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another reason to hate smokers

[Sep 19,2006 8:28am - pam ""]
americaninfidel said:Beaver McD said:Friends, let me tell you about another bunch of hate mongers that were just following orders: they were called Nazis, and they practically wiped a nation of people from the Earth...just like cigarettes are doing now!

Cancer Merchant, Cancer Merchant, Cancer Merchant

What exactly does a person willingly smoking ciggerettes have to do with Nazi's murdering 12 million people in death camps? Was that a serious comment or extreme sarcasm that didn't make any sense?

Swing and a miss.
[Sep 19,2006 8:39am - the_reverend ""]
pam, find me one of those people who is not a smoker and we'll talk. I feel you shall find it a fools errand.
[Sep 19,2006 8:46am - Lamp ""]
I went to get food at a gas station in a blizzard once(because there was none in my house at all) and there were people buying scratch tickets and cigarettes. Don't people have anything better to do during a blizzard? Like try not to die on the roads for no good reason?
[Sep 19,2006 8:55am - xmikex ""]
"YA gimmie 20 paaahks ah MAHHHHHHHBUHROWS n' a CAHHHHHHTIN uh Vuhginya Slim Menthols and $50 back fer some scratch tickets......Wuttyu mean I ain't got e'nough........alright alright put back da eggs, milk, bread, fruits, and vegetables...ya I don wanem."
*3 of her 4 kids old enough to realize what's going on start crying*
"But mommy we won't have any food to eat AGAIN!"
"EYY SHADDUP YOUS! Take back them lunchables, If I can't eat lunch neithers can yous! And no mo' Flintstones Vitamins, dey makin you kids ungrateful"
[Sep 19,2006 8:57am - pam ""]
Those people ALWAYS end with a pack of cigarettes, Rev. Always.
[Sep 19,2006 9:06am - xmikex ""]
Lamp said:I went to get food at a gas station in a blizzard once(because there was none in my house at all) and there were people buying scratch tickets and cigarettes. Don't people have anything better to do during a blizzard? Like try not to die on the roads for no good reason?

The only way to lose money quicker than scratch tickets is to literally flush it down the toilet. And what if the blizzard freezes the pipes? No toilet. So naturally people go into survival mode and dash to the stores to hand their money over to scratch ticket vendors.

If you spend $30 on scratch tickets and win $7 that's a loss of $23. Not a gain of seven. But don't even tell that to someone while they're scratching their 3rd $10 ticket... it's bad luck.
[Sep 19,2006 9:33am - americaninfidel  ""]
How about copenhagen, does dipping offend everyone here. All that spitting is so unsanitary. How about eating meat, those poor animals... that probley offends someone too... why dont we stop eating meat... oh but cant stop there, the Vegans are offended by your kids drinking milk... better stop that too... we wouldnt want to do anything that not everyone approves of
[Sep 19,2006 11:40am - kinslayer  ""]
how about hating them because they always go out on the deck, leave the door open and now my fucking CAT IS MISSING!

I want to cry...
I'm plastering flyers all over my neighborhood on my lunch break.
[Sep 19,2006 3:36pm - yummy  ""]
Infidel, you do bring up a good point. Someone said they knew someone that didn't smoke ever but were married to someone that did and they died of cancer. Well, I knew someone who didn't smoke or hang out at smoky bars and they died of cancer. So...maybe it's in the food or just in the atmosphere. So we're trying to control something that has no control. Smoke em up! if ya want.
[Sep 19,2006 3:37pm - dwellingsickness ""]
kinslayer said:how about hating them because they always go out on the deck, leave the door open and now my fucking CAT IS MISSING!

I want to cry...
I'm plastering flyers all over my neighborhood on my lunch break.

Now that's metal:NEWHORNS:
[Sep 19,2006 3:49pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I know. Crying over a lost cat is grim AND frostbitten.
[Sep 19,2006 3:52pm - pam ""]
kinslayer said:how about hating them because they always go out on the deck, leave the door open and now my fucking CAT IS MISSING!

I want to cry...
I'm plastering flyers all over my neighborhood on my lunch break.

That fucking sucks. I did cry when that same thing happened to my last cat. I hope you have better luck finding yours than I did with mine.
[Oct 23,2006 2:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I don't mind smokers so long as they don't throw a pussy little bitch fit when I ask them to open a door and trudge through five feet of grueling hardwood floor to get outside of my house.


YES, GODDAMMIT. Now get out. :point:

the_reverend said:ok, then I guess the smell of their cigarrettes magically moves through their ceiling into my basement. and then magically moves like ether into my place. as we all know, air with an ashtray smell to it couldn't possibly fit through cracks/particle board and move it's way through carpeting. it's like when you go to a show where people can smoke inside. as long as you wear a shirt, sweater, or scarf over your cloths, the cloths underneath don't touch the smoke and then stay spring time fresh! but watch out if someone spills water on your cause you will get stink all the way through. Owww look at me, I'm making people Happy! I'm the magical man, from Happy Land, who lives in a gumdrop house on Lolly Pop Lane!!!!...... By the way I was being sarcastic...

Aaron's house:

[Oct 23,2006 2:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
kinslayer said:how about hating them because they always go out on the deck, leave the door open and now my fucking CAT IS MISSING!

I want to cry...
I'm plastering flyers all over my neighborhood on my lunch break.

If worse comes to worse, I've still got two extra that I've got to get rid of.


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