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The Argument Thread

[Feb 23,2006 7:42pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 23,2006 7:44pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
"here, smoke this </////////////>~ .......it's mandatory"
[Feb 23,2006 7:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I need the spoo for this. not really. What ever.

There is no god......................
[Feb 23,2006 7:46pm - brian_dc ""]
Bill said some good stuff.

I'm just trying to move fights out of legit threads...it ruins the point of some good ideas and junk.
[Feb 23,2006 7:47pm - jrb2971 ""]
can I barge in here with my promo help offer? hehe!
[Feb 23,2006 7:51pm - brian_dc ""]
no! this is for fights only! gotta stay consistent
[Feb 23,2006 8:13pm - pam nli  ""]
brian_dc said:Bill said some good stuff.

I'm just trying to move fights out of legit threads...it ruins the point of some good ideas and junk.

Never going to happen, on any message board, ever. You're fighting a lost cause, arguments are part of discussion, it happens, don't let it ruin your internet experience. ;)
[Feb 23,2006 8:15pm - KeithMutiny ""]

[Feb 23,2006 8:16pm - pam nli  ""]
I was just going to come on here and pick a fight with Keith but he had to go and say something I agree with. Damn. Where's Sean when you need him? ;)
[Feb 23,2006 8:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hahaha. ill work on it.
[Feb 23,2006 8:18pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
hahahahaha, it really is...except for Venom and Celtic Frost
[Feb 23,2006 8:20pm - pam nli  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:hahahahaha, it really is...except for Venom and Celtic Frost

Hell yeah. :NEWHORNS:
[Feb 23,2006 8:21pm - KeithMutiny ""]


pot arrests should carry a life sentence, without trial, to be issued by the president of the united states, without the presence of checks and balances.


ugh, im tired.
[Feb 23,2006 8:22pm - pam nli  ""]

there we go!
[Feb 23,2006 8:23pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
uh huh...wanker....what kind of Regan wet dream is that? eh? eh?
[Feb 23,2006 8:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No arguments here.

Pam, Jeremy, Keith, Sean (and I'm sure many others) don't like me and that makes me happy.

I would be worried that I was doing something wrong if they did like me, my life is Utopia.
[Feb 23,2006 8:27pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
smoke this <///////////////>~~~...and listen to Mono's new album, which happens to be fucking amazing...all mixed by Steve Albini...sick
[Feb 23,2006 8:28pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well, just because i think your a jackass sometimes and such, doesnt mean I dont particularly like you, but whatever floats your boat.
[Feb 23,2006 8:29pm - DJ Death  ""]
Kill jews
[Feb 23,2006 9:24pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
kill whitey
[Feb 23,2006 9:27pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck you all. fuck mono and especially fuck albini. I hope one of you gets hatefucked by him. it would be over in seconds as his years of anal retentive sound recording gushes out of him into you dirty asshole from his tiny prick. he might actually scream out the lyrics for an entire rapeman song before he's done.
[Feb 23,2006 9:29pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
hahahahaha, Rev all trying to start shit...nice try, but I'm too baked!
[Feb 23,2006 9:30pm - he who rapes the bearded one nli  ""]
Nile sucks.
[Feb 23,2006 9:36pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:No arguments here.

Pam, Jeremy, Keith, Sean (and I'm sure many others) don't like me and that makes me happy.

I would be worried that I was doing something wrong if they did like me, my life is Utopia.

JD, it's hard for me to hate or dislike anyone.. I can't help being a nice guy.. but when you're a dick... well it doesn't make it easy to put up with your antics. I have been kind to you at shows and so forth. I just can't hold myself back from retaliating to your non constructive replies on here. Go figure?
[Feb 23,2006 9:38pm - the_reverend ""]
can we all just agree that we hate rustedangel?
come on, I know you do.
[Feb 23,2006 9:49pm - hungtabreed  ""]
Torture innocent muslims. Place sanctions on their country's governments so the starving starve more and the poor get poorer. Forget about 'why' our oil is under their soil and just move Halliburton in to get the job carried out efficiently.
[Feb 23,2006 10:05pm - brian_dc ""]
pam nli said:brian_dc said:Bill said some good stuff.

I'm just trying to move fights out of legit threads...it ruins the point of some good ideas and junk.

Never going to happen, on any message board, ever. You're fighting a lost cause, arguments are part of discussion, it happens, don't let it ruin your internet experience. ;)

I'm not gonna fight it...starting one thread is the most effort I'm going to put into this.

