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Right click, paste...what you got!!

[Jan 25,2009 12:57pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
[Jan 25,2009 12:58pm - pam ""]
April 22, 1923 – December 11, 2008
[Jan 25,2009 1:19pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Apr 5,2009 5:19pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Life is a short, warm moment
And death is a long cold rest.
You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye:
Eighty years, with luck, or even less.
[Apr 5,2009 7:27pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Apr 5,2009 8:12pm - niccolai ""]
[Apr 5,2009 8:49pm - brian_dc ""]
[Apr 5,2009 9:24pm - pam ""]
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/lickmysticks/3415822807/" title="365.151 - Sniffy Face by Pam Helme, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3337/3415822807_853caabf81.jpg" width="333" height="500" alt="365.151 - Sniffy Face" /></a>
[Apr 5,2009 9:25pm - pam ""]
^ is this:


My kid is adorable.
[Apr 5,2009 10:00pm - titsmagee ""]

[Apr 5,2009 10:58pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Apr 5,2009 11:15pm - sxealex ""]
aww i have nothing :(
[Apr 6,2009 12:55am - pam ""]
866 578 4773

Assholes who call me 24/7 even though I'm not who they are looking for.
[Apr 6,2009 1:29am - deadlikemurf ""]
[Apr 6,2009 2:05am - ernie  ""]
[Apr 6,2009 12:19pm - Mess ""]
women who have these hormonal issues typically carry alot of weight around the middle (due to the out of control insulin and resultant too high of testosterone) and a high protein and fiber diet combined with low carbs really helps with that an added benefit is that these types of foods are so filling and you avoid the highs and crashes that people with blood sugar problems live by

Off to the kindergarten valentine party
well as it turns out it was me who needed her the most i think if the test of the greatest among us is the one who will be the servant than penny wins in this houseok animal peoplei get it i really really get it

i will i will i will please hold me accountable if you dont see the results posted next week the inspiration pieces
but the main thing i love about this picture is tree cover you can see in the upper right corner thats how it was all around the block even on really hot days you could find a great place to play in some serious shade everyone had a huge tree or trees somewhere on their property and bushes and ivy and a great variety of things the only reason we had those young trees on the corner was because my mom sold our big palm tree to some palm springs landscapers ha

i look for girls with purses that compliment mine
ready to share the love

and i think im done cutting kits for a while oaf
seriously though my closest friends are fun real and honest good entertaining in love with life a little crazy down to earth deep and incapable of bs

it makes me too happy drawers full of yarn too glorious
i was born in orange county where my parents had lived in the same house for like 20 years they had both lived in so cal all their lives

even more obsessed with flickr than usual of late
where are neighborhoods like that anymore with bushes big enough to hide in and kids that go around the block together all afternoon and normal sized houses and the old winkfields next door ok i dont need the winkfields but id sure love to give my kids the rest

one more thought about best friends
we gave the universe one out- if grant found a job he loved before springtime wed stay put even though we wanted to go to cali really bad and even though grant had been looking for a different job for a long time

remember how i was so proud that my room was clean and i was knitting well i still am
i couldnt find a video of him performing it but listen to the lyrics

you love him too right
grant and i listened and danced to his music on valentines day

cate (incredulously) what were you a child of adam and eve
this week i am getting all my ducks in a row so that this weekend i can hole up and sew myself some desperately needed skirts for church and summer

it transported me back in time to simpler sunnier days and its been making really happy to stare at today
let me preface this by saying that there is no one size fits all eating plan for someone with hormonal issues for some women cysts irregular cycles lack of ovulation and too much testosterone and its effects are directly related to bad insulin regulation in their body for these women they may be able to restore better regularity with avoiding blood sugar spikes by not eating carbohydrates therefore eliminating the insulin problem that is why so many women can conceive with metformin or glucophage because these medicines work at that level

Quilt kits finally all done
all the sudden im 30 i thought id be driving a mini van full of kids and happily decorating my own home but life has shown me again that i am not in control and as i wait for more children and a sense of being settled

well just as we were making preparations to get moving grant was granted that job he wanted right here in utah i guess were staying put (sorry shellie i wanted to live by you and drive to see ray and the beach on weekends real bad)
refined sugar will be your enemy till you die

[Apr 6,2009 12:20pm - brian_dc ""]
By: cobra_commanDER on 4/6/2009 10:26:18 AM

*slam dunks newborn into the toilet*

the punch has been spiked! count it.
[Apr 6,2009 12:23pm - pam ""]
1 pack semi sweet choc chips, divided
1 pack brownie mix plug ingred. to make cake brownies
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup salted mixed nuts
5 rolls of rolos, 1.7oz each

