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Massachusetts venue needed for DEVOURMENT show on Saturday August 16th.

[show listing]  ____________________________________________________
[Jun 17,2008 4:16pm - Jimmy Justice aka revenge  ""]
Hey guys, Mike from Devourment asked me to book a MA date for them on Saturday August 16th. He has his heart set on playing IN Boston, however, I told him that getting a show in Boston, especially for metal is nearly impossible. Allston area would probably be closest....

However, after several attempts at trying to book this on my own and coming up empty handed, I need some help.

I don't want the venue to be in NH. Only MA...and as close to the Boston area as I can. I will accept the North Shore area, and lastly South shore area as a last resort.

Can any of you guys help me find a venue for this?

I have a few bands I plan on asking to play this show...so I'm pretty much all set with bands...just need help with the venue.

Again, your help and expertise is appreciated. Thanks.
[Jun 17,2008 4:17pm - Jimmy Justice aka revenge  ""]
BTW, my e-mail is jamesetraynor@yahoo.com

[Jun 17,2008 4:20pm - mOe ""]
christ, someone help him out
[Jun 17,2008 4:21pm - aril  ""]
south shore over north shore!
[Jun 17,2008 4:34pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
do it where Defeated Sanity played. the sound was nice.
[Jun 17,2008 4:36pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
jimmy you are forgetting vital information.

THEY WANT AN ALL AGES VENUE. that is the crux of this whole thing...
and I was under the impression Josh (BSV) was booking this.
[Jun 17,2008 4:40pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
good times emporium. they aren't shut down yet
[Jun 17,2008 4:43pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
all ages? fuck that.
[Jun 17,2008 4:43pm - Corpus NLI  ""]
thats what i said 'dino.
[Jun 17,2008 4:44pm - c.DeaD  ""]
"Saturday "

"IN Boston"


Good fucking luck. Even Allston, Cambridge, or Somerville (all practically Boston) would be ridiculously hard to do.
[Jun 17,2008 4:50pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i mean... i want a Porsche GT3 with a blow job machine in my driveway... that isnt so much to ask for right? its probably more probable than getting an all ages venue in boston on saturday that will allow heavy music.
[Jun 17,2008 4:53pm - joeycobra ""]
Jim call me...maybe have a place right outside of Boston
[Jun 17,2008 4:54pm - aril  ""]
brockton might have a few places. problem is, you might need to put boobie traps around the joint and have sentry guns because brockton is the land of crime nowadays.
[Jun 17,2008 4:56pm - archaeon ""]
isn't the middle east sometimes all ages?
[Jun 17,2008 5:00pm - AfterWorldObliteration ""]
Shitcakes. Devourment.
[Jun 17,2008 5:11pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

aril said:brockton might have a few places. problem is, you might need to put boobie traps around the joint and have sentry guns because brockton is the land of crime nowadays.

NOWADAYS?! where have you been the past millenium?
[Jun 17,2008 5:13pm - aril  ""]
near brockton. and it's getting worse and worse and worse.
[Jun 17,2008 5:16pm - aril  ""]
dude, I used to work in Brockton. Our work truck got cut off and a bunch of black dudes came out of the car with baseball bats and chains because they thought we owed them dope money.
the guy at owed them it wasn't working that day.
[Jun 17,2008 5:17pm - Joshtruction ""]
Make it happen bro!
[Jun 17,2008 5:28pm - DomesticTerror ""]
holy shitballs. how about pvd? devourment at club hell would be one of the greatest shows ever.
[Jun 17,2008 5:31pm - fishcakes ""]
if all fails, try club hell it's not mass. but people will drive to see this, I know I would
[Jun 17,2008 5:42pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Yeah I don't know why they're being so particular; no matter where the show is, just as long as there's basic promotion, it will be fucking packed.
[Jun 17,2008 6:00pm - mortalis ""]
maybe cambridge elks lodge?
[Jun 17,2008 6:05pm - Grizloch ""]
basement show?
[Jun 17,2008 6:16pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
Jewski told me this is 90% done and that Malig is on this as well.
[Jun 17,2008 6:23pm - anthny  ""]
Allston is part of Boston. It's in Boston. You must all be from the suburbs or something because you have no idea what you're taking about.
[Jun 17,2008 6:28pm - W3 nli  ""]
metal kids from the burbs, that could never happen in reality.
[Jun 17,2008 6:29pm - RichHorror ""]
haha no shit
[Jun 17,2008 6:34pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Jun 17,2008 6:35pm - RichHorror ""]
If they had a brain the south shore would be their first choice, since that's where the majority of Devourment's MA fanbase lives.
[Jun 17,2008 6:53pm - Jimmy Revenge  ""]
Great scotts is a no go...they were my first choice.

