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Carnivore / Anal Cunt Jan. 13th @ North Six in Brooklyn, NY

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Dec 20,2006 1:17am - sacreligion ""]
hobby rocker 4 life

that's my excuse for us sucking and not being signed or something
[Dec 20,2006 6:11am - Granny_Monster ""]
Dissector said:
Let's return this thread to it's topic: Anal Cunt and Carnivore in NY! Who's going?

Absolutely making it out for this!
[Dec 20,2006 7:04am - Troll ""]
BlackMetalLady said:THEY ARE NOT ON THOSE LABELS ANYMORE. As a matter of fact, they are not on label. This all started when I described the word, "Hobby Rockers" in another thread. When out of the blue, Josh started bashing me when he didn't even undertsand the term or meeting me, or knowing who I am. I was going to book that band, but after his foul mouth... it won't happen with me. He should learn to keep his mouth shut like the rest of his band. Do you ever see Seth on this board? NO! I'm out... this is stupid and Josh is too for fucking up a relationship with a good promoter, such as myself. I don't like big mouths. That guy just ruined some good gigs.

Sooooo what your saying is you want your bands to be totally complacent and kiss your ass right?
No, thats not fuckin' Metal baby. You really just don't have a clue do you? I mean, seriously. Your a drone.

Heres some advice for your future totalitarian promotional endeavors...
[Dec 20,2006 7:09am - Troll ""]

Your doing a pretty good job at ruining your own credibility.
[Dec 20,2006 10:31am - Yeti ""]
blackmetalcuntwhoredouchehorse once again becomes the center point
[Dec 20,2006 10:38am - Granny_Monster ""]
Yeti said:blackmetalcuntwhoredouchehorse once again becomes the center point

There are designated retard threads for all this shit. I'm getting sick of seeing threads about shows coming up, DAMN GOOD shows, infested with pointless cunt bashing. I know it's easy to make fun of her, I know she brings it on herself, but let's not ruin perfectly good threads over this bitch and her obvious social handicap.
[Dec 20,2006 10:40am - Lamp ""]
pam said:Are Carnivore touring or is this a one-off?
[Dec 20,2006 10:40am - Yeti ""]
you know, i agree, but its so much fun.
[Dec 20,2006 11:03am - Samantha ""]
Dissector said:Let's return this thread to it's topic: Anal Cunt and Carnivore in NY! Who's going?

Speaking of Carnivore... I found a video on youtube a while ago of them playing at L'Amours in 1986.

[Dec 20,2006 11:18am - awol ""]
Lamp said:pam said:Are Carnivore touring or is this a one-off?

Anybody know?

Fuckin Carnivore, gotta love Jack Daniels and Pizza and one of my all time favorite lines: "Don't call me your brother, cuz I ain't your fucking brother. We fell from different cunts, and your skin is an ugly color"
[Dec 20,2006 11:22am - Samantha ""]
Don't forget, "If you can't eat it or fuck it, then kill it".
[Dec 20,2006 11:28am - Josh_Martin ""]
This is a one-off show.
[Dec 20,2006 11:30am - Josh_Martin ""]
Samantha said:Dissector said:Let's return this thread to it's topic: Anal Cunt and Carnivore in NY! Who's going?

Speaking of Carnivore... I found a video on youtube a while ago of them playing at L'Amours in 1986.


There's no way that is from '86.
Peter with short hair, and no costumes, and them playing Race War means its from '88 or maybe the reunion show in '89.

[Dec 20,2006 11:31am - Old School  ""]
ahhhh Carnivore! 1988! saw them with Whiplash, Toxik, and Bloodfeast back in the old days. i'd love to see this show. all the old bangers, doc martin skins unit again. hahahaha. we're all in our late 30's now. how sad.
[Dec 20,2006 11:34am - awol ""]
Samantha said:Don't forget, "If you can't eat it or fuck it, then kill it".

That's a classic too, used to use that as my tag line on MS but that combined with my hideous appearance made it hard to attract the ladies...
[Dec 20,2006 11:36am - Samantha ""]
Josh_Martin said:There's no way that is from '86.
Peter with short hair, and no costumes, and them playing Race War means its from '88 or maybe the reunion show in '89.

