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Do you have any controversial views?

[Oct 4,2013 11:11am - i_am_lazy  ""]

blue said:Painkiller isn't even close to being in the top 10 best Priest albums.

...them's fighting words.
[Oct 4,2013 11:19am - Angry diarrhea  ""]
My farts smell good. Everyone else's farts smell bad.
[Oct 4,2013 11:50am - grandmotherweb ""]
kombucha is delicious
[Oct 4,2013 12:30pm - herbal quintessences  ""]
quintessence is straight
[Oct 4,2013 5:17pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
Anal sex is overrated.
[Oct 4,2013 8:45pm - demondave ""]

Black Metal was the kick in the ass that stopped Death Metal from sucking.

[Oct 4,2013 10:19pm - James Doyle poon casket  ""]

true_quintessence said:Grindcore fucking sucks and so do its fan.

[Oct 5,2013 7:02am - Goatrider ""]
That last Mayhem album with Attila is good.
Fugazi blows and indie rock already sucked before everyone liked it.
Jersey Shore guido chicks are hot.
Gangsta rap is amusing and therefore better than "intelligent hip hop" bullshit.
Pelicans are fucking scary.

[Oct 5,2013 7:03am - Goatrider ""]

Spence said:
Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:I like Cold Lake

Not going to lie, i'll completely own up to agreeing with this.

It's something I next to NEVER listen to, but it's still no where nearly as bad as people say.

[Oct 5,2013 12:39pm - grandmotherweb ""]
fire and boobs go well with metal
[Oct 5,2013 1:27pm - eye-gore ""]
Black Sabbath is overrated and NOT metal.
[Oct 5,2013 2:44pm - Hell Broke Luce  ""]
Black Sabbath's Forbidden is a good album.

Isis sucked.

[Oct 5,2013 4:39pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Spandex is not gay.
[Oct 5,2013 4:49pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
skinny girls, esp with a "thigh gap" are gross.
[Oct 5,2013 5:50pm - dreadkill ""]
Bigger girls are so much sexier than skinny girls. If a girl's body resembles a 12 year old boy's, I'm not interested.
[Oct 5,2013 6:04pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
Maryland Death Fest has been a shit fest since Birdflesh stopped playing it

King Diamond is a horrible singer

Neurosis are boring

Isis is boring

Black Metal is really boring
[Oct 7,2013 5:38am - conservationist ""]
Pelicans ARE scary, come to think about it.

Here's mine:

ANAL SEX is exciting to most people only because it's taboo, much like drugs and Libertarianism.
[Oct 7,2013 9:28am - deathcrouton  ""]
hey Conservationist, what is a good intro to Evola? need something to read on the plane. thanks.
[Oct 7,2013 9:45am - Counterpoint with Chris Matthews  ""]
My only controversial view is that all humans share an inherent decency, warmth and spark of life. While that's not very scientific, I can observe it every day. We all bleed red, we all love our children, and we each have different personalities and insights. I can't ever say we have souls, because we are clearly finite and when we are dead there is nothing, not even the awareness of nothingess. But my radical idea is that each person is inherently valid and deserves the same respect as given to any other, without consideration of their choices. This is why the creators of this country declared us all equal. "All men are created equal," they wrote, although in our more enlightened times today we'd type, "All men, women, transgendered people and high-intelligence animals are evolved equal."
[Oct 7,2013 1:30pm - shitcunt  ""]

true_quintessence said:Black Metal fucking sucks and so do its fans.

Slayer used to be excellent, but everything after Divine Intervention is just OK

[Oct 7,2013 1:48pm - Chuck Schuldiner NLI  ""]
Did Chuck die of AIDS?
[Oct 7,2013 1:52pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Duncan owes me $18.
[Oct 7,2013 2:33pm - MELVIRA  ""]

grandmotherweb said:fire and claiming immunity to criticism because boobs go well with metal
[Oct 7,2013 2:57pm - largefreakatzero ""]
All music is stupid and a complete waste of time.
[Oct 7,2013 3:47pm - Goatrider ""]

deathcrouton said:hey Conservationist, what is a good intro to Evola? need something to read on the plane. thanks.

He's the expert here, but just FYI the usual recommendation is Ride The Tiger or Revolt Against The Modern World.


- The 2011 Conan remake was pretty good and much closer to the stories.
- GWAR rules.
- Even the first few Death albums were nothing compared to Autopsy.
[Oct 7,2013 3:47pm - autisticretard ""]
autism and aspergers caused by vaccine!!!
[Oct 7,2013 4:29pm - Rttp Financial Advisor  ""]
The current governement shut down will never be permanently resolved even with an agreement that allows for the raise to the debt ceiling. The US will default on its loans and Americans will go be subject to the consequences of a step by step implosion that is immenent. We are but frogs in a slow boil.