Anyone have a contact number for O'briens? 18+ is probably the best we can do if I don't book it at a VFW
[Jun 17,2008 6:53pm - archaeon ""]
O'briens is way to small for this show and 21+.

[Jun 17,2008 6:54pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
O'b's just doesnt make sense. you cant fit 6 people and rich horror in there at the same time.
[Jun 17,2008 6:55pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
what are palladium prices upstairs (obv)....?
[Jun 17,2008 6:56pm - DomesticTerror ""]
yeah, club hell would be the best possible venue. it's a no brainer.
[Jun 17,2008 6:56pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'd say booking a hall is the best bet for this. It sucks paying to rent it, but look at this show...goddamn...you'd easily be able to at least break even after all is said and done.
[Jun 17,2008 6:57pm - fleshfries ""]
If you guys do find a venue, shoot for 18+ instead of 21+...I NEED to see Devourment.
[Jun 17,2008 6:57pm - Jimmy Revenge  ""]
Mike specifically asked me not to book it in providence or else I would.
[Jun 17,2008 7:14pm - DomesticTerror ""]
that sucks. have you tried the middle east yet? is ralph's still around?
[Jun 17,2008 7:14pm - fishcakes ""]
I will ask the new wave in mass. but I don't think the 18+ will float.
[Jun 17,2008 7:21pm - archaeon ""]
I'm pretty sure devourment will sell out all the venue names being thrown out there. THINK OF ME, ALL AGES.
[Jun 17,2008 7:28pm - Pires ""]
why would you not want to play Providence? Club Hell will be great for this show. Tell them to stop being stupid, and pull up their panties and go to fucking RI. This show would be much better at Hell than half of the other venues being thrown around.
[Jun 17,2008 7:29pm - MetalThursday ""]

DomesticTerror said:that sucks. have you tried the middle east yet? is ralph's still around?

Ralph's is 21+
[Jun 17,2008 7:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, if you're gonna go for a club in Boston Middle East, Church and Great Scott are the only ones worth looking into. A hall would be best for this, though.
[Jun 17,2008 7:41pm - Jimmy Revenge  ""]
I never would have guessed that the hardest part about booking a Devourment show in Mass would be finding the venue.
[Jun 17,2008 7:42pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
well considering the major stipulation its not: ALL AGES.
[Jun 17,2008 7:42pm - Jimmy Revenge  ""]
I have the perfect VFW in mind for this...I'm calling them tomorrow morning. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

This show is happening regardless....even if I have to go to jail over it. It will happen.
[Jun 17,2008 7:43pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

fingers crossed...
[Jun 17,2008 7:47pm - Jimmy Revenge  ""]
I'm gonna try as hard as I can to keep this all ages.

I remember being 16 and how much it sucked to have to miss shows that were this important.

I'm looking out for everyone here.
[Jun 17,2008 7:49pm - Joshtruction ""]

Jimmy%20Revenge said:I'm gonna try as hard as I can to keep this all ages.

I remember being 16 and how much it sucked to have to miss shows that were this important.

I'm looking out for everyone here.

Much respect for that!

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