Really? I've actually been waiting to be able to watch that at home because I have no speakers on my computer at work. Since I have no sound, I couldn't really tell what songs they were playing. It's still pretty cool that such an old video of Carnivore playing live is out there.

There is another Carnivore video on youtube that claims to be from 1990, but I haven't watched that one yet.

[Dec 20,2006 11:52am - Old School  ""]
damn if anyone has any vids from 1989/1990 please please please post on utube. i've found a lot of cool old school vids on that site its awesome. i'm looking for any shows from Farmington, CT "The Metal Warehouse Club" from 1986-1991. Every thrash band played there back in the day.
[Dec 20,2006 12:26pm - anthony ""]
Old School said:ahhhh Carnivore! 1988! saw them with Whiplash, Toxik, and Bloodfeast back in the old days. i'd love to see this show. all the old bangers, doc martin skins unit again. hahahaha. we're all in our late 30's now. how sad.

Holy shit dude what a show.. I think I was born 10 years too late because all my favorite music is from the mid-late 80s to early 90s.
[Dec 25,2006 3:09am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Granny_Monster said:
Absolutely making it out for this!

You can come with me.
[Dec 25,2006 9:45am - fishcakes ""]
[Dec 25,2006 2:46pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
I'm going to try and bring CARNIVORE up here!! I fuckin' love CARNIVORE!! They can't be that much money...... May'be $5000.00 at the most. Years ago (back in '95 - '96) they wanted $10,000.00.
[Dec 25,2006 3:49pm - fishcakes ""]
that would be outstanding!
[Dec 25,2006 4:03pm - inject-now ""]
i hear krieg, and nachtmysium are playing this show as well. should be cool. i am pretty sure i will make it out to this. i saw carnivore two times last sept. it was amazing. they are my favorite band ever.
[Dec 25,2006 4:34pm - CNV  ""]
[Dec 25,2006 5:43pm - paganmeg  ""]
I wish nachtmystium were playing
[Dec 25,2006 6:07pm - Opie‘s Anal Freckle Area  ""]
Does anyone need a ride to CARNIVORE/AMON AMARTH?
[Dec 25,2006 8:48pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
$30 bucks? Damn that's high.
[Dec 26,2006 2:32am - EAT_A_BAG_OF_DEAD_DICKS ""]
Granny_Monster said:

There are designated retard threads for all this shit. I'm getting sick of seeing threads about shows coming up, DAMN GOOD shows, infested with pointless cunt bashing. I know it's easy to make fun of her, I know she brings it on herself, but let's not ruin perfectly good threads over this bitch and her obvious social handicap.

atleast she's bumping posts about shows in the process of being lame
[Dec 26,2006 12:10pm - blastonbury2007  ""]
Ryan_M said:Yeti said:i was wrong, that was the last time i saw AC. in 2000 at the Tsongas Arena with Pantera, Morbid Angel and Soulfly. yes Soulfly was so out of place. all i can remember is Seth's mop of hair and his huge beer gut.

I remember seeing A.C. play in 2003 at the Middle East; I guess it was supposed to be one of their "last shows ever". They had Mike Mahan on guitar and basically did a full set of all the really old blur/noise "songs". Seth's a funny guy on stage, he'd be screaming, then point the mic at his shoe or lift his shirt and point it at his belly.
Seth's other grind/hardcore band You're Fired, the almighty Damien Storm, and some drunk dude with an acoustic guitar named Lee something-or-other opened the show.

That dude is lee marshall, seth mastered his cd, which is out on menace to sobriety records. i still cant work out if its genius or total crap.....

ALSO to that stupid bitch who posts on here, the reason AXCX dont have a label is because they have been broke up for a while, then got back together for some reunion dates, seth became a cripple, then mike left, and they had to get josh etc etc, so shut your mouth, you dont like axcx, so fuck.

[Dec 26,2006 12:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I got this email today...

"ok, the ONLY place where you can get tickets is at http://www.ticketweb.com/ - they are $30.
this is the only place there are no tickets for the band and there will be no tickets at the door even though the flyer says so. basically they are expecting this show to sell out this week."
[Dec 26,2006 12:30pm - Yeti ""]
ratfarts. i hope it doesnt sell out too fast.
[Dec 26,2006 3:11pm - WhyamIandasshole@work  ""]
Fuck i wish I could go to this. Boners.
[Dec 27,2006 9:14am - Josh_Martin ""]
Kreig AND Embalmer!! This show will rule.

