarantee for HOWL. Really? FAIL.

Lulz. Troll on, Columbia troll on...
[Sep 9,2011 4:24pm - arktouros ""]
"I got to play with Pentagram, twice, and share a very special moment with Bobby, about Dickie from Blue Cheer and his passing. Dickie had told me something, that I had never shared with anyone, and it was the inspiration to form Black Pyramid. When I met Bobby, I knew that they were very close, and that Bobby grieved his death. I told him that Dickie was the inspiration for Black Pyramid, that he always had been. When I was in college, it was when I heard Blue Cheer that I realized that the worlds of heavy, retro-based psychedelia all the way up through modern heavy metal could be combined, and that was the goal of Black Pyramid's second album When I told Bobby that Dickie had inspired me with his words, and that I had never told anyone those words, Bobby said, "Oh, you don't need to tell me. I already know what Dickie told you." And then, Bobby recited those words back to me, almost verbatim. That was when I realized there was a lot more to life than just the Black Pyramid. Dickie had been my guru, and in that instant, in that moment, my guru was reborn in Bobby. I do not need to play music anymore, I can always listen to Bobby's music, and hear my guru speak to me. I just need to be here, now."

that really is a cool story bro.
[Sep 9,2011 4:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
Where's Ghost?
[Sep 9,2011 4:35pm - Beezer Gutler  ""]

eyehatehippies said:I want to eat a bag of dicks.

[Sep 9,2011 4:37pm - eyehatehippies ""]

Beezer%20Gutler said:
eyehatehippies said:I want to eat a bag of dicks.

Yes, yes I do. Catch you fuckos next week, bowl, bath, naptime for this overgrown kid...
[Sep 9,2011 5:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ear to ear.
[Sep 9,2011 5:24pm - LucidCurse ""]
cant believe I never saw you guys live. sucks. I respect your decision andy and completely understand your situation. RIP Black Pyramid
[Sep 9,2011 5:50pm - 420man  ""]

LucidCurse said:cant believe I never saw you guys live. sucks. I respect your decision andy and completely understand your situation. RIP Black Pyramid

Think HOWL, but with a less attractive chick on guitar.
[Sep 9,2011 5:51pm - LucidCurse ""]

420man said:
LucidCurse said:cant believe I never saw you guys live. sucks. I respect your decision andy and completely understand your situation. RIP Black Pyramid

Think HOWL, but with a less attractive chick on guitar.

troll, HOWL sucks, BP RULES. Fuck off
[Sep 9,2011 6:06pm - hlrie ""]

eyehatehippies said:
largefreakatzero said:Just 'cause you are moving to the boonies, doesn't mean you have to quit music. Just start a new project with some woodland knuckle-walkers.

I will, with the squirrels, rabbits, bears, and mountain lions.

You forgot your beloved turtles!!!

You and Ang know how to reach me if you need me. Until then, love and peace to you both!
[Sep 9,2011 7:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

420man said:
LucidCurse said:cant believe I never saw you guys live. sucks. I respect your decision andy and completely understand your situation. RIP Black Pyramid

Think HOWL, but with a less attractive chick on guitar.

[Sep 9,2011 7:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Sep 9,2011 8:53pm - MetalThursday ""]
I have no idea what in the ding-dong-heckamadoodle-hell is going on around here, but all I know is BP was one of my favorite bands to book for the last 2 years and they always delivered. Andy has always been great to deal with and I wish him and the other guys the best in the future. I don't think anyone trying to get under Andy's skin in all these threads is really doing so, I think he's sitting at his computer laughing and not giving a fuck.
[Sep 9,2011 8:59pm - reimroc ""]
the fuck is this shit?
[Sep 9,2011 9:02pm - eyehatehippies ""]

MetalThursday said:I have no idea what in the ding-dong-heckamadoodle-hell is going on around here, but all I know is BP was one of my favorite bands to book for the last 2 years and they always delivered. Andy has always been great to deal with and I wish him and the other guys the best in the future. I don't think anyone trying to get under Andy's skin in all these threads is really doing so, I think he's sitting at his computer laughing and not giving a fuck.

Exactly, old friend, I will come here every Friday, as long as people can make me laugh, or I can make myself laugh. The Fool is the man who is most content laughing at his own jokes. This is how we teach others to laugh, by what makes us laugh, just as if we know how to make music for ourselves, then we do it so that others may enjoy.

I stopped enjoying music because I wasn't making it for myself anymore. When I stop laughing for myself, then I think I'm pretty fucked up and crazy.
[Sep 9,2011 9:05pm - LucidCurse ""]
I am a supporter of black pyramid and andy even if they are now defunct. Fuck the haters
[Sep 10,2011 12:11pm - aaron_michael ""]
Ugh, I was going to put together a show and I was planning on e-mailing you guys about it.
I feel I jinxed myself.
I'm bummed we never got to play together, but good luck in everything you plan on accomplishing Andy!
[Sep 10,2011 12:19pm - Pires ""]

aaron_michael said:Ugh, I was going to put together a show and I was planning on e-mailing you guys about it.
I feel I jinxed myself.
I'm bummed we never got to play together, but good luck in everything you plan on accomplishing Andy!

Way to break up BP. It's all your fault!
[Sep 10,2011 12:36pm - aaron_michael ""]
I also bought an Isis hoodie online the day they announced their demise.

Now all I need to do is plan on attending a Nickleback concert and all will be right with the world.
[Sep 16,2011 5:29pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Blacky P.
[Sep 16,2011 5:32pm - eyehatehippies ""]

Randy_Marsh said:Blacky P.