[Oct 7,2013 5:13pm - Yeti ""]

Counterpoint%20with%20Chris%20Matthews said:My only controversial view is that all humans share an inherent decency, warmth and spark of life. While that's not very scientific, I can observe it every day. We all bleed red, we all love our children, and we each have different personalities and insights. I can't ever say we have souls, because we are clearly finite and when we are dead there is nothing, not even the awareness of nothingess. But my radical idea is that each person is inherently valid and deserves the same respect as given to any other, without consideration of their choices. This is why the creators of this country declared us all equal. "All men are created equal," they wrote, although in our more enlightened times today we'd type, "All men, women, transgendered people and high-intelligence animals are evolved equal."

except it's not inherent. children have to be taught decency. without guidance they are selfish, controlling, cold-blooded little turds. we are born with only our own interests in mind, we have to be taught to share. humans are inherently neutral if anything, but far more inclined to drive another to suicide than help them.
[Oct 7,2013 6:34pm - King Thùnderstøòl  ""]
[Oct 7,2013 9:30pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

Yeti said:

except it's not inherent. children have to be taught decency. without guidance they are selfish, controlling, cold-blooded little turds. we are born with only our own interests in mind, we have to be taught to share. humans are inherently neutral if anything, but far more inclined to drive another to suicide than help them.

This is so fucking true. My son, if we hadn't been pounding it into his head, that being nice and sharing is how to behave, would be biting and tearing other kids to pieces. Kids an animal. All kids ARE animals
[Oct 8,2013 7:53am - Burnsy ""]

Counterpoint%20with%20Chris%20Matthews said:This is why the creators of this country declared us all equal. "All men are created equal," they wrote, although in our more enlightened times today we'd type, "All men, women, transgendered people and high-intelligence animals are evolved equal."

lol. We all may be created equal but that doesn't mean we remain equal. Some people are lazy, leeching, bottom-feeding fucking scum and nothing will ever change that. LET THEM ROT!!!
[Oct 8,2013 8:45pm - conservationist ""]

deathcrouton said:hey Conservationist, what is a good intro to Evola? need something to read on the plane. thanks.

I would go for either Men Among the Ruins or The Doctrine of Awakening.

[Oct 10,2013 4:52pm - hungtableeeed  ""]
sandy hook was an inside job
bush knocked down the towers
bin laden is a myth
the see i a runs guns and drugs
obama isn't a natural born citizen
the wealthy world bankers run the world.
[Oct 10,2013 7:41pm - Burnsy ""]
Ac/dc sucks.
[Oct 10,2013 8:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Burnsy said:Ac/dc sucks.

So true. Horrifically boring band.
[Oct 11,2013 8:14am - Mess ""]
I have plenty of them... most pricks on this site know some of what they are. the rest, i'll keep to myself. kill yourself.
[Oct 11,2013 11:32am - shitcunt  ""]

hungtableeeed said:sandy hook was an inside job
bush knocked down the towers
bin laden is a myth
the see i a runs guns and drugs
obama isn't a natural born citizen
the wealthy world bankers run the world.

Troll or conspiracy theorist?
Just curious.
[Oct 11,2013 11:40am - shitcunt  ""]

largefreakatzero said:
Burnsy said:Ac/dc sucks.

So true. Horrifically boring band.

I don't they're boring at all. The problem is, every album with Scott Johnson is pretty much the same. I have a mix of my favorites. But everything outside of the Bon Scott era recordings and the 10-15 songs they did with Johnson that do stand out is just the same thing over and over and over. None of it's bad, it's just nothing new (sort of like cannibal Corpse after "Gallery of Suicide")
[Oct 11,2013 11:43am - shitcunt  ""]
*dont think they're boring
[Oct 11,2013 12:45pm - hardcore is gay  ""]
who the fuck is scott johnson, faggot?
[Oct 11,2013 2:42pm - shitcunt  ""]
Hm, maybe i just think Bon Scott era is so much better than Brian Johnson era, that I typed Scott Johnson, when anyone would figure out that I obviously meant Brian Johnson.
[Oct 11,2013 2:43pm - shitcunt  ""]
I am scatterbrained. But not a faggot.
[Oct 11,2013 2:47pm - shutup fagget  ""]

shitcunt said:I am scatterbrained. But not a faggot.

shutup fagget
[Oct 11,2013 2:49pm - all local bands are shit!!!  ""]
Basically all the local bands in the scene suck donkey balls up here.
[Oct 11,2013 2:54pm - all local opinions are shit!!!  ""]

all%20local%20bands%20are%20shit!!! said:Basically all the controversial views in the scene suck donkey balls up here.
[Oct 11,2013 3:20pm - RTTP Devil's Advocate  ""]
Scott Wily is everyones favorite poster on this board.
[Oct 11,2013 4:04pm - King Thùnderstøòl  ""]

RTTP%20Devil‘s%20Advocate said:Scott Wily is everyones favorite poster on this board.


[Oct 11,2013 4:29pm - RTTP correction wizard  ""]

King%20Thùnderstøòl said:
RTTP%20Devil‘s%20Advocate said:Scott Wily is the reason why no one uses this board anymore.



[Oct 12,2013 6:36am - thirdknuckle ""]

Hell%20Broke%20Luce said:Black Sabbath's Forbidden is a good album.

now hold on just a second...
[Oct 12,2013 1:25pm - Dana Duffey Was Right  ""]
Not really. I think everything is going just fine actually.

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