Someone fucked up the side of my car at my apartment's parking lot....I am fucking rip shit right now.
[Feb 23,2006 10:54pm - jesus ""]
i hate jews
[Feb 23,2006 11:09pm - jewsus  ""]
i hate jesus then again heyzeus hehe were'nt you a jew ?
[Feb 23,2006 11:48pm - ratt_mowe ""]
you know what? fuck all of you!
[Feb 23,2006 11:54pm - brian_dc ""]
you know, he's got a point
[Feb 23,2006 11:57pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you will all die of aids
[Feb 24,2006 1:28am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Black metal is not gay
[Feb 24,2006 3:12am - PatMeebles ""]
Nuh uhhhhh
[Feb 24,2006 5:46am - davefromthegrave ""]
this isn't the argument thread
[Feb 24,2006 6:02am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pam nli said:Where's Sean when you need him? ;)

i was at work, so go suck a lemon.

AUTOPSY_666 said:Pam, Jeremy, Keith, Sean (and I'm sure many others) don't like me and that makes me happy.

I would be worried that I was doing something wrong if they did like me

fuck you dwyer, i love you man

ratt_mowe said:you know what? fuck all of you!

i love you, matt rowe

the_reverend said:can we all just agree that we hate rustedangel?

i know i do, i mean try talking sports with the kid for two seconds and he's ready to fight you over it. pfft yankees and redsox fans go figure.

one day i hope someone hits him with a pie while he's playing gtr though.
[Feb 24,2006 7:44am - BlackoutRick ""]
KeithMutiny said:BLACK METAL IS GAY!!!


I agree. Go see Blackout Frenzy!!! That should start some shit!!
[Feb 24,2006 9:54am - dwellingsickness ""]
Dwyer and Jeremy should just kiss and make up

Sports is gay

Vegetarians should eat some meat and stop bitching,Seriously,has anyone ever started a thread just cause they eat meat?,Yet there have been like at least 5 vegetarian threads started. And as far as Vegetarian buffalo chicken nuggets,That is fuckin disgusting

Nile does suck,nowadays anyway

Throwing Shrapnel rules...If you don't like them,FUCK YOU

I can't tell RA and his girlfriend apart,I think they need to spend a little less time together,They are starting to look the same

Black Metal is fucking gay,Except for Hekseri.
[Feb 24,2006 10:01am - KeithMutiny ""]
todd... now hes a good man.
[Feb 24,2006 2:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
its true, he'll bring you a frosty and make fun of you for eating cookies
[Feb 24,2006 3:05pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:can we all just agree that we hate rustedangel?
come on, I know you do.

Hating on Tom is so last year, Rev. Get with the times.
[Feb 24,2006 3:40pm - anunymous  ""]
Hate on this:

1. God is real, but SHE'S a WOMAN

2. Listening to Emperor causes cancer

3. Myspace gives you AIDS

4. Nihilism SUCKS!
[Feb 24,2006 3:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
what are you talking about Pam??? hating on Tom has been a New England tradition for the past 5 years, the flame can never die, he's a bigger scumbag than Dwyer!
[Feb 24,2006 3:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BornSoVile said:what are you talking about Pam??? hating on Tom has been a New England tradition for the past 5 years, the flame can never die, he's a bigger scumbag than Dwyer!

yup and itll be pretty sweet picture when he gets that pie in the face :krusty:
[Feb 24,2006 3:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Metal is for sissies. And all that long hair makes you look like an ugly, old drag queen... dude.
[Feb 24,2006 4:07pm - pam ""]
I like Tom, he is the cat's pajamas. He and his girl do look alike though, they'd be beautiful lesbians.
[Feb 24,2006 4:14pm - fishcakes ""]
he duz have the coolest vidio on his myspace profile though~
[Feb 25,2006 12:56pm - dwellingsickness ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:its true, he'll bring you a frosty and make fun of you for eating cookies

yum...frosties and chocolate chip cookies...good times good times
[Feb 25,2006 5:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dwellingsickness said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:its true, he'll bring you a frosty and make fun of you for eating cookies

yum...frosties and chocolate chip cookies...good times good times

damn right if we ever get invited to play NH again, well bring it back old school
[Feb 25,2006 5:37pm - Hoser ""]
Josh Martin sucks other dudes dicks.

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