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Katatonia show

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Oct 18,2006 4:17pm - poop ""]
bump for bumping, dan i emailed you about the 2 tickets i bought for myself and my_dying_bride , ill grab them from you on saturday
thanks man
[Oct 18,2006 8:33pm - dreadkill ""]
hey dan, do you know anything about band order and set lengths for this? bernie hasn't gotten back to me.
[Oct 18,2006 11:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
We met up for more tickets on tuesday, He said that he would email all the bands tomorrow with set times and shit.

Only thing I know is load in is like 2:00 ...kinda sucks
[Oct 19,2006 8:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
dyingmuse said:Another bump for my penis!

You should get some topical cream for that.
[Oct 19,2006 9:28am - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha, yeah, it comes and goes.
[Oct 19,2006 6:10pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
make sure you got xl t's dan!
[Oct 20,2006 9:12am - dyingmuse ""]
indeed we do!
and XL Hoodies too!
They came in yesterday and look sweet!
[Oct 20,2006 9:18am - sinistas ""]
hey dan, can you drop me an IM? sinistas1.
[Oct 20,2006 11:54am - dyingmuse ""]
you aren't there, I just tried to im ya
[Oct 21,2006 2:17am - dyingmuse ""]
bump for a few short hours of sleep then Katatonia
[Oct 21,2006 9:36am - anonymous  ""]
Bump for tonight!
[Oct 21,2006 12:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
SICK LIFE!!!!!!!!!

Tonight mo fo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I freaking love Daylight Dies!
[Oct 21,2006 12:45pm - dyingmuse ""]

who's going tonight?
[Oct 21,2006 5:13pm - Ryan_M ""]
I have to work at 5 in the morning tomorrow but I'll be there.

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