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Sept. 11 + 12 - FANCY FEST '09!!! @ Jerky's - Providence RI

[show listing]  ________________________________________________
[Sep 14,2009 5:42pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind ""]

Pires said:Way to edit faggot after everyone points out your mistake.

Matt, weedeater tonight?

still up in the air. i'm lame.
[Sep 14,2009 5:48pm - Pires ""]
Yup. Wicked lame. Just go. Weedeater is fucking and sweet and elder is great too. I'm outta work at 8 and flying up there. See you there. Don't be lame.
[Sep 14,2009 5:54pm - Murph MAST  ""]

Pires said:Yup. Wicked lame. Just go. Weedeater is fucking and sweet and elder is great too. I'm outta work at 8 and flying up there. See you there. Don't be lame.

what time does the show start?

i get out at 10 and will probably swing by as220 for a drink and to catch what's left.
[Sep 14,2009 5:58pm - cav nli  ""]

Pires said:Yup. Wicked lame. Just go. Weedeater is fucking and sweet and elder is great too. I'm outta work at 8 and flying up there. See you there. Don't be lame.

who be fuckin? i wanna fuck?!
[Sep 14,2009 6:02pm - Pires ""]

Murph%20MAST said:
Pires said:Yup. Wicked lame. Just go. Weedeater is fucking and sweet and elder is great too. I'm outta work at 8 and flying up there. See you there. Don't be lame.

what time does the show start?

i get out at 10 and will probably swing by as220 for a drink and to catch what's left.

show "starts" at 9. 3 bands. Weedeater will prob hit the stage at 1130. I'll keep you
informed throughout the nights festivities.
[Sep 14,2009 6:06pm - Pires ""]

cav%20nli said:
Pires said:Yup. Wicked lame. Just go. Weedeater is fucking and sweet and elder is great too. I'm outta work at 8 and flying up there. See you there. Don't be lame.

who be fuckin? i wanna fuck?!

I'm always down for fucking. No homo. Cav come on out too. Eff the pats game.
[Sep 14,2009 6:23pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind ""]
i like how this thread changed from a fancy fest thread to a weedeater thread just like that.
[Sep 14,2009 6:24pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind ""]
... and god damn it i can't be out till 1 in the morning. i gotta work tomorrow. fuck.
[Sep 14,2009 6:36pm - Pires ""]
How old are you 60???? DO IT U WONT. And welcome to rttp. We hijack threads nigga.
[Sep 14,2009 6:48pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind ""]

Pires said:How old are you 60???? DO IT U WONT. And welcome to rttp. We hijack threads nigga.

i may as well be... i have a career, still livin' the dream playin' bass in a rock band, have dogs, live with my girlfriend, get depressed on monday mornings, can't perform in bed... i have a pention. who has a pention? only old fucks like me with nothing to live for except death somewhere in the state of florida.
[Sep 14,2009 6:50pm - Pires ""]
Way to embed, failure. And I have a STATE pension as well as retiree health insurance. So come the fuck out. Old man.
[Sep 14,2009 6:50pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind ""]

[Sep 14,2009 6:52pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind ""]

Pires said:Way to embed, failure. And I have a STATE pension as well as retiree health insurance. So come the fuck out. Old man.

i fixed it old man
[Sep 14,2009 6:52pm - Pires ""]

matt_sways_in_the_wind said:

that dude is my hero. You, my friend, are not. He'd be at weedeater. Because he's living the dream.

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