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i got jungle fever.

[Aug 25,2004 10:18pm - Hooker ""]
I've only hooked up with one black girl.
[Aug 25,2004 10:22pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i haven't hooked up with any!

how was it?
[Aug 25,2004 10:24pm - succubus ""]
i drove one home from the middle east

[Aug 25,2004 10:27pm - Kalopsia ""]
succubus said:i drove one home from the middle east


um....................................... ok
[Aug 25,2004 10:31pm - dirteecrayon ""]

i owe you a drink for driving me home in one piece

[Aug 25,2004 10:35pm - dirteecrayon ""]
armageddonday said:What the fuck is PV anyway?

phantom vaginas is a phantom limb cover band.
[Aug 25,2004 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]
and they are all girls.
I see that joke took off like a rocket.
[Aug 25,2004 10:37pm - succubus ""]

[Aug 25,2004 10:39pm - succubus ""]
~lady czerach
[Aug 25,2004 10:42pm - lady_czerach ""]
[Aug 26,2004 9:19am - dirteecrayon ""]
why is interracial dating/liking called jungle fever?
[Aug 26,2004 9:22am - succubus ""]
haven't you seen the movie

[Aug 26,2004 9:25am - dirteecrayon ""]
the spike lee movie?

i wasn't allowed at the time b/c it was R rated and my eyes were extremely virgin at the time!

i think i should rent the movie!!!
[Aug 26,2004 9:34am - the_reverend ""]
not all interracial dating is called jungle fever.
jungle fever is a term coined from whites wanting to run off with blacks who (as we all know) live in the jungle. even to this day, the term is very poinant since blacks now live in urban jungles.
[Aug 26,2004 9:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There is a black family on my street now, but they are okay. It's more the white trash at the top of the street that bugs me.

[Aug 26,2004 9:37am - the_reverend ""]
I'm from NH so i've only seen blacks at the zoo.
[Aug 26,2004 9:37am - the_reverend ""]
and by that I mean the Stoneham zoo when I went there as a kid.
cause it's in mass.
[Aug 26,2004 9:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Phil, formerly of NotCommon, lives in Stoneham, if anyone ever comes in contact with him tell him to give me the rest of the Disengaged and Kevorkian's Angels cds before I place a court order.
[Aug 26,2004 9:39am - dirteecrayon ""]
korpse-l- said:i don't beleive in mixing races. that's just my view. i give it maybe 20 years before the whole world is one big mixed bag of crap. there will be no more pure race. i'm proud of my race, so i will stick with my race.

"i'm proud of my race so i will stick with my race"? what type of propagandistic crap is that??? Are you aware that there is no such thing as a pure race? Sure you can bang every chick on the planet that looks like you, has the same skin color as you but how do you know she's the same race as you. Years from now, race will be obsolete! Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and preferences but it's pretty archaic and dumb to have the balls to to whine about not having a pure race. Fuck race. Embrace culture. Embrace heritage. Like someone for who they are and not for the color of their skin. Step outside of the box, being openminded is key!
[Aug 26,2004 9:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There is such a thing as pure race, I don't think that being proud makes you racist.
[Aug 26,2004 9:45am - dirteecrayon ""]
the_reverend said: even to this day, the term is very poinant since blacks now live in urban jungles.

This was maybe five or six years ago but I was on the #23 bus that goes through Roxbury and there was this extremely drunk white dude on a predominatly black bus. Actually he was the only white person on the bus. He goes up to this black guy and asks him "hey do you know why the trees are so close together in roxbury"?
the black guy said no.
the drunk white dude says transportation.

[Aug 26,2004 9:45am - subjugate shn  ""]
i say if she smells good eat her

the end! :bow:
[Aug 26,2004 9:47am - the_reverend ""]
I disagree, I think race will "always be there", but it will get more and more limited to small inbred clans of nationalists. Look at avian populations where they couple off due to feather patterns. but then there are pigeons that don't care and hump regardless of patterns only coupling due to compatibility.

my personal beliefs are that I don't care about someone's race. as long as you are compatible, that's all that matters. age, race, religion, language, citizenship, that's all bs that can temporarily "get in the way", but like Neo if they are the one, they are the one.
[Aug 26,2004 9:48am - dirteecrayon ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:There is such a thing as pure race, I don't think that being proud makes you racist.

and tell me joe, what race is pure?

nowhere in my diatribe did i mention racisim. plus i think it's awesome that someone is proud of their heritage but saying that the world is going to be a mixed bag of crap doesn't cut it.
[Aug 26,2004 9:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am pure celtic, which is an aryan race, for example.
[Aug 26,2004 9:52am - dirteecrayon ""]
it's clearly been documented throughout history that someone from some other race ends up fucking and screwing up the racial purity.

