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say something nice about Nicholas from TOS

[Oct 11,2004 11:51am - subjugate ""]
ok i'll repete it

nick i like it when you stop breathing, you outta do that more often preferably permanently !!!!!!!
[Oct 11,2004 12:10pm - Abbath ""]
blue nli said:i appreciate nick and the kind things he does.

i second this! har har!
[Oct 11,2004 12:43pm - pessimist ""]
who pissed off jim again?
[Oct 11,2004 12:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Jim's mad because I said that I don't like BOE's music very much. Apparently he can't handle that so feels it's a sweet idea for him and the rest of BOE to give me shit till suddenly I go "WHOA WHAT A TOTALLY GREAT BAND". But now I'm in a position where I can't stand the people in the band so i question whether i will be able to listen to the music without bias in the future.

EDIT: Key to note that I've never been harsh to anyone in BOE, and when we played Killfest together I was very cordial to them. I also offered to book them a basement show (since they've never played one and seem against them for some reason) when they are back from hiatus, but apparently that's not good enough, so you be the judge here.
[Oct 11,2004 3:09pm - subjugate ""]
if you think thats what it is about you are dumber than i thought you were.

i have stated countless times that b.o.e./i don't give a flying fuck what people think of us never have never will!!!! it's actually the B.O.E. hateres that keep us fueled and going.

we played a basement show before in R.I. "box of knifes" (at least i considered it a basement type show the place looked like a basement sorta to me anyway)

[Oct 11,2004 3:09pm - subjugate ""]
pessimist said:who pissed off jim again?

who dosen't piss me off is the question

[Oct 11,2004 3:16pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Let's be honest you guys, neither of your bands is very good ;)
[Oct 11,2004 3:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
what is this shit about between boe and nick then?
[Oct 11,2004 3:26pm - Alexslapsmothers  ""]
Alex you are a fag, notice anyone hasnt said anything good about you, go slap a mother and feel empowered from it. Jim stop crying and go tour the west coast or be on a European label that has a website that looks like it was designed by Ray Charles.
[Oct 11,2004 3:33pm - pessimist ""]
actually i think alex is hillarious
[Oct 11,2004 3:45pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I don't come here to get my ass kissed or my scene points tallied, but I do have plenty of friends on this board (there are at least half a dozen in bands on or working with my label) and throughout the area.

For the record, I never slapped a woman that didn't either first grab me by the hair or enjoy it sexually. But I really should slap your mom for forgetting to abort your pansy ass.
[Oct 11,2004 4:12pm - subjugate ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Let's be honest you guys, neither of your bands is very good ;)

what ever alex like us hate us like we care :tightiewhities:
[Oct 11,2004 4:13pm - subjugate ""]
Alexslapsmothers said:Alex you are a fag, notice anyone hasnt said anything good about you, go slap a mother and feel empowered from it. Jim stop crying and go tour the west coast or be on a European label that has a website that looks like it was designed by Ray Charles.

i'm not crying mr brave anno guy say that to my face please :nuke: step up or shut up
[Oct 11,2004 4:13pm - sxealex ""]
hey this is Nick at practice:

there is nothing between me and BOE. I'm not going to go against them just becuase they have taken it upon themselves to rail on me.

The question should be, "what does BOE have against Nick?" I'd sure like to know.
[Oct 11,2004 4:16pm - subjugate ""]
sxealex said:hey this is Nick at practice:

there is nothing between me and BOE. I'm not going to go against them just becuase they have taken it upon themselves to rail on me.

The question should be, "what does BOE have against Nick?" I'd sure like to know.

if you cannot figure it out you are dumber than i thought you were.
[Oct 11,2004 4:17pm - sxealex ""]
Idiot Dumbo Nicholas says, "I sure am dumb!"

Can you teach me to be smarter, oh wise one?
[Oct 11,2004 4:18pm - RustedAngel ""]
why are they dumb if they don't know why you're lashing out at them?

just explain yourself so you don't look like a meanie.
[Oct 11,2004 4:19pm - RichHorror ""]
There needs to be a BOE -vs- TOS cage match set up, pronto.
[Oct 11,2004 4:20pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Fuckin A man, just leave the fuckin kid alone, What are you guys like 40? Pick on someone your own age.
[Oct 11,2004 4:37pm - powerkok ""]
hrrmmm...shitstorm's a brewin.
I also wanna know why boe hates tod.
Its my curiosa.
[Oct 11,2004 4:48pm - Banofanytalentwhatsoever  ""]
subjugate said:ok i'll repete it

nick i like it when you stop breathing, you outta do that more often preferably permanently !!!!!!!

learn how to spell, no wonder youre 40 and still playing your shitty muzak.you cant even spell the word repeat. retards make retarded muzak.
[Oct 11,2004 4:56pm - Baneofanytalentwhatsoever  ""]
and your singer looks like my old uncle who is a used car salesman.
[Oct 11,2004 5:02pm - subjugate ""]
like i said before mr anno guy step up or shut up
[Oct 11,2004 5:03pm - subjugate ""]
Banofanytalentwhatsoever said:subjugate said:ok i'll repete it

nick i like it when you stop breathing, you outta do that more often preferably permanently !!!!!!!

learn how to spell, no wonder youre 40 and still playing your shitty muzak.you cant even spell the word repeat. retards make retarded muzak.

