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[Sep 21,2004 1:30am - goratory ""]
Alright, it has been confirmed.

Sat, Oct 23 in Allston, MA we will be throwing a free show / house party complete with 5 kegs. Everyone has to come out and party with us. Thier will be free shit giveaways and boxing matches between bands. Line-up is:

Taste of Silver

Everyone can start making flyers and advertising. Anyone that is comming is also welcome to crash at my house after in Natick, MA which is farely close. Don't be afraid to ask. This will start at 8:00 pm with the Taste of Silver getting goin a little eary and will continue untill your too drunk to party anymore. Everyone is welcome to get added to the boxing matches if wanted. Just let us know. Josh wants mudwrestling so I am gonna try to cinvince a couple friends. This is a really chill house so just come and have a good time.

Attn: Taste of Silver and Ascendancy

Can you guys work it out so you can share one set. This place will be packed and we don't want to worry about equiptment comming in and out so we want to minimize as much as possable. You guys can also use my cab.
[Sep 21,2004 1:35am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah I will talk to Alex about that. He doesn't mind sharing his kit at all. We can figure it out this weekend.

thanks so much, this is so sick. Do you know the address? Can we put it on flyers?

THERE'S 5 KEGS NOW? People are going to die of alcohol poisoning -- I love it.

EVENT OF THE SEASON --- possibly YEAR?!?
[Sep 21,2004 1:35am - Terence ""]
Al, whats the address?
[Sep 21,2004 1:36am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh PS it's "The Taste of Silver" for posterity's sake

kiss kiss love love so sick it's gonna be FUCKING AWESOME.

and I am glad we are first cause people are going to be on the floor in blood, feces, and beer by the end, so we get em while they're still sober enough to remember everything heh heh
[Sep 21,2004 1:36am - goratory ""]
18 Pratt St. Allston MA

We'll have directions soon.
[Sep 21,2004 1:36am - Terence ""]
excellent. Fucking excellent.
[Sep 21,2004 1:37am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I know where that is.

Should we put it on flyers? or maybe only put it on flyers NOT going in Allston, so that way it's not like all over Allston that this is where the is a 5 keg all ages party?
[Sep 21,2004 1:38am - goratory ""]
no, definatley put them everywhere. This house has house parties all the time so cops won't be a problem.
[Sep 21,2004 1:40am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh my god

I am speechless.

Kyle Wilkins of Aganihm is going to pass out when he hears this. We didn't realize how close this is to us...we can get there in like 10-15 minutes.
[Sep 21,2004 1:41am - goratory ""]
fuck ya
[Sep 21,2004 1:42am - goratory ""]
where do you live??? I'm in Natick. Its about 15 miles from Boston. We should party sometime, Im in Boston 4 times a week.
[Sep 21,2004 1:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
gnarly!...we live in Arlington...our contact info is on www.thetasteofsilver.com drop us a call or an email if you're in town :D
[Sep 21,2004 1:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we can go to Spike's sometime!!! that place has mad cheap and mad good food ;D
[Sep 21,2004 2:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Sep 21,2004 3:29am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Goratory -
available through a flash player at http://www.goratory.net/

Pillory -

Ascendancy -

The Taste of Silver -

[Sep 21,2004 4:10am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
and you mean Kyle Wilkins ov Knife Invades Throat. Ha
[Sep 21,2004 8:58am - Robdeadskin ""]
[Sep 21,2004 9:19am - not-so-jay-ganihm  ""]
if any of those douschebags from linden street show up to this, im gonna personally beat the shit out of them like we did last week when we crashed their party and sawed their toilet seat off. fuck scene kids. punx rule.
[Sep 21,2004 9:21am - not-so-jay-ganihm  ""]
also, this party is gonna own.
[Sep 21,2004 9:37am - cdan ""]
whoa, we're playing this? coooool :duffbeer:
[Sep 21,2004 10:56am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
ahhahahhahhaah the sawing off of the toilet seat is classic.

plus don't forget someone hung their dick out a second story window and pissed onto the sidewalk.

you guys aren't human hahahahha
[Sep 21,2004 11:45am - mammalsauce ""]
alan, find out T info for us who live in the boston area, please. A bunch of people are anticipating this event
[Sep 21,2004 11:50am - RustedAngel ""]
damn, I really wanted to play this so we could go, we got offerred another show this day in NH, so I think we might be doing that. :(
[Sep 21,2004 11:56am - dirteecrayon ""]
wait did you saw off the toilet seat from 81 linden st?
[Sep 21,2004 11:57am - dirteecrayon ""]
mammalsauce said:alan, find out T info for us who live in the boston area, please. A bunch of people are anticipating this event

where in boston do you live?
[Sep 21,2004 12:04pm - Paul FOD  ""]
Ill be there. Ill also print up some flyers and throw them around my area. Keep it brutal -I-
[Sep 21,2004 12:07pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
You can take the 66 Bus from Jamaica Spain or from Harvard and get off at Havard Ave, Near O'Briens. It's a brief walk from their.