Preheat to 375
brush it with veggie oil (pan)
chop 1 and 1/2 cup choc chips
combine brownie mix water oil eggs with 1/4 cup brown sugar
mix well, fold in chopped chocolate, pour into pan

chop nuts, combine 1/2 nuts with 1/2 cup brown sugar
sprinkle evenly over batter

Bake 20-22 minutes until toothpick comes out clean

cut 16 caramels into quarters
place remaining 1/2 cup of choc morsels in a bowl: melt

put in resealable bag, set aside

remove brownies from oven, immediately press remaining 24
caramels into brownies in 4 rows of 6 caramels each
sprinkle quartered caramels and remaining nuts over brownies.

drizzle with melted chocolate (cut corner of bag)

cut into squares and serve warm.

(Wicked good brownie recipe I sent to a friend)
[Apr 6,2009 12:29pm - darkwor ""]
[Apr 6,2009 12:34pm - xmikex ""]
[Apr 6,2009 12:37pm - Martins ""]
[Apr 6,2009 12:37pm - Martins ""]
I don't remember what I downloaded. Oh, Geogaddi.
[Apr 6,2009 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
[Apr 6,2009 12:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Pam's kid is adorable in that photo!!!
[Apr 6,2009 10:10pm - fresh kid ice  ""]

berkeleybenje (6 hours ago)

when he says "and suck my asshole too" it reminds of this freak I used to date who not only liked to lick my asshole, but only when it was rank; and sometimes used to want me to fart in her face.
[Apr 6,2009 10:12pm - ZJD ""]
because i do a thing that is essentially corndogs
[Apr 6,2009 10:46pm - pam ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Pam's kid is adorable in that photo!!!

He makes that face whenever I point a camera at him lately. I laughed so hard the first time, he figured out it makes me laugh and I haven't gotten a normal photo of him in weeks.

[Apr 6,2009 10:58pm - boblovesmusicatthecoolidge  ""]
[Apr 7,2009 7:39am - Yeti ""]

pam said:1 pack semi sweet choc chips, divided
1 pack brownie mix plug ingred. to make cake brownies
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup salted mixed nuts
5 rolls of rolos, 1.7oz each

Preheat to 375
brush it with veggie oil (pan)
chop 1 and 1/2 cup choc chips
combine brownie mix water oil eggs with 1/4 cup brown sugar
mix well, fold in chopped chocolate, pour into pan

chop nuts, combine 1/2 nuts with 1/2 cup brown sugar
sprinkle evenly over batter

Bake 20-22 minutes until toothpick comes out clean

cut 16 caramels into quarters
place remaining 1/2 cup of choc morsels in a bowl: melt

put in resealable bag, set aside

remove brownies from oven, immediately press remaining 24
caramels into brownies in 4 rows of 6 caramels each
sprinkle quartered caramels and remaining nuts over brownies.

drizzle with melted chocolate (cut corner of bag)

cut into squares and serve warm.

(Wicked good brownie recipe I sent to a friend)

oh Pam, you're such a mom. cut out the caramel and this is a killer recipe.
[Apr 7,2009 8:24am - archaeon ""]
andrew jackson jihad
[Apr 7,2009 9:31am - pam ""]
Cut out the caramel? Blasphemy!
[Apr 7,2009 10:31am - Yeti ""]
i have never liked caramel in general, but especially in brownies. butterscotch chips on the other hand....
[Apr 7,2009 10:37am - boblovesmusic ""]
[Apr 7,2009 10:43am - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 9,2009 9:22am - RustyPS ""]
[Apr 9,2009 9:31am - boblovesmusic ""]
Rhed Asphalt
[Apr 9,2009 9:32am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Apr 9,2009 11:15am - porphyria  ""]
Right click, paste...what you got!!
[Apr 9,2009 1:49pm - oscarct ""]
[Apr 9,2009 3:35pm - Yeti ""]
[Apr 9,2009 4:18pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Apr 9,2009 6:13pm - SkinSandwich ""]
anal cheese whizzzzz
[Apr 11,2009 1:28am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Apr 11,2009 2:27am - fuck logging in  ""]
Zoe & The Stormies
[Apr 11,2010 1:16am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Alex: Where is your monkey?
Dante: He's upstairs putting his nun-chucks away.
[Apr 11,2010 4:57am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 11,2010 8:20am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 11,2010 8:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
The Saga of Kronar - Aumanii creation myth.
[Apr 11,2010 8:28am - thrasher ""]
[Apr 11,2010 12:22pm - demondave ""]

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