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trash takes itself out

[Apr 12,2020 10:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]
like this one, you mean

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:https://turtleboysports.com/i-got-the-harassment-order-against-charlotte-mcfarland-for-threatening-to-burn-my-house-down-and-he-put-on-a-show-in-court/

"I didn’t think Charlotte was gonna show up today, since it seems strange that someone who doesn’t work has access to a car. But there he was with his Adam’s apple front and center in courtroom 300 when I got to Leominster District Court."


[Apr 12,2020 10:05pm - #Facts  ""]
That's not me, dummy.
[Apr 12,2020 10:05pm - grandmotherweb ""]
sure, it is. i'll report you to the cops again, if you make me.
[Apr 12,2020 10:39pm - #Facts  ""]
Lady's choice.
[Apr 12,2020 10:40pm - grandmotherweb ""]
kill yourself, pedo
[Apr 13,2020 7:04am - That's not him retardo  ""]

grandmotherweb said:sure, it is. i'll report you to the cops again, if you make me.

I can really see the "cops" taking anything you say at all seriously. You're a crybaby.
[Apr 13,2020 8:29am - grandmotherweb ""]
that's him
[Apr 13,2020 10:11am - #Facts  ""]
It is unreasonable to expect this person to be able to use reason.
This pedo who talks about mind control, and claims to know the "intent" of anonymous posters on the internet.
This nazi who hates people who encourages suicide, who hates "retards," etc - It's all projection.
She is trapped in the body of a female, and hates it. She hates the face in her mirror, and resents her own existence. Daddy didn't love her, and she hates herself for it.
Like 40%+ of people in her leaky "trans" boat, there's a considerable chance she will kill herself, because no amount of surgery will fix the REAL problem.
Charbacca, you are clearly mentally ill.
Projecting your thoughts as being the "intent" of others is a classic symptom of schizophrenia, but you have already admitted to this, with your talk of so many "selves" located in your head, like your alternate personalities you talk with here.
It's perfectly clear to everyone except you.
The only person who wants you to die, Charbacca, is you.
The only person oppressing you is you.
Stop that.
Prove me right by not substantively addressing anything I have written here.
[Apr 13,2020 10:12am - Moof LaBoof  ""]
Who is him, and who are you talking to?
[Apr 13,2020 11:26am - grandmotherweb ""]
you are dtx. #facts is Aidan Kearney.
you are both stalking me with intent to kill me.
[Apr 13,2020 3:17pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
Can you please elaborate on the definitions of "stalking" and the definition of "intent"?
[Apr 13,2020 3:18pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
Methinks you're just a drama queen.
[Apr 13,2020 3:24pm - grandmotherweb ""]
tell it to a judge, asshole
[Apr 13,2020 4:41pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
As I have been begging, what court? When? I am dying to watch this fiasco. Hell, we'll have a pigroast and I'll invite the whole gang! This will be a damned party.
[Apr 13,2020 5:10pm - grandmotherweb ""]
not for you, it won't
[Apr 13,2020 5:12pm - #Facts  ""]
You probably shouldn't say "pigroast," she'll interpret that as a direct threat. Oink oink.
[Apr 13,2020 5:16pm - grandmotherweb ""]
kill yourself, pedo
[Apr 13,2020 5:29pm - #Facts  ""]
she said to the unlovable pig in the mirror.
Just like 40% of her peers.
[Apr 13,2020 5:29pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you're thinking of your wife
[Apr 13,2020 6:17pm - #Facts  ""]
Ssshhh. Your daddy complex is showing again, sweetiepie. Don't be jealous.
[Apr 13,2020 6:17pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you're thinking of your wife
[Apr 13,2020 8:08pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
So will I be receiving the summons soon? McFarland VS. Moof LaBoof? Or McFarland VS. DTX? As I am not either, service will be interesting. When will the subpoena arrive? Are you going to take the stand? Make sure that you can prove "stalking" and "intent" as they are valuable legal definitions. If you can't prove them beyond a reasonable doubt, case dismissed.
[Apr 13,2020 8:11pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
Intent: resolved or determined to do (something).