"your" spelling leaves a little to bedesired too there fella
[Oct 11,2004 5:07pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Muzak = the stuff in elevators.

Everything else is spelled correctly...
[Oct 11,2004 5:11pm - subjugate ""]
youre? is right really huh way to go mr english 101
[Oct 11,2004 5:12pm - subjugate ""]
i may be old and cannot spell and if thats all you guys can go after on me all i can say is do it to my face
[Oct 11,2004 5:12pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
actually yes, it is. It's a contraction of "you" and "are". He left out the apostrophe, big woop.
[Oct 11,2004 5:13pm - subjugate ""]
then it's wrong!!!!!!

nuff said have a nice day
[Oct 11,2004 5:16pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you still haven't explained why you go after me. It just makes you look like you have nothing better to do than rail on me. I'd like to think you can recognize I have nothing against you, and have done nothing against you, so it'd be great if you could be as civil to me as I've been in return.
[Oct 11,2004 5:17pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
EDIT: Accidentally hit "post reply" 2x. heh.
[Oct 11,2004 5:34pm - powerkok ""]
yes, please explain...I wanna know too.
[Oct 11,2004 5:49pm - lady_czerach ""]
[Oct 11,2004 5:50pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Oct 11,2004 5:52pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 11,2004 5:57pm - lady_czerach ""]
[Oct 11,2004 5:58pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
subjugate said:BestialOnslaught said:Let's be honest you guys, neither of your bands is very good ;)

what ever alex like us hate us like we care :tightiewhities:

I know man, no dig against you guys personally, but you haven't exactly made your hatred for TOS clear, as the posts above this one make quite clear ha...
[Oct 11,2004 5:58pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Baneofanytalentwhatsoever said:and your singer looks like my old uncle who is a used car salesman.

Now that took skill to put the mad dis on me. How deep into your awesome resource of internet bullshitting skills did you have to dig for that one? Mazel Tov!
[Oct 11,2004 6:06pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Just for the record, I have nothing against TOS's music. I just can't stand it, but if it makes them happy then great. Just like as long as BoE makes me happy and others hate it, fuck em. Fine by me. I guess my issue with the whole situation is the whole nerd/geek offering to do the jocks and cool guys' homework so he'd be liked and/or not beaten up mentality that Nick gives off. And I'm pretty sure in this notion that if he never set up any shows for any of the people/bands that "stick up" for him then he'd be just some RTTP regular if that like most of us. He's not the new metal messiah here to bring metal back to MA. But for the most part if I don't like or agree with him or anyone else I speak my mind and usually let that be. Like I said/meant in my enema thread, I could care less about this "scene" or anyone in it. I hate beating a dead horse.
[Oct 11,2004 6:09pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I can see why you'd think that, but honestly, I'm just doing my part. I'm not nihilistic enough to think shows just happen by themselves, and if I want one, instead of whining about it, I book it. Everyone that's done something for me deserves something in return, whether they've asked for it or not, and call it whatever you like, I pay my dues. That's noble, in my opinion, but that's just one man's thoughts.

I don't think anyone thinks anything about me other than I'm a hard worker and try to think positively. That's all I can ask for and that's about as much as I see myself inevitable giving off.
[Oct 11,2004 6:10pm - assuck ""]
lady_czerach said:[img]

easily the best part about this thread.
[Oct 12,2004 1:14pm - Mr.SmartieToughGuy  ""]
bane of existence is the gayest band ever.
[Oct 12,2004 1:25pm - baneofexistence ""]
Mr.SmartieToughGuy said:bane of existence is the gayest band ever.

is that best you got
[Oct 12,2004 7:01pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Mr.SmartieToughGuy said:bane of existence is the gayest band ever.

it's almost too obvious who this guy is. for one he is unoriginal, just like his band. and two I think he has a crush on me. United Guttural called. They said you can stop sucking their cock already, they have enough shitty bands.
[Oct 12,2004 8:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
lady_czerach said:Nick is one of the most proactive promoters that I've met in a long time. He is non-competitive and unselfish. He may post a lot, but it's only because he is so eager to help keep things going. Why is he being put down for that?

I don't think he is non-competitive or unselfish at all, but thats his right.
[Oct 12,2004 8:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
dugoxistance said:Mr.SmartieToughGuy said:bane of existence is the gayest band ever.

it's almost too obvious who this guy is. for one he is unoriginal, just like his band. and two I think he has a crush on me. United Guttural called. They said you can stop sucking their cock already, they have enough shitty bands.

taste of silver isn't united guttural at all bro. what band are you talking about?
[Oct 12,2004 8:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Stop the shenanigans!
[Oct 12,2004 8:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
i wish you coulda told me what the hell is going on big chief.
[Oct 12,2004 8:31pm - dugoxistance  ""]
BornSoVile said:taste of silver isn't united guttural at all bro. what band are you talking about?

Naw shit, really. It's obviously not Nick. I think a whee bit more highly of him than that.
[Oct 12,2004 8:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
Joe is going to kill me cause I'm friends with Nick, this fucking sucks.

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