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Myspace over Facebook

[Aug 7,2012 3:33pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:RELATED:


this is a prime example of what i'm talking about. oh you don't have FB for people to "like" your boring bullshit life? oh you must be a psychopath.
[Aug 7,2012 3:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
not everyone interacts the same way on FB either. granted many people do post inane worthless crap, and are very narcisstic, but its pretty inaccurate to make such a huge generalization that everyone acts the same way just because they participate on the same networking forum. how is being judgemental any better than being narcissistic?
[Aug 7,2012 3:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:
arilliusbm said:RELATED:


this is a prime example of what i'm talking about. oh you don't have FB for people to "like" your boring bullshit life? oh you must be a psychopath.

THIS is fucked up.
[Aug 7,2012 3:42pm - arktouros ""]
[Aug 7,2012 3:45pm - Yeti ""]
i like passing judgment about FB because it always gets frequent users' drawers in a bind.
[Aug 7,2012 3:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 7,2012 3:50pm - not slag  ""]
[Aug 7,2012 3:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
not trying to defend facebook or the use there of. merely arguing that there is another side of the matter outside of broad generalizations. if that consitutues drawers being in a bind then so be it.
[Aug 7,2012 4:10pm - yummy ""]
Never had a facebook account. I used to have a myspace. I think it might actually still exist. And it was used mostly for talking to bands and anything music related. So, I'd be hard pressed to say it's useless (obsolete at this point, yes) and as goes for FB.
I enjoy real conversations with real people in real life. I know you can have similar versions online but not quite as authentic. When someone tells you to your face that your band sucks or your opinion on something is way off-based you actually learn something and sharpen your own angle. When I'm online I don't even consider taking it personally because it's not personal.
[Aug 7,2012 4:12pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]

yummy said:Never had a facebook account. I used to have a myspace. I think it might actually still exist. And it was used mostly for talking to bands and anything music related. So, I'd be hard pressed to say it's useless (obsolete at this point, yes) and as goes for FB.
I enjoy real conversations with real people in real life. I know you can have similar versions online but not quite as authentic. When someone tells you to your face that your band sucks or your opinion on something is way off-based you actually learn something and sharpen your own angle. When I'm online I don't even consider taking it personally because it's not personal.

You're so chill.
[Aug 7,2012 4:13pm - yummy ""]
I think it's impossible to not sound conceited
[Aug 7,2012 4:16pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]

yummy said:
I enjoy real conversations with real people in real life. I know you can have similar versions online but not quite as authentic.

*tips pink teacup, pours tea.
You are so genuine, good sir!

[Aug 7,2012 4:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
People are the fucking worst.
[Aug 7,2012 4:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
And how!

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