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Slam Death Metal Explained (Dysentery robbed of wigger slam title)

[Jun 19,2009 9:17pm - archaeon ""]
slam death metal has a variety of different influences, different attitudes towards the scene and totally different sounds. From the muddy productions of 'core slam' to the over produced 'brutal slam' to the infamous 'fast slam'. These zones will all be explained here.


The Slam death metal zone explanation of slam death and its sub-genres

The first one is Core Slam:

Core is the starting point zone or influence of slam and this was made in 1991 by the infamous Internal Bleeding, then remastered by Texas strongholds Devourment who made slam popular. This slam consists of mainly brutal death metal infeluences with grooves from old school death metal (or traditional death metal) intangled in the songwriting. This was the first wave of slam from 1991 - 1997.

Recommended: Internal Bleeding, Devourment

The second is Fast slam:

Fast is a split zone, running parrell to the Wiggery zone, and made around 1997 (or at least became noticed then), this slam is faster and more linking towards deathgrind more than anything. The main feature here is based on the blast, called 'hyper blasts' or 'hell blasts', these are the prodominant sounds coming out of the zone with fast right hand scaling from the riffwork and fast gutturals to match.

Recommended: Abysmal Torment, Saprogenic, Prostitute Disfigurment (pre-2008)

The third is Wiggery:

Wigger is a parrell zone to Fast Slam and became known around the same time. This time the attitudes and scene are slightly different. Usually laughed at in gigs is 'the slam dance' which is often seen here, with most of the crowd in 'joggers' and wearing TNC clothing like Nike, Reabook and so on. The music is also different with wigger being more stragihtforward slam and grooves predictable at the moment to just have that effect of a 'dance'. Yes, wigger also has variants, with NJWS, JWS and European wigger slam. The japanese are often low produced gutturals, with hard riffing and slamming from the start with simple structure. European (Russia is apparently europe nowadays by the way) slam is often deep gutturals with catchy grooves leading to an overall slam, again simple but effective. NJ slam is close related to deathcore and has spazzy gutturals, guitarwork and simple breakdowns and slams.

Recommended: Katalepsy, Entorturement, Corporectomy

The fourth is Brutal Slam:

Brutal is probably the most 'scene-related' with its close influences to deathcore and brutal deathcore. The music is very much influenced by the slow motion breakdowns of deathcore with the riff structure being usually simple and the grooves being more intrigated with the slam. The drums are more groovy and catchy than previous zones and has an effect of slowing right down for the front work to pick up tension again. The gutturals are often pig squeals and/or screamed (high pitched).

Recommended: Human Rejection, Begging For Incest, Awaiting The Autopsy

The fifth is Tech Slam

Tech has been said around forums and SNS's for a along time but never really officially prompted as a proper official genre. Like most of slam death metal subgenres they are not widely accepted. But technical slam or tech slam is a form of slam. It is choatic, twisting and time signitures change regurlarly and can be called technical brutal death metal. The sound, sounds similar to those in that genre except has slams in them basically.

Recommended: Masturbation, Mindly Rotten, Dysentery

[Jun 19,2009 9:22pm - Martins ""]
lol just noticed "explaination"
[Jun 19,2009 10:13pm - blue ""]
Dys is tech slam? Lulz
[Jun 19,2009 11:48pm - corpus  ""]
PE is the only trv tech.
[Jun 20,2009 9:06pm - dertoxia ""]
i understand that BDM is mean to stand for brutal death metal in this but all i can think of is Black Dahlia Murder when i see it. That image is completely making my brain melt.

[Jun 20,2009 9:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
slam is raviolis
[Jun 21,2009 10:31am - pam ""]
I was hoping for a flow chart.
[Jul 4,2009 3:05pm - SlammingSlam  ""]
Flow chart has been granted it seems :NEWHORNS:
[Jul 4,2009 3:15pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
wait wait wait. thats not a diagram. . .its a diaSLAM! sheesh how long has this thread been up
[Jul 4,2009 3:18pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
im seriously offended no one has said that yet. wtf!
[Jul 4,2009 4:13pm - SlammingSlam  ""]
Why i think he's or she's having a laugh!
[Jul 5,2009 2:56am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 15,2011 12:26pm - Pontius  ""]
[Mar 15,2011 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
slam slam diaphragm
[Mar 15,2011 2:21pm - WhatChaMaCarcass  ""]
"Slam Slam Diaphragm"

New track.
[Mar 15,2011 2:23pm - legionofthedying ""]
Balls Face Balls Face
[Mar 15,2011 2:28pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Trying to label slam death metal bands with sub-sub-sub-genres is fucking retarded.
[Mar 15,2011 2:31pm - Alexecutioner ""]
[Mar 15,2011 6:41pm - twztidx  ""]
[Mar 15,2011 7:05pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Trying to label slam death metal bands with sub-sub-sub-genres is fucking retarded.

Silly Wigger Slam or GTFO :gun:

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