Who's the last band? I hate illegable logos.
[Dec 27,2006 9:16am - Messerschmitt ""]
looks fucking killer
[Dec 27,2006 9:18am - Josh_Martin ""]
Pete Steele said we could only play if he got to introduce us.

Pete is one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet.
[Dec 27,2006 10:08am - Old School  ""]
anthony said:Holy shit dude what a show.. I think I was born 10 years too late because all my favorite music is from the mid-late 80s to early 90s.

i saw a lot of the good ol thrash bands back in 1986-1992. from jr. high to high school i was all into this stuff. It was a good time for thrash metal as it got really popular but it quickly died in 1992. Death metal got huge around the same time as well. 1990-1994 death metal was really big but that style wasn't my cup of tea. Although I did like a few death metal bands and saw Obituary on their Cause of Death tour and then Death many of times (i loved them).

Carnivore I've seen maybe 6 times back in the late 80's. They played in CT 4 times i think and all their shows were small and "homely" i guess. it was a great time. they would dress up in their wacky outfits like Gwar i remember. I saw them twice in NYC and those shows were scary. I remember being scared of the thugs and weirdos making fun of me and my long hair and jean jacket! but it was all worth it. my friend's parents drove us hahaha.

Anthrax was really cool also back in those days. a lot has changed in metal today. some of it is good some of it i just don't have the pallet for i guess.

[Dec 27,2006 10:11am - Old School  ""]
and to make ya feel young and me old i graduated high school 1987.
[Dec 27,2006 11:08am - Josh_Martin ""]
Old School said:anthony said:Holy shit dude what a show.. I think I was born 10 years too late because all my favorite music is from the mid-late 80s to early 90s.

i saw a lot of the good ol thrash bands back in 1986-1992. from jr. high to high school i was all into this stuff. It was a good time for thrash metal as it got really popular but it quickly died in 1992. Death metal got huge around the same time as well. 1990-1994 death metal was really big but that style wasn't my cup of tea.

Me (and most thrash fans I would guess) got into thrash because it the heaviest form of music around. When thrash evolved into death metal it kind of made thrash obsolete.
Also, people credit the whole grunge scene with killing off the hair metal bands, but it also killed thrash. In the Summer of '91 thrash was at its commercial peak. Slayer, Megadeth etc etc were playing arenas. Then Nevermind came out and within two years thrash was over.
[Dec 27,2006 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
JOSH: can you guys me in this with a photopass? I want to photograph this.
[Dec 27,2006 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
my flash will give seth an epileptic seizure to go with his cane and his intense love of the band the froggs
[Dec 27,2006 11:54am - Josh_Martin ""]
Rev, I will see what I can do. Let me talk to Peter and make sure he's cool with taking Carnivore pics.
Obviously you're all set for AC pics.
[Dec 27,2006 12:07pm - the_reverend ""]
thnx. this would be awesome.
[Dec 27,2006 4:20pm - Lamp ""]
I saw a flyer of this with Lair of the Minotaur on it too.
[Jan 2,2007 9:21am - Josh_Martin ""]
Rev. you're all set.
[Jan 2,2007 12:37pm - shatteredliz ""]
Nice! Can't wait for this!!
[Jan 2,2007 12:38pm - shatteredliz ""]
Rev--you bringing that hot chick with you?
[Jan 2,2007 12:40pm - the_reverend ""]
awesome, thanks jm!
[Jan 2,2007 1:05pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I wanted to go to this. I saw the sword there over the weekend. the club is badass. I just can't find an excuse to pay $30 for a show plus all the traveling costs.
[Jan 2,2007 1:11pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, it's a great club (and I can walk there from my apartment which makes it even better). The bad news is aparently it was bought by the people who run Bowery Ballroom and they're renovating it...sound familiar?
[Jan 2,2007 1:17pm - MadOakDevin ""]
that sucks. hopefully, it says cool. if they renovate it hopefully they do something to take out the bleachers or something. those things sorta suck. and i don't like how the room is more wide than long, but it makes it sound pretty good.

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