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[Sep 22,2004 12:05am - goratory ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Hey! about those Madison cabinets...you said half price? so if I wanted to buy 2 2x12s, i could get the at 50% off each??

ya, dude
[Sep 22,2004 1:11am - goratory ""]
BornSoVile said:let's see a rematch of Katie vs. Coons or Katie vs. St. George!

Coons is gonna be their with the rest of the NH crew. I'll give Katie a call next week for ya. I can organize some bloodshed if you desire. and yes, I am not serious.

DUDE, I DO have mudwrestlers though. You need to get a kittie pool. Jacky and Lola are the first to volunteer. I just need to make sure the kid doesn't mind a muddy basement though. Tell Darren to ask the kid about it. Lola also wants to box you, haha. And she is serious.
[Sep 22,2004 1:14am - mammalsauce ""]
it has to be set up like in old school where they do the ky jelly contest except i guess this will involve mud
[Sep 22,2004 1:15am - goratory ""]
unless you want to buy 5,000 containers of ky
[Sep 22,2004 1:16am - mammalsauce ""]
well i'm not buying if i'm wrestling, they're already getting a girl on girl wrestling show in bikinis so...
[Sep 22,2004 4:50pm - goratory ""]

i just realised i'm fucking stuck working that fucking night!


i'm sick of missing good shows because of work.

oh well....i guess i'll be drinking jack by myself after work that night

Come on man, take work off and I will personally buy you a bottle of Jack.
[Sep 22,2004 4:53pm - goratory ""]
YO, staples, pick up your phone. I want to know if your comming to Darrens.
[Sep 22,2004 4:58pm - Hooker ""]
damn dude. that shit will be crazy
[Sep 22,2004 5:03pm - Josh_Martin ""]
5 kegs for free? Shit, I might have to take off work for this.
Wait, what kind of beer is it? Nothing gay like Sam Adams I hope.
[Sep 22,2004 5:13pm - mammalsauce ""]
wait show is free AND beer is free?
[Sep 22,2004 5:15pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
5 Bucks a cup
[Sep 22,2004 5:15pm - mammalsauce ""]
oh okay that's what i thought, that may need to be specified to people
[Sep 22,2004 5:15pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
and of course, everyone must buy a copy of Rice on Suede, but that's a given i would think.
[Sep 22,2004 5:18pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
well, like i said, if u have questions email or ask me, i'm taking care of everything. Don't assume anything about the show unless i say so. Also, i'm thinking we won't need any outside advertising for the thing. Between people the bands bring in, and the guys that live there, there should be well over 100 people. I wouldn't want anymore than 200 really. Especially if they are just random peopel off the street. Unless you're someone that knows someone, then you're not really welcome.
[Sep 22,2004 5:27pm - Hooker ""]
I live like five minutes from this.
[Sep 22,2004 5:58pm - goratory ""]
Ya, it costs $5 bucks for a cup so $5 gives you beer all night off the kegs untill you pass out.

Darren fuck you. I want advertising.

"Don't assume anything about the show unless I say so." WOW, talk about a buzzkill. You sound like a nazi, hahaha. Fight the power, this is gonna be a sick party so chill out and go for the ride.

Yo, ask the kid about having mudwrestling.
[Sep 22,2004 6:03pm - goratory ""]
Hooker said:I live like five minutes from this.

you comming??
[Sep 22,2004 6:20pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i will be there! sounds killer.
[Sep 22,2004 6:39pm - Hooker ""]
Probably. I'll bmob if I do. Always do. I hate waiting in line. p.s. I hope you like cops and random BU douchebags trying to get in because there will be plenty of both.
[Sep 22,2004 8:52pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
Josh_Martin said:5 kegs for free? Shit, I might have to take off work for this.
Wait, what kind of beer is it? Nothing gay like Sam Adams I hope.

sam adams is good beer.....what the hell do you drink?
budweiser? the king of carbonated urine.
[Sep 22,2004 8:54pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]

i just realised i'm fucking stuck working that fucking night!


i'm sick of missing good shows because of work.

oh well....i guess i'll be drinking jack by myself after work that night

Come on man, take work off and I will personally buy you a bottle of Jack.

i'll try to get out of it....but i seriously doubt i can.

