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say something nice about Nicholas from TOS

[Oct 8,2004 4:12pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
if you can think of anything.

I'm sort of upset there's more than one "Nick shut up" style thread.
[Oct 8,2004 4:14pm - ieatpeople4god@...  ""]
you have a nice sweater, it matches your eyes.
[Oct 8,2004 4:14pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Nick fucking rules. Stop the shit talk.
[Oct 8,2004 4:15pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Lets have butt sex.
[Oct 8,2004 4:16pm - powerkok ""]
I think nick is proactive, and should continue posting as he wishes.
[Oct 8,2004 4:16pm - ieatpeople4god@...  ""]
nick has a heart of gold
[Oct 8,2004 4:21pm - the_reverend ""]
his dred weren't nice and then he cut them off.
I hear from them every now and again.
they are good people.
[Oct 8,2004 4:22pm - dugoxistance  ""]
did you seriously start your own post so people could kiss your ass to boost your self esteem? I think we've reached a milestone here at RTTP folks.
[Oct 8,2004 4:29pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
dugoxistance said:did you seriously start your own post so people could kiss your ass to boost your self esteem? I think we've reached a milestone here at RTTP folks.

Haha not to be a broken record but...

It's definitely an emo thing ;)
[Oct 8,2004 4:53pm - nick ""]
even if you dont like his band, who cares, hes doing alot more for local music than alot of other people on here are.
[Oct 8,2004 4:54pm - Christraper ""]
something nice.
[Oct 8,2004 5:01pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
Nick loves the cock, and i feel that is really one of his best qualities, His band does the oppisite of suck too.
[Oct 8,2004 5:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
Nick works hard and people get upset about it. CRY ME A RIVER, BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!
[Oct 8,2004 5:13pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 8,2004 5:17pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
powerkok said:http://dontcry.dontdamnme.net/index.php?lyrics1


that was good.
[Oct 8,2004 5:43pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 8,2004 5:58pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
something nice......hmmm
i don't know you.........but to show my appreciation for your enchanting posts on this board, i'm gonna rape you while your band is on stage tonight

[Oct 8,2004 5:59pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:powerkok said:http://dontcry.dontdamnme.net/index.php?lyrics1


that was good.

even better lyrics

"my darling, i'm afraid to say....that every time we made love, i had A.I.D.S.......please don't cry, please don't cry.......

and every time i jacked off in your face
you were swallowing a big batch of A.I.D.S."
[Oct 8,2004 5:59pm - blue nli  ""]
i appreciate nick and the kind things he does.
[Oct 8,2004 5:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
hahah, Orgy!!! taken it sleazy!
[Oct 8,2004 6:00pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
BornSoVile said:hahah, Orgy!!! taken it sleazy!

hahahaha like always!

you goin tonight???
[Oct 8,2004 6:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
hell yeah!
[Oct 8,2004 6:06pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
BornSoVile said:hell yeah!

rock on!
see ya there!

if i was'nt broke, i'd get drunk with ya!

but i'll still see ya there bro -l-

destroy everything!
[Oct 8,2004 6:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
sounds like a plan! might be there early, not sure.
[Oct 9,2004 1:24pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
BornSoVile said:sounds like a plan! might be there early, not sure.

fucking show was a blast!!!!

[Oct 9,2004 1:39pm - lady_czerach ""]
Nick is one of the most proactive promoters that I've met in a long time. He is non-competitive and unselfish. He may post a lot, but it's only because he is so eager to help keep things going. Why is he being put down for that?
[Oct 9,2004 2:13pm - smallwiener ""]
not only is nick one of the nicest kids i've ever met but, he swallows my cum everytime, also his ass is unbelievably tight
[Oct 9,2004 2:26pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
[Oct 9,2004 4:34pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Hey, nick and his band are awesome. my 2 cents.
[Oct 9,2004 7:00pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
He probably has a really neat livejournal.
[Oct 9,2004 10:40pm - dugoxistance  ""]
HAHAHA x 1000000!!!
[Oct 10,2004 1:48am - dreadkill ""]
i don't know nick, but he seems like a good guy with good intentions.
[Oct 10,2004 2:03am - powerkok ""]
what is a livejournal?
i dont get it.
[Oct 10,2004 2:06am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
a online journal that middle-highschool emo kids use to talk about their feelings so the dont kill themselves....
[Oct 10,2004 2:13am - powerkok ""]

Nicks not really an emo kid, although Im not quite sure I know what an emo kid is exactly, these days. But usually emo kids are reclusive, shy, dorks, which nick is none of the above.