[Aug 26,2004 9:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
For certain families maybe, but only other aryan races, on a large scale, have mixed with other aryan races.
Italians are the most impure race, on these standards.
[Aug 26,2004 9:55am - the_reverend ""]
celtics.. man.. they haven't be fucked by anyone..
not the french, english, vikings, byzantines.. no one.</historical sarcasm>
[Aug 26,2004 10:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The french, the english and the vikings are all aryans. I said that.
And they were never intermingled with the current french, who are more of a german descent. The current Irish were the original french, Gaul.
Those are all Aryan people though, as well as northern Spanish, Austrian, and Belgium.
[Aug 26,2004 10:38am - Josh_hates_you ""]
my booty call in the jungle got all political and shit.
[Aug 26,2004 10:55am - succubus ""]
yeah josh it did

the_reverend<3 because he's my one

[Aug 26,2004 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
the only time I get close to asians is when carina's "turning japanese"
[Aug 26,2004 11:00am - succubus ""]
damn you....
[Aug 26,2004 11:19am - Josh_hates_you ""]
did i mention chocolate sushi?
[Sep 15,2004 12:16pm - Phil, formerly of NotCommon  ""]
Phil, formerly of NotCommon, lives in Stoneham, if anyone ever comes in contact with him tell him to give me the rest of the Disengaged and Kevorkian's Angels cds before I place a court order.

Wow a court order, ya didnt think of just calling my home, especilly when there was a message on my old cell number telling people to do so. Listen pal all I know is that I spiked my cell phone because I had a shit service didnt hear anything from you but one message on easter about wanting me to get down to a show to give you money I already told you I wouldnt have about a release that I had no say in and a few weeks later my name is off the site and your looking for a place to make T shirts, thats fine I have no hard feelings except for that I dumped a lot of money into your label got nothing back needed the money from the first runs of shirts of (which I dumped like 700 bucks into once all was said and done) to make more shirts, all I got was told to make more. Look I have no problem with you or anyone your probebly gonna send to beat my ass. When it was apparent I was cut out I stopped bothering with Notcommon and this scene. Im not trying to screw you I moved I dont have a computer or a vehicle big enough to transport them anymore and to be honest I havnt even thought about the CDs there in my parents basement collecting dust If you want em you where they are.
[Sep 15,2004 12:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
A black chick asked me out at the train station like a week ago.
[Sep 15,2004 12:36pm - dirteecrayon ""]
[Sep 15,2004 12:38pm - dirteecrayon ""]
black chicks never ask me out!!!!

[Sep 15,2004 12:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I guess you don't have da flava flave!
[Sep 15,2004 12:42pm - dirteecrayon ""]

i guess not.

i'm so lame!!!

please teach me your skills wise one
[Sep 15,2004 12:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
First you gatta learn how to shake that butt. Go to that Wargasm show. Ill teach you there.

Second you gatta learn howda tawk like dem. Nahh mean? psst nigga plaeze You too white. Blap blap!!! and so forth.

Third I have no idea of what i'm talking about.
[Sep 15,2004 12:48pm - dirteecrayon ""]

you going to teach me how to back that thang up???


oh i mean word yo!

[Sep 15,2004 12:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]
You are learning quickly muh brutha.
[Sep 15,2004 12:52pm - Christraper ""]
Aw shit yallz!
[Sep 15,2004 2:28pm - JayTUS ""]
Race doesn't bother me. I am actually attracted to women of all races and colors.

As for me, I am Portugese and French from my Dad's side and English and Irish from my Mom's. I understand how McManus is Irish, Maheux is French, Holt is English, but how the hell is Joseph Portugese???
[Sep 15,2004 2:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
i got jungle rot fever.
[Sep 16,2004 9:57am - dirteecrayon ""]
you should get that checked out
[Sep 16,2004 10:29am - ExHuMeD4DeAtH ""]
im not rascist but i am SO unattracted to black girls. the black vagina is one of the nasiest things i have ever seen
[Sep 16,2004 11:10am - dirteecrayon ""]
ExHuMeD4DeAtH said:im not rascist but i am SO unattracted to black girls. the black vagina is one of the nasiest things i have ever seen

[Sep 16,2004 11:16am - dirteecrayon ""]
the uncircumsized white cock is the nastiest thing i ever seen!!!!!!

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