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Myspace over Facebook

[Aug 7,2012 10:47am - Lamp nli  ""]
I don't keep contact with everyone I've ever known either. I delete people on a pretty regular basis, reject friend requests sometimes, and am very lazy about adding people. I only friend people I think might give a shit about me or have some quality that I may give a shit about, so my list is smaller than that of a lot of people and I prefer it that way.
[Aug 7,2012 10:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
rttp's forum is a social networking site. its just more centered around something alot of us have in common (metal/humor). facebook isnt that much different but its all inclusive. i've found that there are equal parts positive and negative interaction for both, depending on how and where you focus your efforts when utilizing each site.
[Aug 7,2012 10:48am - CurlyRed ""]
Everyone has narcissistic characteristics in one form or another. I changed my cover photo to a scene from the big lebowski and I enjoyed exchanging witty movie quotes with a friend.
[Aug 7,2012 10:51am - Lamp nli  ""]
As for a potential argument about there being tons of tools on social networking... so what. Honestly, I'd rather have an enemy than another stranger, because knowing what I don't like helps me learn just as much about who I am as what I do like.
[Aug 7,2012 10:51am - Yeti ""]
nope, gay as fuck, you're all narcissists.
[Aug 7,2012 10:52am - arilliusbm ""]

keep a real journal.
[Aug 7,2012 10:52am - CurlyRed ""]
tru dat...I will forever be posting LOLcat photos and other garbage
[Aug 7,2012 10:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:nope, gay as fuck, you're all narcissists.

[Aug 7,2012 11:00am - Lamp nli  ""]
The search for self is very important in finding out what you have to offer the world, I honestly don't really believe you can reach your true potential as a human being without being somewhat narcissistic.
[Aug 7,2012 11:35am - posbleak ""]
Everyone is a narcissist...especially the people who like to remind us that they are better and more special for NOT doing something
[Aug 7,2012 11:42am - arilliusbm ""]
I could easily turn this thread into Philsophy 101 but it's pointless.
What I will say is EVERYONE is more annoying on fb than in real life. That includes myself and everyone else posting.
Why do you think I deleted Cher and Alx Casket? Annoying on facebook.
[Aug 7,2012 11:53am - diskothek ""]
The only useful part of Facebook is the Events managing for parties and shit.
[Aug 7,2012 11:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they should make "Facebook Lite" or something so you can just use the parts of it that are helpful (ie. events, band promotion, etc.) and sift out the bullshit like newsfeeds and status updates. I would pay a monthly fee for that.
[Aug 7,2012 12:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:Annoying on facebook.

Okay Mr. "Old News." If anyone finds my shit annoying, feel free to delete me and set me on ignore on here.

For the record, you re-added me a few days later, whined to me when I didn't accept right away, then when I did you deactivated a few days later. Been using zircon stones for suppositories lately?
[Aug 7,2012 12:03pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I've never had Alx Casket on Facebook but if he's even half as annoying on there as he is on this board, I wouldn't last more than a day or two either
[Aug 7,2012 12:05pm - Alx_Casket ""]
lol nice try aril
[Aug 7,2012 12:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lol @ a few days when it was over a month. You and.cher both tried adding me right away. I "re-added" you because made a "truce" via text message. You make a screenshot of it, why?
I can't believe you think people don't find you creepy or annoying. ASK ANYONE.
I don't read your feed.
[Aug 7,2012 12:12pm - Alx_Casket ""]
The only thing creepy is your logged-in lies. Log out and post anonymously to tell me how you really feel. I'm used to your cowardice at this point.
[Aug 7,2012 12:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
^ also, it's reasons like this shit above why social networking can suck. People complaining about adding or readding or deleting other people. Does it matter that much?
I like my friends real, not e-friends.
[Aug 7,2012 12:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
You really think I'm Lamp nli? Sorry dude. I'm not a pussy. I'm logged in:



[Aug 7,2012 12:18pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I only posted when you started talking shit about me. I'll see you at your next show, "real fake aril."
[Aug 7,2012 12:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
<insert shit talk about alx here>
[Aug 7,2012 12:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 7,2012 12:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
continually bitching about something is now considered just as (if not more so) annoying as the subject you were initially complaing about.

Hereby naming this the "Hipster Effect"

[Aug 7,2012 12:28pm - Lamp ""]
Alex, that post really was me, I've been posting on my phone from a Greyhound bus.

Thanks for making me log in and not recognizing my typing style. Totally sick, bro.
[Aug 7,2012 12:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
I don't understand how being honest constitutes as bullying.

FIMs, by that definition we are all hipsters.
[Aug 7,2012 12:29pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 7,2012 12:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:I don't understand how being honest constitutes as bullying.