Get bent, faggot. Then maybe I'll fuck you.
[Sep 16,2011 5:43pm - GregD-Blessedoffal ""]
Ichabod played a bunch of shows and did a small mini tour with you guys. Sorry to see ya go! Always a good time when Black Pyramid was around.
[Sep 16,2011 6:02pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

eyehatehippies said:
Randy_Marsh said:Blacky P.

Get bent, faggot. Then maybe I'll fuck you.

Hey faggot, I wasn't even insulting you.
[Sep 16,2011 6:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: burning bridges at a rapid pace
[Sep 16,2011 6:23pm - eyehatehippies ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:ITT: burning bridges at a rapid pace

That is my MO. If I burn the bridges, then only those who trust that they have wings can follow me.

Nothing against any of you, I love you all, and wish you well, in your own way, in your own time. I just need my freedom. That is the only thing that feels like it is mine anymore, other than my true self and true will.

That may sound crazy, but alas, that is true Satanism, and true Buddhism. They are the same. Long live the Druhkpa.
[Sep 16,2011 8:05pm - ancient master  ""]
which drukhpa?
[Sep 16,2011 8:52pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Only taking your own life to save your art is, eh whatever.
[Sep 16,2011 9:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I still have no clue what is going on.
[Sep 16,2011 9:27pm - KEVORD ""]
Fuck it. I still call it the Worcester Centrum.
[Sep 16,2011 9:36pm - the_reverend ""]
Wait, it has another name? Whatever, as long as I can still go to shows t great woods, all is right in the world.
[Sep 17,2011 12:32am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

KEVORD said:Fuck it. I still call it the Worcester Centrum.

AMEN. The DCU Centre? What is this fucking France?
[Sep 17,2011 12:33am - i_am_not_me ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
KEVORD said:Fuck it. I still call it the Worcester Centrum.

AMEN. The DCU Centre? What is this fucking France?

I'm pretty sure they fixed the "Centre" part to "Center" when it became the DCU Center.
[Sep 17,2011 12:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i should probably know that too... working for DCU and all. I stand by Kevord regardless. CENTRUM OR FALSE
[Sep 17,2011 3:15am - i_am_lazy  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i should probably know that too... working for DCU and all. I stand by Kevord regardless. CENTRUM OR FALSE

I'm torn. On one hand, I still think of it as the Centrum. On the other hand, it doesn't have that stupid Frenchie "Centre" thing now.
[Sep 17,2011 9:06am - the_reverend ""]
I always called it he freedom center.
[Sep 17,2011 9:59am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Quitting a girlfriend metal band=serious life crisis business.
[Sep 17,2011 4:46pm - xgodzillax ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:Quitting a girlfriend metal band=serious life crisis business.

[Sep 18,2011 12:03pm - pam ""]

the_reverend said:I still have no clue what is going on.
[Sep 18,2011 9:03pm - Lamp ""]
I should have seen the warning sign that we were in for a maelstrom of utter retardation, it often comes from people who refer to records as "vinyls".
[Sep 18,2011 9:26pm - pablo  ""]

pam said:
the_reverend said:I still have no clue what is going on.

Black Pyramid broke up and life will never be the same
[Sep 18,2011 9:59pm - BSV  ""]

Gonna be covering that one, acoustic at bars, for years to come. NO JOKE.[comma splices affirm severity of post]
[Sep 19,2011 11:34am - Man, Forums are retarded  ""]
Andy, man.

WOW. That is all I can say. I'm somewhat of an acquaintance of yours. And have always thought pretty highly of you. You've kind of snapped me back to reality a few times yourself, but dude, you need to get off the internet. You've posted over 20 pages of hyper-spiritual prose that is completely unnecessary and self-indulgent. You could have just said: we're done, we don't get along, and I'm going through something that's pretty intense right now, so we're done.

For someone who claims to be an authority on music, I'm kind of ashamed dude. Listen dude, the reason I've been consistently content in making music is because I literally don't listen to ANYTHING anyone has to say about my bands. The same goes for playing live. "You barely play shows, you always turn them down, even really good ones," that's because nobody governs me. I raised myself since the age of 10. I set moral standards for myself. Expectations. Goals. I did it.

I always thought you governed yourself as well, but in responding to this nonsense, it's this forum, along with the stonerrocks and obelisk forums that are governing you.

If you have friends telling you they are going to kidnap you; they aren't your friends. Andy, trust me dude:

Turn off your computer. Go Fishing. Hunting. Something.
Sitting on the internet passively bragging about killing someone isn't cool. And trust me, I "get" you, I "get" that you are going through something. But come on dude. stop posting. and stop caring about this whole thing because it will drive you mad.

Right now I'm in 2 bands. They play whenever we want to play, and I couldn't care less what anyway has to say about them, their expectations or their rumors.

YOU need to take MY advice now.
You claim you're focusing on things bigger than music... so do that.
[Sep 19,2011 11:49am - Lamp ""]
[Sep 19,2011 1:10pm - Yeti ""]
that advice is all well and good, but he won't, he's spending his time anxiously awaiting Friday to come on here and do it all over again. i guarantee it.
[Sep 19,2011 1:12pm - dreadkill ""]

Yeti said: i'm george zimmer and i guarantee it.
[Sep 19,2011 9:47pm - ugh  ""]
he has to stop. These forums will do him no good, and he is clearly in kind of a delicate place right now. I've seen most of the people on these forums. And none are worth getting your panties in a bunch about. I'd be more butthurt from an insult coming from a 5 year old.

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