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Katatonia show

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Aug 25,2006 6:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
Katatonia. Moonspell, Daylight Dies, Shroud Of Bereavement, Dreaded Slience and Eulogy XL Oct 21st at Mark's Showplace

I didn't want to step on anyones toes(I know how these things can get, and I really like the DS guys), and this is why i just made another thread.
Anyways, I just picked up the tickets. if anyone in our area is still interested in purchasing them!

please email me, im me, Myspace me, go to our website or call me!
we can also make arrangements to meet you/deliver the tickets

paypal link:


Myspace link:


Dreaded Silence link:


see ya there!

[Aug 25,2006 6:53pm - sinistas ""]
with all you said in mind, was another thread necessary? there are sales links for all of the bands on there already
[Aug 25,2006 7:08pm - dyingmuse ""]
well, when we did the Cryptopsy show, there was a whole huge gay thing where everyone was pissed and underbidding and so forth, i just respect you guys too much to promote tickets in your thread is all. if you want me to deleate this and we can do it without fights im cool with that.
[Aug 25,2006 7:15pm - sinistas ""]
no worries man
[Aug 25,2006 7:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
you are the man!

[Aug 27,2006 9:51am - dyingmuse ""]
so i just posted a thread on the moonspell forum about this show, and i got a pm warning me not to promote "my" shows otherwise i would be banned from the forum!!!!

I was like well, if we didn't have to sell your tickets so you can get paid, i wouldn't have to do it to begin with!

i'm kinda pissed at the guy now.
[Aug 27,2006 10:24am - CNV  ""]
I will buy a ticket off you Danielson
[Aug 27,2006 10:25am - CNV  ""]
Bernie= a zionist jew
[Aug 27,2006 11:35am - dyingmuse ""]
well, thank you sir! whenever is a good time for you i will gladly go meet ya. maybe at chrises sometime!
did you hear? millers truck was broke down on the side of the road?lol

he's fucked!

how was your trip man?
[Aug 27,2006 11:40am - pam ""]
dyingmuse said:so i just posted a thread on the moonspell forum about this show, and i got a pm warning me not to promote "my" shows otherwise i would be banned from the forum!!!!

I was like well, if we didn't have to sell your tickets so you can get paid, i wouldn't have to do it to begin with!

i'm kinda pissed at the guy now.

I posted on the Moonspell forum once because I had a rare CD pressing of Under the Moonspell on ebay, and they banned me.

I'd have been insulted or upset except ya know...they like MOONSPELL.
[Aug 27,2006 12:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
that's horseshit!

yeah they have gay attitudes i guess!

[Aug 27,2006 3:31pm - zionist jew  ""]
yeah,cnv,this is bernie,where do you get off calling me a jew,you fucking low life white trash nazi piece of humanwaste?
[Aug 27,2006 5:00pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Ok so I am definatly going to buy atleast three maybe four, maybe five, maybe six tickets off you, I will ask all my friends if they are interested, collect their money and then meet you sometime this week anywhere, I have the whole week off so I am free any day any time.

I live In Nashua, I will travel anywhere within an hour of here.

Just tell me the best place you would like to meet and I will meet you there.
[Aug 27,2006 7:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
AWESOME man! I work till 3:00 after that i will meet you anytime. also I don't work if it's raining

my # is 978 476 9161 call me when you are ready.

that's a million man, this really really rocks!
[Aug 28,2006 7:52pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
you wouldn't happen to be going to the show up in dover this wednesday would you?

if not I think the directions I take go right through Haverhill, that is where you are based right?
[Aug 28,2006 8:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
i don't think i will be going there, but i do live in haverhill, and will meet you whenever.
[Aug 28,2006 8:30pm - Cecchini ""]
i know a certain dude from dreaded silence is going to be very stoked to be playing this show.
[Aug 28,2006 8:50pm - infoterror ""]

[Aug 28,2006 9:42pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Ok well I have the whole week off.
So when is the best day, hours, city for you?
[Aug 29,2006 10:02pm - dreadkill ""]
Cecchini said:i know a certain dude from dreaded silence is going to be very stoked to be playing this show.

you got that right :spineyes:
[Aug 29,2006 10:11pm - dyingmuse ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:Ok well I have the whole week off.
So when is the best day, hours, city for you?

well, any night week between 4:00 and 9:00 and whatever city works for you! call me when you are in the area, or just let me know whatever works

and thanks again!
[Aug 30,2006 8:10pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Alright, so how about either tomorrow, or friday, or even saturday. Friday would be the best if you could do that but tomorrow is good too if you'd rather do that.
[Aug 31,2006 12:14am - dyingmuse ""]
friday or tomorrow is fine! call me whenever is good for ya!