FIMs, by that definition we are all hipsters.

maybe we are jim... maybe we are..
[Aug 7,2012 12:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
We are all human beings. Except Dwyer.
[Aug 7,2012 12:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Dwyer is all that ever was.. and all that shall ever be.
[Aug 7,2012 12:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've travelled to many dimensions and many times, and still found a celestial Dwyer. The big bang of this universe was actually the amps of his band being too loud on their 2nd multiversal tour.
[Aug 7,2012 12:39pm - arktourOs ""]
[Aug 7,2012 2:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Aug 7,2012 2:09pm - not slag  ""]

arilliusbm said:
CurlyRed said:I don't mind texting actually, I am just not a fan of talking on the phone


Lies. You're a natural Charlie Chatterbox on the phone.
[Aug 7,2012 2:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 7,2012 2:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
I had 34 minutes of phone time all of last month.
1500+ texts.
[Aug 7,2012 2:31pm - not slag  ""]
Here is what I think- and in before HYPOCRITE, i've been just as guilty of this in the past. Lately, I prefer face to face or telephone conversations for anything that requires discussion.

Men shouldn't be text messaging much - conversations and the like have no place via the blank and emotionless realm of text. For confirming and/or making plans or following up on something, surely text is fine. I, personally, love to hear peoples voices. I like to hear the tone in ones voice, the emotion, real laughter. I don't understand why people are afraid to real talk.

In a way, social media, text messaging etc. is turning us into less social creatures and less manly men. It disconnects us from actual human interaction. It feeds us the chemical rewards from the social "validation" (likes, messages, friend requests, pokes or whatever the fuck it is now) without the actual human interaction. You cannot form a strong bond with any human through a computer screen or a phone keyboard. Share a beer with me, talk to me over a fresh hunt, look me in the fucking eyes and talk to me. Don't send me facebook message if you want to talk about something.

This also leads people to not having any idea how to talk to strangers anymore. A man cannot approach a woman he does not know without fear of rejection. Awkward silences are now worse than nuclear war.
[Aug 7,2012 2:35pm - Mark_R ""]
Every text convo I have involves at least one interlude of "was that serious or sarcastic? I can't tell".
[Aug 7,2012 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Real conversations > anything else.
[Aug 7,2012 2:41pm - posbleak ""]
Texting is great when you have bad hearing and work in a datacenter with tons of white noise

Hanging out in person > everything
[Aug 7,2012 2:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
90% of my texts from last months were to Ross about Age of Wonders. El Oh el.
[Aug 7,2012 2:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 7,2012 2:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 7,2012 2:49pm - not slag  ""]
You know who I miss? David Myatt.
[Aug 7,2012 2:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

posbleak said:Hanging out in person > everything

this and more this
[Aug 7,2012 2:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can't hang out with rttp people IRL. too IMMATURE.
[Aug 7,2012 2:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

not%20slag said:You know who I miss? David Myatt.


[Aug 7,2012 3:22pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Aug 7,2012 3:31pm - Yeti ""]

not%20slag said:Here is what I think- and in before HYPOCRITE, i've been just as guilty of this in the past. Lately, I prefer face to face or telephone conversations for anything that requires discussion.

Men shouldn't be text messaging much - conversations and the like have no place via the blank and emotionless realm of text. For confirming and/or making plans or following up on something, surely text is fine. I, personally, love to hear peoples voices. I like to hear the tone in ones voice, the emotion, real laughter. I don't understand why people are afraid to real talk.

In a way, social media, text messaging etc. is turning us into less social creatures and less manly men. It disconnects us from actual human interaction. It feeds us the chemical rewards from the social "validation" (likes, messages, friend requests, pokes or whatever the fuck it is now) without the actual human interaction. You cannot form a strong bond with any human through a computer screen or a phone keyboard. Share a beer with me, talk to me over a fresh hunt, look me in the fucking eyes and talk to me. Don't send me facebook message if you want to talk about something.

This also leads people to not having any idea how to talk to strangers anymore. A man cannot approach a woman he does not know without fear of rejection. Awkward silences are now worse than nuclear war.

you basically answered your own question about why people are afraid of real talk. they are afraid because they are afraid of people finding out they aren't who they say they are. you can be anyone you want behind FB, and those guilty of it know exactly who they really are inside. they believe that if enough people "like" something then they are "likeable". how many times have you been in a situation where it was a group of people, most of which just sit on their phones and don't interact with anyone, but will then go and post on FB about how much fun they had? or a couple who feel the need to broadcast what they are doing at obnoxious volumes because they think everyone cares, simply because their FB posts get "likes"? the lack of social interaction means demons are not being faced. combine that with the demise of punching-someone-in-the-face-for-being-a-douche and you have a volatile mix of fragile egos and inflated senses of self-worth.

granted RTTP is a form of social networking, but comparing a message forum about dicks and abortions to the exposé of ones entire life solely to feed the ego is not a valid argument. FB is making me hate social gatherings because it makes otherwise mundane and boring people feel like they are awesome for no reason. just because you were born does not mean you are anything.
[Aug 7,2012 3:33pm - GhastlyHedgehog  ""]
wait what about nikki?

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