Proof plz
[Apr 13,2020 8:12pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i have over 3,000 screenshots from the last year documenting your failed attempts to have me killed
[Apr 13,2020 8:37pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
Oh, do tell!!!!
[Apr 13,2020 8:49pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you can view a small selection of them on my Tumblr
[Apr 14,2020 6:36am - Moof LaBoof  ""]
I think you need to lay off of the drugs. Your paranoia is out of control. I honestly don't think that anyone would care enough about a fire breathing transvestite to bother with her.
[Apr 14,2020 12:35pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I am literally all you care about, dtx

grandmotherweb said:you're a bible-thumper from Kenner, LA who had never heard of this forum before i started talking about it on Disqus

grandmotherweb said:[img]

[Apr 14,2020 1:50pm - #Facts  ""]
So this is (your alter personality) DTX talking to someone else, and you are mentioned in passing. How is this a problem?
[Apr 14,2020 3:12pm - grandmotherweb ""]
fuck off, Aidan Kearney

[Apr 14,2020 4:09pm - #Facts  ""]
That explains a lot. You are mentally ill, and continue to project your pedophilia on others, it's a very common coping mechanism for mentally ill people, as you claim to be (and certainly exemplify here).

Seek help.
[Apr 14,2020 4:42pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
She's not only crazy, but dumber than hell as well.
[Apr 14,2020 4:44pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Apr 14,2020 6:21pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
Yeah, stupid. It's a bear.
[Apr 14,2020 7:32pm - grandmotherweb ""]
a pedo-bear
[Apr 14,2020 7:46pm - Moof LaBoof  ""]
tf is a pedo bear? It's a fucking bear.
[Apr 14,2020 7:47pm - #Facts  ""]
So you're showing off your sweet sweet photoshop skills, you called them a pedobear and they had to ask what it meant. Looks like you're harassing them. And?
We've already established that you call people pedos because you're projecting your guilt onto others. This is nothing new, and incredibly common for mentally ill people like yourself (as you admitted you are).
[Apr 14,2020 8:25pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i did not make that image

lots of people know that you're a pedophile
[Apr 14,2020 8:27pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:https://turtleboysports.com/i-got-the-harassment-order-against-charlotte-mcfarland-for-threatening-to-burn-my-house-down-and-he-put-on-a-show-in-court/

"I didn’t think Charlotte was gonna show up today, since it seems strange that someone who doesn’t work has access to a car. But there he was with his Adam’s apple front and center in courtroom 300 when I got to Leominster District Court."


[Apr 14,2020 9:37pm - #Facts  ""]
Of course you made that image, why else would turtlehead be asking what it is? Duh.
[Apr 14,2020 9:43pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i didn't make that image

and you didn't know what Pedobear is because you are not relevant
[Apr 14,2020 10:13pm - #Facts  ""]
Ah, we see deeper into the mind of pdeophile Charbacca here: You are stating that pedophiles are relevant, and people who are familiar with whatever the fuck a "pedobear" is are relevant. This is very telling, because you strive, no, CLAMOR for relevance, for attention, especially the attention you never got from your pedophile daddy.

We get it, you say "I didn't make that image" because the other Charbacca did, one of your "selves" that you talk to here. Like "DTX" and all the other made up personalities stuffed into that oversized melon of yours.

Very sad. Your daddy never touched you the way he touched the other kids, you were too unlovable. No wonder you want to become him. Your life is an exercise in futility. Your daddy was a sicko, and now you are too.

What a horror it must be to have to see your face in the mirror, every miserable time. No wonder you want to be someone else. Too bad you didn't pick someone else to be, instead of your pedodaddy.

Seek help.
[Apr 14,2020 10:18pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:fuck off, Aidan Kearney


[Apr 15,2020 9:09am - Moof LaBoof  ""]
I wonder if the Dr. who is responsible for chopping her boobs off is a Christian?
[May 15,2020 5:43pm - grandmotherweb ""]
kill yourself, dtx
[May 15,2020 5:47pm - poopie poop poop  ""]
GTFO with that bullshit. Nobody here is DTX. Telling people to kill themselves is fucked up. You should be ashamed of yourself.
[May 15,2020 5:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:kill yourself, dtx
[May 15,2020 8:09pm - nobody cares  ""]
This should all help her in this magical unicorn court case. We can tell it to a judge.
[May 15,2020 8:27pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:kill yourself, dtx

[May 16,2020 7:58am - nobody cares  ""]
Should DTX kill himself before or after this magical unicorn international court case?

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