[Aug 31,2006 7:14am - DJ Death  ""]
I will speak for paulocaust,,,,,Bernie, you stole all the nose candy. You greedy jew.
[Aug 31,2006 10:20am - DreamingInExile ""]
bumpitty bump bump

buy tix from either us or DS!
[Aug 31,2006 4:38pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Ok what is a good location in the city you live? You guys are based in haverill right? is there any good landmark that I could print directions out and we could meet there tomorrow (friday) I'll collect everyone's money tonight and double check to see who is going, I know of three for sure as of now.
[Aug 31,2006 4:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
Sure, do you know where the jam rooms are(rivers edge)? that's very cool of you to come to Htown! \m/ \m/

any certain time you where thinking? I'm outta work at 330 takes an hour to get home, so i should be home round 4 or 430 ish.

[Aug 31,2006 5:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
the Jam Rooms are on Rt 97, right across from the Haffner's station.

get directions here: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=14+Stevens+S...+MA+01830&ie=UTF8&z=15&om=1&iwloc=A
[Aug 31,2006 6:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
yayee! good directions beotch! are we playing tonight?

[Sep 1,2006 3:54pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Ok, I have directions to that place, it will take me 40 minutes to get there according to my directions, which means probably only 30. I will call you when I get there. I will most likely be buying three tickets. I have a beige toyota coralla. I should be leaving in 40 minutes, and it will take about 30, I'll call you when I am in the city. If I am not there and it is getting late here is my cell

[Sep 2,2006 8:04pm - dyingmuse ""]

[Sep 5,2006 12:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
bump on this bitch!
[Sep 6,2006 11:41pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 7,2006 12:59pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
Dan can I crash at your place after the show? anyone else need a ride up from SE mass? just that fall river pal of yours , i have 2 more seats but we'll be crashing at your place. maybe literally with my truck
[Sep 7,2006 2:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha, sure man, no prob with me! there will be a pretty sweet party at my friends afterwards.
[Sep 8,2006 4:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 8,2006 5:51pm - DreamingInExile ""]
bump, and Dan I need to get tix from you so I can start hitting up the fools in my office.
[Sep 8,2006 6:51pm - Troll ""]
this looks good
[Sep 8,2006 6:54pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
if you are a fan of katatonia and live in New England it would'nt be wise to miss this show

plus how could you say no to a lineup like that?
[Sep 8,2006 6:56pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
btw how much are the tix?
[Sep 8,2006 7:53pm - sinistas ""]
they're $20.
[Sep 9,2006 7:49am - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 9,2006 9:45am - DreamingInExile ""]
dan, you're up early
[Sep 9,2006 11:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
still up!
[Sep 11,2006 11:55am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Yo sorry I couldn't get back to you last friday, but this friday or saturday will be definite, because before none of my friends wanted to drive down with me for the tickets, but this weekend my girlfriend gets back so I iwll be able to have a co-pilot to drive down there. I will of course call you and such before I go down there, and probably leave you another message here the day before. I will most likely be getting 3 for sure, and maybe a few more if people stop being bitches to their jobs.
[Sep 11,2006 5:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol, ok man, that's sweet!
yeah, tell em to not be bitches!

[Sep 11,2006 5:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
new flyer that my woman made!

[Sep 11,2006 6:43pm - allahthat ""]
it was bobby trendy
[Sep 11,2006 9:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
allahthat said:it was bobby trendy

that word does not fit in this thread, go bother some metalcore kids with that one there chizel chest
[Sep 11,2006 10:14pm - CNV  ""]
I will get a ticket off you soon

I just hope Katatonia does some old songs too

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