Also the Fordham Ave (I think) or Harvard Ave Green Line "B" train T Stops are both close by, within short walking distance.
[Sep 21,2004 12:09pm - mammalsauce ""]
right off of tremont street, on somerset ave. I go to suffolk university
[Sep 21,2004 12:16pm - dirteecrayon ""]
oh awesome!

i'm at lasell on the D line!

we should hang out sometime!

[Sep 21,2004 12:19pm - mammalsauce ""]
ya but dude we're going to montreal together too
[Sep 21,2004 1:11pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
goratory + ascendancy = i'm fucking there

i'll bring some jack daniels

anyone wanna help me kill a handle?

[Sep 21,2004 1:23pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]

i just realised i'm fucking stuck working that fucking night!


i'm sick of missing good shows because of work.

oh well....i guess i'll be drinking jack by myself after work that night
[Sep 21,2004 3:32pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]

What's up guys? A few of my very good friends live in the place in Allston. I want to thank them in advance for helping us out. If u have any question about the show, direct them towards me. Drop me an email. Sepul9998@yahoo.com Of course we want everyone to have a good time, but if anyone gets out of control or starts trouble, i will personally toss them out the front door and make sure they know not to come back. No bullshit. No scenes. No unwelcomed kids.
[Sep 21,2004 5:38pm - goratory ""]
Goratory/Pillory_Drummer said:Hey,

What's up guys? A few of my very good friends live in the place in Allston. I want to thank them in advance for helping us out. If u have any question about the show, direct them towards me. Drop me an email. Sepul9998@yahoo.com Of course we want everyone to have a good time, but if anyone gets out of control or starts trouble, i will personally toss them out the front door and make sure they know not to come back. No bullshit. No scenes. No unwelcomed kids.

who is an unwelcomed kid?? I don't get it.
[Sep 21,2004 6:03pm - goratory ""]
The kid that lives their said he is gonna try to hook up a bunch of tv's around the house to a video camera so you can watch the show from all rooms of the party.
[Sep 21,2004 6:35pm - mammalsauce ""]
that's ridiculous but completely awesome
[Sep 21,2004 6:42pm - goratory ""]
hey, jacqualine. I just got endorsed by Madison. He also said he would hook any of my friends up at half price if I wanted. You can buy a better amp now.
[Sep 21,2004 6:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
do they make bass cabs? i wanted DOM to check this out, what's the webpage?
[Sep 21,2004 6:50pm - goratory ""]
www.madisonspeakers.com Ya, they make sick ass bass cabs. Check em out. I can get you one real cheap if you want.
[Sep 21,2004 6:52pm - mammalsauce ""]
well pick me a good amp and spell my name right haha
[Sep 21,2004 6:53pm - goratory ""]
how do you spell it
[Sep 21,2004 6:56pm - mammalsauce ""]
[Sep 21,2004 6:58pm - goratory ""]
i'm pathetic. That sad part is that we have been going out for over a year and I still can't remember how to spell your name
[Sep 21,2004 7:00pm - mammalsauce ""]
and it's also sad that we are talking on the rttp board instead of on the phone
[Sep 21,2004 7:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
let's see a rematch of Katie vs. Coons or Katie vs. St. George!
[Sep 21,2004 7:54pm - TOC NOT LOGGED IN BY HIS DINGLE  ""]
All I know is this is going to be the most bumped topic of 2004.
[Sep 21,2004 8:05pm - mammalsauce ""]
oh man josh that's a bad idea haha
[Sep 21,2004 8:41pm - blue nli  ""]
im all over this shizzle. worad.
[Sep 21,2004 11:13pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Hey! about those Madison cabinets...you said half price? so if I wanted to buy 2 2x12s, i could get the at 50% off each??
[Sep 21,2004 11:14pm - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
damn that's hot

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