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[Sep 26,2004 9:12pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
time to score a new bass cab
[Sep 26,2004 9:55pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
this event is insane. Oh goratory - Seth said he's fine using Alex's kit, and i can use whatever for guitar shit. I can borrow AScendancy's if they're cool with it or I can bring my own shit, does not matter to me.
[Sep 26,2004 10:17pm - mammalsauce ""]
this is AL not jacky

awesome man, I got a mesa cab you can use. I want to see if Pillory will let us keep a cab their for the backline also so everybody can just use the same two ones. Thanks for sharing drum kits, we apreciate that.
[Sep 26,2004 10:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
succubus, whenever's clever, your going down...
TheGreatSpaldino, huh?
I'm gonna have a heartattack at this show or something.
[Sep 26,2004 11:46pm - Terence ""]
I cant wait to run the gauntlet again, Ive been getting in shape. I'll bring my 1999 Most Dedicated Wrestler award for motivation.
[Sep 27,2004 12:11am - mammalsauce ""]
so is this mudwrestling going to happen, because it'd be a good thing to know
[Sep 27,2004 2:24am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i might stop by this. i'm gonna be working on the new scissorfight recording that day right near this party, so i'll probably stop by real late.
[Sep 27,2004 7:57am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:hey OMF - come on october 8th. it's a friday, and it's free and in RI...Goratory, Sufferingbastard, Ymer, The Taste Of Silver, and Porphyria!!!!

sounds pretty fucking good

not as good as a keg of beer,a handle of jack, boxing, and chicks mud wrestling.....but it still sounds good
[Sep 27,2004 11:40am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah and the smell of FREE is better than the smell of the finest frankincense
[Sep 29,2004 12:09pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
if it's for free, it's for me
[Sep 29,2004 9:08pm - CharlesMungus ""]
Katy vs. NH!!! ALL of them at once.
[Sep 29,2004 9:11pm - CharlesMungus ""]
and Is mud the best option? maybe jello or twigs or something. Is Tyler welcome?
[Oct 3,2004 5:57pm - goratory ""]
We got our cds today!!!! I'm psyched. We have been waiting way too gad damn long for these.

Rev, you comming to the show on Friday. I want to give you a couple. If not, let me know your address.
[Oct 3,2004 6:25pm - Terence ""]
jello sounds awesome, or puddin'!

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