my boss = gayer than liberace

but if i miss this hopefully i'll be able to catch your next show.....
[Sep 22,2004 10:26pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey OMF - come on october 8th. it's a friday, and it's free and in RI...Goratory, Sufferingbastard, Ymer, The Taste Of Silver, and Porphyria!!!!
[Sep 22,2004 10:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
this sounds like a good time...hopefully i can make it.
[Sep 22,2004 11:33pm - intricateprocess ""]
Goratory/Pillory_Drummer said:well, like i said, if u have questions email or ask me, i'm taking care of everything. Don't assume anything about the show unless i say so. Also, i'm thinking we won't need any outside advertising for the thing. Between people the bands bring in, and the guys that live there, there should be well over 100 people. I wouldn't want anymore than 200 really. Especially if they are just random peopel off the street. Unless you're someone that knows someone, then you're not really welcome.

i tried out for pillory and i sucked ass
can i come?

and oh,spalding, you better take off gay alladins castle for this show,or your not true
[Sep 23,2004 12:13am - goratory ""]
ya, all is welcome from the rttp board
[Sep 23,2004 12:20am - goratory ""]
Hooker said:Probably. I'll bmob if I do. Always do. I hate waiting in line. p.s. I hope you like cops and random BU douchebags trying to get in because there will be plenty of both.

how are the cops their. Do they toss kids out or are they easy to deal with. We want to plan our set so we can play before they would come. Any suggestions?? I'm not from their so I don't know how they are. Where I live, cops don't stop the partying but i was in Allston last weekend and the shit got busted up by 11:00.
[Sep 23,2004 12:32am - Terence ""]
shit, I hope everything goes well.
[Sep 23,2004 1:02am - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
Don't worry about cops, if things go the way i plan them to, everything will be totally chill. The guys that live there know how to deal with all that. So whether or not u think i'm a Nazi Alan, i'm just trying to make things as kick ass as possible for the people that we want there.
[Sep 23,2004 2:30am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
is cool if i bring a camera to cover this, i figured i'd ask instead ov just showing up with one....?
[Sep 23,2004 4:05pm - goratory ""]
whiskey, weed, and women said:is cool if i bring a camera to cover this, i figured i'd ask instead ov just showing up with one....?

ya dude, you can bring camera. I definatley want the boxing matches on video.
[Sep 23,2004 4:08pm - goratory ""]
I have two groups of girls willing to mud wrestle so we need to find out if this is allowed.
[Sep 23,2004 4:11pm - mammalsauce ""]
2 groups of girls? who is gonna do it?
[Sep 23,2004 4:13pm - Hooker ""]
a bunch of busted broads
[Sep 23,2004 5:48pm - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
hey titties is titties bring on the girl on girl action woo hoo
[Sep 23,2004 5:50pm - BornSoVile ""]
hah, G Unit sports high class ass exclusively.
[Sep 23,2004 5:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be bringing a camera.
assuming I go to this.
[Sep 23,2004 6:25pm - Terence ""]
you better go to this.
[Sep 23,2004 10:49pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
Assuming we let you in
[Sep 24,2004 2:20am - BornSoVile ""]
you better be careful big chief, Aaron might go raging bull on your ass if you don't let him in, the man is made, guy.
[Sep 24,2004 4:01pm - goratory ""]
Goratory/Pillory_Drummer said:Assuming we let you in

hahahahahahahahahahahaha, everybody watch out for the toughguy. Rev, you and Carina get free booze if you come. And I'll even toss in a handjob for ya.
[Sep 24,2004 4:03pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 24,2004 4:37pm - goratory ""]
succubus said:wooooooooooooo

Now don't go gettin jealous about me putting the moves on your man. Can you honestly blame me.
[Sep 24,2004 7:17pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
Josh, you're a funny guy.
[Sep 24,2004 7:31pm - George ""]
this is down the street from my house

holy fuck this is awesome
[Sep 26,2004 1:47pm - succubus ""]
goratory said:succubus said:wooooooooooooo

Now don't go gettin jealous about me putting the moves on your man. Can you honestly blame me.

i thought the free handjob was for BOTH of us...
[Sep 26,2004 4:54pm - goratory ""]
succubus said:goratory said:succubus said:wooooooooooooo

Now don't go gettin jealous about me putting the moves on your man. Can you honestly blame me.

i thought the free handjob was for BOTH of us...

Ya know, you people expect more and more from me everyday. I don't think I can stand for this much longer.
[Sep 26,2004 5:00pm - goratory ""]
do you think I just hand out sexual favors for anybody?? Well, ok, you convinced me.
[Sep 26,2004 8:43pm - succubus ""]
not anybody..just me
[Sep 26,2004 8:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
whoa whoa whoa whoa, back up the train here boss, what's the 2nd mud wrestling match?
[Sep 26,2004 8:53pm - succubus ""]
me vs you

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