I dont care if he is....he s a cool fucker, and supports more than his share of local music, many times putting others ahead of himself, how in the fuck is that a fallable trait?

Ive also never ever seen him diss anyone on here, so I dunno what whoever started this craps problem is. Must be that time of the month.
[Oct 10,2004 2:17am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
basement shows are gay...go drink horse sperm
[Oct 10,2004 2:19am - powerkok ""]
are you telling me to drink horse sperm?
or is that a general 'go drink horse sperm cuz im right about everything'?
[Oct 10,2004 2:24am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
i dont think that im right about everything but basement shows are in fact gay. only gay screamo/metalcore bands play basement shows/set them up. very proven because my town there are only two metal bands and there where a bunch of screamo/metalcoreish bands and there where always basement shows, and they are gay for going/booking them. so they and anyone who actually books basement shows show drink horse sperm for doing such stupid things such as basement shows.
[Oct 10,2004 2:33am - powerkok ""]
well, thats quite a bold statement. Seeing how prolly 75% of the bands on rttp have played a basement show at one time or another. Not great P.R. on your part. Ive never played a basement show, but I would if it meant ppl would see my band.

You are truly retarded for many reasons that I dont care enough about to waste my time explaining to your non-coherent thought pattern.

Ill tell YOU what. Shut up now, and dont post on this board ever again, and I'll let you keep your natural teeth.
If you do not comply, you, sir will need a stellar dental plan, and a straw, to slurp up whatever waste I lay down for you, be it cum, spit, shit, jit, piss, snot, globs of lastnights puddintwat!

Now go away.
[Oct 10,2004 10:45am - subjugate ""]
i was trying to think of somthing nice to say and all i could come up with was

nick i like it when you stop breathing, you outta do that more often
[Oct 10,2004 2:19pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
CongoogetalZobotomy said:i dont think that im right about everything but basement shows are in fact gay. only gay screamo/metalcore bands play basement shows/set them up. very proven because my town there are only two metal bands and there where a bunch of screamo/metalcoreish bands and there where always basement shows, and they are gay for going/booking them. so they and anyone who actually books basement shows show drink horse sperm for doing such stupid things such as basement shows.

Hahahaha best post ever!!!
[Oct 10,2004 2:21pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 10,2004 2:25pm - powerkok ""]
have you ever met nick?
any of you guys talkin shit?

Im just wondering, cuz you talk so much smack on here, and Im wondering if you would have the balls to say it to his face.
I am catching a HUGE jealousy vibe, for reasons unknown.
[Oct 10,2004 3:25pm - RichHorror ""]
Nick has a swell Man Is The Bastard shirt.
[Oct 10,2004 7:37pm - CZ NLI  ""]
im not jealous, im just saying i think booking basement shows are gay, and think that basement shows are gay, and people who book them are as well... even if a friend of mine where to book a basement show i would completely think hes a faggot for booking it. its like saying, im not good enough to find an actual club to book this show in....if you cant find a club that wants to do the show..dont do it.
[Oct 10,2004 8:19pm - nick ""]
i dont get whats so gay about basement shows.
one of the funnest shows ive been to was at a basement show;
missery sig., tyag, shading the end, LFTD.

its like saying, im not good enough to find an actual club to book this show in....if you cant find a club that wants to do the show..dont do it.

if the bands dont care that they are playing in some guys basement who cares. plus they are alot cheaper to put together i imagine.
[Oct 10,2004 8:43pm - RustedAngel ""]
CZ NLI said:im not jealous, im just saying i think booking basement shows are gay, and think that basement shows are gay, and people who book them are as well... even if a friend of mine where to book a basement show i would completely think hes a faggot for booking it. its like saying, im not good enough to find an actual club to book this show in....if you cant find a club that wants to do the show..dont do it.

you're gay, end.
[Oct 10,2004 9:41pm - powerkok ""]
I second that.
[Oct 11,2004 11:12am - BestialOnslaught ""]
powerkok said:have you ever met nick?
any of you guys talkin shit?

Im just wondering, cuz you talk so much smack on here, and Im wondering if you would have the balls to say it to his face.
I am catching a HUGE jealousy vibe, for reasons unknown.

Jealous??? No.

I am not here to talk shit, but I will give people shit if I find their band fruity... There's a difference between being a jerkoff on the internet and talking shit.

I'm sure he's a fine guy and good for him setting up shit for bands around here... That doesn't change the fact that Emo kids shouldn't try to play Grind ;)
[Oct 11,2004 11:31am - pessimist ""]

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